TPTK Facing a Flop Reraise
V (covers) is a handsome forty-year-old who stared at me because he wants to either read my soul, get me in bed, or both. He pays attention to all the hands. Over four orbits, he at first seemed confident. One hand he bet the flop, checked back the turn, and called the river with bottom two-pair. With TPGK, he also rightly called a river bluff. But then he open-limped with 46s, called a raise, and rivered a flush. He called some other hands and folded postflop.
Hero (525) should have a TAG image after advice from the pros on 2+2.
Button straddles 10. Blinds fold. Hero in UTG with AcKs raises to 30. V calls. Button calls. 3-way.
Flop (98 after rake): AhTd8d
Hero bets 55. V raises to 125. Hero?
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