Combo Draw OPP - Line check
1/2 Weekday afternoon
H - 30ish white guy has about 350 should have a tight solid image
V - 30ish white guy, played with him before, tight, pretty straightforward, is risk averse, borders on nittish
Two HH of note - In a previous session H flopped a straight on a J107 board after he made a late position open, V x, H bet, V raised, H rr (to a terrible large sizing imo) and V tank folded J10 face up. Don't know if V remembers H from this hand
Earlier today there was an open a few callers, flop is like 763hhh, a 2/3 size bet, and a call, V tanks and tanks and tanks, shakes his head and folds, no other hearts come, someone wins with two pair and after the hand someone asked what he tanked with and he said he folded 45cc and was afraid of getting another heart to come...?
V covers and is the button
H is effective stack at 350 and is in the BB
One limp to V who opens to 6 on the button (this is at least a pair maybe 77+, and KQs+), H is in the BB and looks down at QJhh, wanted to 3b due to the small open but did't because I was OPP, if I was IP this is a slam dunk 3bet?
Limper calls
H elects to c with the intention of xr, but all x through - thoughts on this line of thinking?
Turn (18ish)
H bets out 20, fold, V raises to 60, alarm bells start going off, H thinks V must have a super strong hand most likely KK, but figure I can get most of it I hit my draws and calls - thoughts?
River (120ish)
H obviously x - not super concerned with river but more concerned with other streets specifically pf and flop
10 Replies
I do think 3b pre, with the plan to play aggresively on most boards vs this V
AP no point in leading flop with another player here
Fold turn. You are not getting direct odds and you do not have implied odds vs a player who over folds when the flush comes
OOP vs a guy thats so nitty he folds flopped straights to one bet, yea flatting pre is fine.
Flop check, looking to XR is good.
Turn lead is fine. You probably can actually fold vs the raise due to how nitty this guy is since his most likely holding is actually QT, so he has one of your straight outs and he wont pay if you hit the flush.
PRE - I'm pathological about not seeing a flop in a raked game. So, when V opens kind of small over a limper, and I look down at QJs, hell yeah, I'm 3B'ing, probably big, to at least $25, if not $30. If we have to see a flop, I want the pot to be bigger, I'd prefer it heads-up, and I want the betting lead.
FLOP - As the PFR, and assuming the limper folded and V on BTN called, I'd be c-betting this flop for at least 1/3 pot, probably 1/2 pot.
As played, I'd probably just donk out for 1/3 pot when it's multi-way. We're looking to build a pot, and there's not a lot of fold equity when we donk from OOP and a multi-way. I'd rather donk for 1/3 pot and call a raise than check-raise, and get put in the blender if V comes over the top with a 3B.
TURN - If we had bet flop, I'd be barreling 2/3 pot or more when we pick up a pair to go with our flush draw, especially when the straight comes in. Gonna be hard for V to rep QT exactly when he raised pre, but we could have QT here a lot.
As played, I'm not folding yet. I'll occasionally come back over the top with a 3B, if I'm sure V is going to over-fold TP hands like AK. We can have KJ, J9, 44, 99, JJ, and QT here. If we 3B, KK is going to be in the blender.
Calling is the lower variance play, obviously, but I wouldn't assume V is going to pay off if we make our hand, the way this was played. V's line is indicative of a better draw, or a value hand that wants to protect against a draw.
RIVER - If we 3B pre, c-bet flop 1/2 pot, and bet 2/3 pot on turn, I'd mostly be checking river with our missed flush draw. V could have some bluffs, so we might check-call a small bet, but I'd mostly be check-folding to a big bet now, because V's range on the river is going to be really strong, when he calls the whole way.
As played, and based on your hand histories, when V checks back on the flop but raises turn, I'd be giving him a lot of KJ and QT, but you block both those hands, making me wonder if he has JJ, or possibly AQs / ATs that got a little spicy with a combo draw on the turn, but missed everything.
If we give him a full house, straight, or ace-high as a range, I think I might block bet small here, like $40, with a plan to fold to a raise.
if your game no flop no drop? if so, 3 bet pre
i dont see what betting turn accomplishes just c/c. no worse hands call and no better hands fold. if you c/c turn river is an easy c/f as the check/bet/bet line is nutted on these boards vs. a PFR villain.
as played easy river c/f
I would be more inclined to 3bet in a no flop no drop environment.
My room rakes preflop which ive complained about so much.
The veteran dealers will often just not rake it pre to help us regs but theres a lot of new dealers that follow all the house rules.
Check turn, we’re not accomplishing much by betting and we catch bluffs and worse value when we check. And if we’re behind we don’t force in too much.
Results -
H x, V quickly x behind and won with AhAd
I'd mostly 3bet pf but calling is fine too.
I wouldn't CR this flop vs a tighter player.
I would look to check call the turn.
Interesting that he checked back flop IP against two opponents. I guess he had the right combo of suits to do it, blocking the FD and BD flush draws, but he's losing value against KX and 9X, and taking a chance that some draws will get there. You and the other opponent could easily have QT on the flop.
Also interesting that he raised turn. Not sure what that was meant to accomplish. QT gets there. KJ, K9 and some other KX combos like KQdd or KTdd aren't going to fold, and he's not folding out too many good draws, probably just some T8s that you might not even bet from up front.
I wonder if he would have called a turn 3B. Most 1/2 players would have a hard time folding AA there, but if this V is risk-averse, a 3B bluff might get through pretty often.
He made a good check-back on the river. Not much he can beat if he bets and you call, or raise. You could have a lot of KX or QT. Even though he might have folded to a large bet, it's hard to turn QJ into a bluff here, so if you were planning to check-fold, you made a good check.
I would check call turn. 2nd pair isnt strong enough to stab, but hitting it means theres no reason to semi bluff.
As played call turn