"The Pen:" Live NLHE Chat Thread

"The Pen:" Live NLHE Chat Thread

It's been about 9.5 years and 350K posts of epicness, but "It Lives, It Lives" can live no more. The OG LLSNL Chat Thre

) 16 Views 16
29 November 2019 at 06:28 PM

4534 Replies


Aren't you retired yet?

Very sorry to hear about kitty. Thanks for giving her a good run.

We test-drove a kitten this week, but our cats were having none of it. Next time, we'll try fostering so we have more time to see if they'll get used to the idea.

yeah i always assumed zoltan was long past working age

by rickroll k

yeah i always assumed zoltan was long past working age

Emotionally he’ll always be a 4yr old girl

by rickroll k

yeah i always assumed zoltan was long past working age

He is

Welp, so much for the claim that only ten threads worth of the new version of the forum would act like stickies...

by Garick k

Welp, so much for the claim that only ten threads worth of the new version of the forum would act like stickies...

Yes. What’s that about? Is it going to drive the older threads off the front page entirely?

by Garick k

Welp, so much for the claim that only ten threads worth of the new version of the forum would act like stickies...

if you browse 2p2 like i do you avoid this entirely

view subbed threads from here (this is my landing page)

and then periodically click "new posts" up on the top to see if there's any new threads of note (any new thread with any traction whatsoever will be up there)

Same for me. Rare for me to venture outside of my subscribed threads list anymore. My "home" page is /subscription.php though.

by marknfw k

Same for me. Rare for me to venture outside of my subscribed threads list anymore. My "home" page is /subscription.php though.

if you do usercp instead they only show you the unread ones and most recent at the top, pretty dope

Has anyone seen this guy? A couple of his videos made me laugh like I haven't in a while.

He was sponsored by GG for a while... I never found his stuff funny.

his shorts come up a lot for me. he has a funny thing to say like every 7th-10th short. the other ones are typically not very funny, but obv YMMV

Agreed. A lot of them aren't winners. I actually came across his shorts today. Before that I kept getting shorts by a guy called sethypoker who also has some funny stuff.

i think at heart he's a very funny guy and would do better as a standup comic than poker vlogger

problem with what he's doing is the only way to stay relevant is to upload constantly - otherwise youtube algo ignores you, so he's forced to send in a bunch of stuff which isn't that funny which is not a problem standup comics have as they can use the same schtick in front of new audiences for months just by traveling on the road to new venues

I liked his sporadic actual vlogs from a few years ago. But I also admit I get a chuckle out of a lot of his shorts. I've been following the character development and have become invested in their back-stories.

I probably need a better hobby.

I guess part of the problem, is that poker, as it is, just isn't funny compared to things like relationships, work, family etc. So what happens when these creators do this kind of content is that they all look like they're trying too hard to make it funny/relevant/whatever.

by Garick k

Welp, so much for the claim that only ten threads worth of the new version of the forum would act like stickies...

by feel wrath k

Yes. What’s that about? Is it going to drive the older threads off the front page entirely?

The powers that be fixed it after I complained. Limited to ten now.

As a mod, I can't really do the subscription thing. Most of the stuff that needs modding comes in the form of new threads.

Happy New Year all!

Took a bit of a break from everything during my travels and vacation. Seems you lads haven't been chatty cathies in my absence. I had my first day of work since the 19th and all I can say is...I am definitely ready for retirement. Not in love with the bullshit that was piled into my email box during my absence.

Sabr - my condolences. Wish there was more I could say or do.

Zoltan - exactly what employer was duped into employing you?

by BigSkip k

I had my first day of work since the 19th and all I can say is...I am definitely ready for retirement. Not in love with the bullshit that was piled into my email box during my absence.

Can you reduce hours or does that affect your pension / retirement?

I've started 2025 off with my reduced 25 hour work week and it's awesome so far. I get home, take the dog for a walk, goof off with some TV, putter on my garage project, noodle on my guitar, etc., and then after all this I look up at the clock and think "wow, I would just be starting my commute home now".


The last three weeks of work was weird, it was a liminal space. Still had deadlines to meet and filings to make, but nobody was really working it seemed. No excuses/holidays remain at this point, which is unfortunate...

Sounds great gg!

by All-inMcLovin k

Sounds great gg!

Livin' the dream!


better to know you're clueless so you can become clue-full
than to be clue-full but actually be clueless.

by BigSkip k

Happy New Year all!

Took a bit of a break from everything during my travels and vacation. Seems you lads haven't been chatty cathies in my absence. I had my first day of work since the 19th and all I can say is...I am definitely ready for retirement. Not in love with the bullshit that was piled into my email box during my absence.

I see you’re still falling for IT’s test phishing emails. You’d think after the amount of mandatory trainings you’ve had to do you’d learn your lesson, but nope. Between the phishing and the sexual harassment refresh courses, you could practically teach those classes.

So the powers that be tried a fix to better merge the beta new forum with the legacy one. I can't tell if it worked, as I don't remember what threads were from the new one. Anyone recall a thread title that I can check and see if it is still visible?
