4 preflop situations. How would you play?
8-handed $10/20 5% rake capped $20
1. UTG+1 limp, UTG+2 limp, tight BTN (60bb) raise $120, you on SB w/ KQs
2. You got KJo UTG
3. UTG+1 limp, UTG+2 limp, MP limp, you on CO w/ QJo
4. UTG+2 limp, MP limp, nit CO raise $100, you on SB w/ AJs
5 Replies
You aren't going to get good responses to this question, imo as 1) it's way too many hands in one post and 2) there's a ton of info missing, like effective stack sizes, table reads, etc.
Generally though:
1) Fold
2) Fold
3) Raise or overlimp could both be fine here depending on the above
4) Fold unless stacks are deep enough and CO is likely to pay off a bunch when you hit better than TP.
1. How tight is the button? He'd have to be super tight for me to not want to play KQs, but I dont want to get jammed on so just call most likely, again depending on how tight he is, bc this can definitely be a fold too.
2. Easy fold
3. Limp if no aggressive players behind or fold if there are
4. Call if we think the limpers will come along and they are fishy, fold if not.
Hand 1: Tight button with short stack raises to only 6BB over limpers? Unless he is bad he has a big hand and wants some money in the pot before he shoves. No reason to play him OOP with KQs, I just fold.
Hand 2: Fold.
Hand 3: Depending on situation raise, call or fold could all be OK. This is really situational because the chance that somebody after hero will squeeze just because people limped varies from often to never.
Hand 4: Trivial fold unless really deep.
1. 3-bet for value/call it off if he 4-bets.
2. Fold.
3. Over-limp or fold
4. 3-bet for value.
Fold everything except hand 1. 3bet.