"The Pen:" Live NLHE Chat Thread
It's been about 9.5 years and 350K posts of epicness, but "It Lives, It Lives" can live no more. The OG LLSNL Chat Thre
its funny I saw something a few days ago where ohtani had been working on his swing and it was almost where he wanted it.
OK Fellaz. A long term gamboolin pal o mine, with whom I have worked on a few highly lucrative projects, asked me to do some recruiting. He has been at this a while and has it dicked. They are taking advantages of bonuses and an array of other +ev stuff. It is worth to you ball park 11k. If I know you and you are interested shoot me a pm. If I dont know you I will not respond
Thanks 4 the interest. I will respond to pms this evening/this weekend
thanks for the interest fellaz. I have responded to pm's. If you have questions/want to talk over the phone with me to discuss anything just hit me back via pm and let me know.
tripple zoltan bitchiz
Hello Marknfw. Your status as a mod, poasting right here in the pen, and join date give you street cred yo! So much so that Ill give you a pass on your avatar. and respond to yer pm if u want
Squid-not to start a cacophony of these-but where do I fall on the legit scale? (I have references, APD and Garick count?)
Squid-not to start a cacophony of these-but where do I fall on the legit scale? (I have references, APD and Garick count?)
Hey IATPH - I frequently get pms from complete randos wanting free coaching, staking, and other zany requests. I put that in there to discourage those types from emailing me. I have seen your posts and with your refs I am more than happy to give you the info. I imagine most of you guys have not been involved with organized +ev team play. A good bit of trust is necessary from both sides and there has to be some kind of vetting
I ask everyone to please be patient I will be in touch with all of the info. There is currently a backlog of new guys coming on board and they need to be sorted. I thought that the schedule was clear and we could get right into action.
Thanks again for for your interest and patience.
Good to hear good sir-
Definitely interested in this type of of play, and happy to wait-probably should have reached out privately, appreciate the response, look forward to knowing more
So I have been running horrendously at cash for the past 3 months, so at the suggestion of my best friend I decided to give MTTs a try. Cash can't go any worse, so why not?
Every day I've been firing like 15-18 MTTs, ranging from $11 to $325. Still pretty new at this, as I've played MTTs before but never as a full-time grind.
1 week in I've made 4 final tables but the big score was the $325 today. I think I'm pretty good at donkaments.
SABR, I won $3 playing LLSNL last month.
Grats on the donkament score. Sorry to hear about the cashament runbad.
just be careful bud. the road to busto is littered by people that had some early mtt success
LOL speak of the devil...
I went 1 for 16 ITM today and pretty much ran as badly as possible. LOL donkaments.
At one point today I lost with AA 4 times in a row, within a span of about 10 minutes. All of them were either AIPF, or 3-bet pot with very small SPR.
The 5th time I got AA I started to laugh, saying ok how will I lose this one? Sure enough, someone flopped a set on me, but this time river was an A.
I guess 4 is the limit.
SPC did a writeup of the montana odyssey for bikepacking.com
The bigsky spectaculare had time bonuses for eating various local pies and taking pix of missile silos. She crossed the finish line 2nd but after bonuses and penalties for skipping sections she ended up the winnar
Speaking of endurance, my stepdaughter's boyfriend's sister recently finished the Pacific Crest Trail, which is a hike from Mexico to Canada thru California / Oregon / Washington. Think it took them like 4 months (6 months?) to complete, all in a single go.
Congrats Spectacular Pedaling Champ!
Great writing and photos, thanks for sharing squid. Congratulations and much admiration to SPC!
Also congrats to gg's acquaintance, that's quite a feat.
Nerd joke courtesy of the StarTalk podcast:
What is Benoit B. Mandlebrot's middle name?
Why, Benoit B. Mandlebrot, of course.
Walking around the neighborhood just now, felt a sharp pain on the bottom of my right big toe. Took off my sandal to see if I could figure it out, and a bee wandered out.
No idea why or how it got in-between the bottom of my foot and the top of the sandal. Fortunately only about 3 blocks from home, so was able to get back and get some ice on it. We'll see how it goes this afternoon I guess.
Nerd joke courtesy of the StarTalk podcast:
What is Benoit B. Mandlebrot's middle name?
Why, Benoit B. Mandlebrot, of course.
Walking around the neighborhood just now, felt a sharp pain on the bottom of my right big toe. Took off my sandal to see if I could figure it out, and a bee wandered out.
No idea why or how it got in-between the bottom of my foot and the top of the sandal. Fortunately only about 3 blocks from home, so was able to get back and get some ice on it. We'll see how it goes this
Similar thing (but way worse) happened to my friend’s dad who is a pharmacist. He worked all morning in his store with a stick or small stone or something in the toe of his work shoe. At lunch he decided to take the shoe off to clear it out and the second he started pulling his foot out, he felt what he described as a red hot drill bit getting injected into his big toe. Sure enough, out ran a funnel web spider that had clearly been squashed in there without any leverage all morning and finally managed to get him.
Not a great end to the story as funnel webs are not to be ****ed with and scare me way more than snakes. He was in hospital for quite a few days on a drip and permanently lost all movement and feeling in his toe
USA # 1 doesn’t have near the spider firepower of tomorrowland… but I did manage to get hit by a brown recluse in my sock last year.
No pain, but it dissolves/kills tissue. Nasty looking mark - basically a couple inch hole of dead tissue on my ankle. Did heal with a bit of a scar.