1/3, 10 hands in, What would you do?

1/3, 10 hands in, What would you do?

Played a 1/3 game at National harbor. About 10 hands in I pick up AT clubs and Open to 15 from lowjack, Cutoff Raises to 50. I put in the call and go heads up to a flop OOP.

Flop comes 10 d 8 h 3 c. I check to aggressor and he makes it 35 into what is now 104.

Given that I have top top and am drawing to the back door nuts I put some pressure on and reraise to 80. Wanted to deny equity since he could have a lot of over cards.

He thinks about it for a second before going all in (he covers me)

I now have 170 still behind to call with.

What would you do here?

30 December 2023 at 07:38 PM

1 Reply

Next time maybe post stack sizes before the hand (as they are critical to planning out a lot of smaller stacked LLSNL hands, imo).

I just limp in but that's what I do with 100% of my playing range in the LJ. As played, I just fold to the 3bet; it's very unlikely we're going to make this hand profitable OOP for this large a percentage of our stack (especially if we're noobish, which I'm assuming we are?).

Looks like SPR is 2.5? You could argue that we're committed with TPTK at this point, and so denying equity in a relatively huge pot on a drawy flop is fine. But I'd likely just jam at this stack depth. Our minnish raise against the 1/3 PSB cbet offered way too good of odds of almost ~5:1 (where he'll likely be profitable calling with almost any piece due to us committing ourselves).

Stoopid spot now facing the jam, but you should rarely be sticking in almost 1/2 your stack to fold.

