Limp KK UTG, everyone calls to the SB who aides to 21 Big Blinds?
Blinds $1-$2. Game is $2-$100 spread-limit. This is literally my first hand at the table so my stack is $300 exactly.
I see KcKd UTG 9-handed and limp in for $2. 5 other guys call. The Small Blind—who covers me—raises it up…to $42! BB folds.
Anyone like a call here and pray for a 7-high flop? Or is this pure raise to $142?
The reason you raise to $15 (not 10 lmao this is low stakes) is because otherwise sometimes it limps thru, and because l/rr isnt as valuable as you think cuz it turns your hand face up AND anyone with 2 brain cells to run together (very few lowstakes players) should be AGGRESSIVELY 3 betting your EP raises once you l/rr cuz theyd realize your preflop raising range is capped.
To be clear, I don’t limp-RR my monsters from EP 100%. I don’t even do it usually. I’m looking for very specific table dynamics. This one—tossing in a call *as I’m still taking my chips off the rack!—and with a super aggressive reg* to my immediate right—was just too perfect.
(One thing where I AM exploitable, though, is the inverse: literally 100% of the time I *do* open-limp—in any position, but only EP for these purposes—I’m doing it because I have a monster and want to limp-reraise.)
* He was NOT the one who made it $42. The guy who made it $42 was new to me.
Utg limp first hand is good, especially if you’re still settling down by unracking your chips and in the phone logging the session.
This guy isn’t folding, just make it 142 for easy stack off.
RESULTS: So my thought was that there are two reasons why players of this type make these stupidly large preflop raises with JJ/TT hands:
1) they hate playing post-flop, and
2) they want to KNOW whether they’re beat preflop, so they make it such a huge size that the only way someone can 3-bet them is if they have AA/KK.
And obviously number 2 is relevant here, because—especially with this stupid sizing and especially with my limping UTG—if I make it $142 even Simple Simon is gonna know what I have. This dude is making it $42 so he’ll have an easy fold to anyone who raises him! (Now, granted, I haven’t been quite ballsy enough to test this by reraising EVERYONE who does the stupid “I have pocket jacks and am scared” preflop overbet open—even when I have rags—but I have been tempted!)
So yeah. I decided the way to make money on this hand was to just call, pray for an 832 flop, and have him stack off drawing to 2 outs.
So I called. And…..another guy in MP called too. Ok! He started the hand with two $100 bills, which he had because he’d just gotten stacked as I was showing up, and I don’t know what he had, but the guy raking in the $400 pot had QQ and the flop was J72.
So we see a flop 3 ways:
FLOP: Js6s3d (pot: $125, 3-handed). A ****ing Jack. Why did it have to be (a) Jacks.
And the Small Blind leads for $66. I call—I have to call down now, maybe it’s Queens, maybe it’s Tens?—and…the MP Guy calls too?
Turn: Js7s3d 9c (pot: $330, 3-ways).
Small Blind checks thank God, I bet $100, they both fold.
Small Blind shows me pocket Tens. “Just one off!” Blissfully unaware that if the flop had instead come 9-high he’d have given me $300!!!
Do some math on how often the flop comes 9-high and not connected. Hint: not often.
Trying to remember seeing someone raise huge pre with JJ and fold to a 3B. Seems like the stupid huge raise with JJ is meant to fold out unpaired over-cards, not induce a 3B so JJ can comfortably fold.
What does raising to 21bb accomplish that raising to 10-12bb won't, other than broadcasting that we just want everyone to fold?
Is AK not 3B'ing over this raise size? What about QQ? What if we click it back with KK? Is JJ folding?
Flatting rather than raising seems like it's making life easy for JJ.
RESULTS: So my thought was that there are two reasons why players of this type make these stupidly large preflop raises with JJ/TT hands:
1) they hate playing post-flop, and
2) they want to KNOW whether they’re beat preflop, so they make it such a huge size that the only way someone can 3-bet them is if they have AA/KK.
And obviously number 2 is relevant here, because—especially with this stupid sizing and especially with my limping UTG—if I make it $142 even Simple Simon is gonna know what I have.
First time i see someone get mad at a J63 flop with KK, just 3bet pre next time , your overcomplicating things
I think this hand was well played if nonstandard. The limp 3-bet may work enough at 1/2, but it would be so face up here.