1/2 Idk what to think here.
Hero 99 180$~ 1/2 live poker
Table feels inelastic, and it feels like everybody raising post flop all the timeÂ…. I cannot pot control NOTHING.
UTG calls 2$ - will call raises, virtually unbluffable
UTG +1 calls 2$ - Old regular, fearless
HJ Hero raises 10$ with 99
Call call
UTG bets 20$
UTG+1 folds
Hero calls 20$
Turn 9d
UTG bets 35$
Hero calls 35$
River Ah
UTG shoves all in 175~$
Hero has 130~$
Hero folds
I donÂ’t know what to do, Im torn. IÂ’m actually agonizing here. I donÂ’t think heÂ’s bluffingÂ…. But I donÂ’t think he always shows a flush or a straight.
ThereÂ’s the bottom straight. The up straight. A ridiculous amount of combo of flushes.
He has a straight, a flush; or I win. I talk him into showing a card, he refuses. I just donÂ’t know what to think about. ItÂ’s a tough spot. I donÂ’t river the full house so yeahÂ… clearly he thinks he has the best hand, im kind of underrep, butÂ… he think he has the best handÂ… so yeah, if he bets less I can snap call, but he shovesÂ… I have a decisionÂ…
I donÂ’t know what to think about here, IÂ’m looking for you to give me some sort of pointers about decision making here. Either about the hand itself, the way it is played or what to look for in player personality.
4 Replies
PRE - In this game, the way it's described, I'd raise bigger, at least to $12, if not $15.
FLOP - UTG's donk lead on the flop is usually going to be a weak top pair, or some sort of draw. Sometimes, on two-tone or draw-heavy boards, it'll be 2P or a set betting for protection. With an over-pair to the board, I'd raise, to get value from his top pairs, and charge his draws.
TURN - As played, after just flat-calling UTG's flop donk, nothing you can do but call. If you had raised flop, we could continue to bet this card, or just check-back.
RIVER - Tough spot. We're beating his flopped sets and 2P, and his missed straight draws with hands like A5o, and all his bluffs. We're losing to his flushes.
You described V as unbluffable, but does he ever bluff in spots like this? Is he ever over-valuing a worse hand? If he got here with a worse set, 2P, or A5, would he jam with it, after the flush draw comes in on the turn?
Even if V is just terrible, I'd think he'd be checking on the river a lot, with any hand we beat. He doesn't need to turn A5o into a bluff, and he might be concerned about running his worse sets and 2P into a turned flush.
Hard to say what we should do here, but I'd lean towards a fold. I doubt V is doing this with hands we beat.
Even if V is just terrible, I'd think he'd be checking on the river a lot, with any hand we beat. He doesn't need to turn A5o into a bluff, and he might be concerned about running his worse sets and 2P into a turned flush.
Hard to say what we should do here, but I'd lean towards a fold. I doubt V is doing this with hands we beat.
One thing is that people keep assuming all V's are wondering what we have that can call their river bet, but in so many spots where I've tried to speak to V's they are often shocked/confused at the question ... they have 66/A4/64/whatever and are going for value, why would they ever think about what hero has. Sometimes they'll snap reply with a "well, if you can beat 33, it's just a cooler and I'm going broke anyway".
Also from V's POV he has a huge amount of non-suited hands, and thus. non-flush hands on the turn, so worrying about flushes when there are only 3 on the board is for idiots. He even bet smaller on the turn so he could maybe fold his hand if you raised your possible flush.
This is very dependant on when terrible any2 V wants to put money in, like if he x/c flop and x/r turn then be very worried about a flush but when he bombs flop and then goes smaller on turn and shove river you'll have some 75 or even 52 and a bunch of hands that beat 88 or even KK and think they are much better than they are.
One thing is that people keep assuming all V's are wondering what we have that can call their river bet, but in so many spots where I've tried to speak to V's they are often shocked/confused at the question ... they have 66/A4/64/whatever and are going for value, why would they ever think about what hero has. Sometimes they'll snap reply with a "well, if you can beat 33, it's just a cooler and I'm going broke anyway".
Also from V's POV he has a huge amount of non-suited hands, and thus. non-flush
Good realistic read.
Villain was milked into telling me his hand. He said he had ace of diamond with a 6. So tptk. Turn pair plus nut flush draw. River two pairs. So a terrible fold by me, and I was just terrified of being shown a flush or a straight so if you can go in depth of your villain reads id appreciate it, idk how idiots and beginners thinks but it seems like you do with accuracy, me I kind of just worse case scenario everything, which was not accurate and lead to a disastrous fold
Good realistic read.
Villain was milked into telling me his hand. He said he had ace of diamond with a 6. So tptk. Turn pair plus nut flush draw. River two pairs. So a terrible fold by me, and I was just terrified of being shown a flush or a straight so if you can go in depth of your villain reads id appreciate it, idk how idiots and beginners thinks but it seems like you do with accuracy, me I kind of just worse case scenario everything, which was not accurate and lead to a disastrous fold
Your opponent played this hand terribly.
Go back to the flop, and think how this hand would have played out had you raised his donk bet, as I suggested you should.
If you raised flop, he's probably just folding, but if he calls, and you barrel turn, and he calls again, he's probably not going to donk river.
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