[1/3] Bottom set facing donk overbet on turn

[1/3] Bottom set facing donk overbet on turn

Hand is from xmas eve night
9 handed

Hero (BTN) - 30s WG, image is probably TAG, 350
SB - MAAG, loose passive, 300
BB (V) - MAAG, loose aggressive, covers table. I get reg vibes. He plays a lot of hands pre (some opening and some limp/calling) and is aggressive post. When he was preflop raiser, I have seen him fire 2 and 3 barrels multiway OOP with only overcards or middle pair. At least 3-4 times in this 3 hour session I have seen him donk overbet the turn on a nut-changing card, including once vs me and I folded. I've only seen him show down once after this play and he had indeed turned a monster.

2 limpers
Hero raises BTN to 20 with 2 2
SB calls
V calls
Limpers fold

Flop (~60): 2 5 8
Hero bets 25, SB folds, BB calls
What sizing would you go for here?

Turn (~110): 2 5 8 9
BB leads 125
Hero? (~305 behind)
I think my options are call or shove. What are you choosing? There are plenty of draws and worse value he does this with, but do enough worse hands call a shove?

If we just call we will have only 1/2 PSB left so it seems like we are committing now, and there are a lot of scary rivers - any diamond, heart, or 6-T basically. Which is bad for my hand of course, but good if we suspect he will bluff on scare cards. Thoughts?

04 January 2024 at 01:20 PM

15 Replies

He turned some kind of combo draw with diamonds or hearts. Easy shove.

I would bet alil more otf to 35 build a pot, and charge them more if they have a draw. They should have a lot of hands in their range they would call even 40 with.

I agree it should be an easy jam vs an aggressive post flop player.


by FiveHighFlush k

There are plenty of draws and worse value he does this with, but do enough worse hands call a shove?

If we just call we will have only 1/2 PSB left

Yes, enough worse hands call a shove, which as you point out, is only 1/2 psb ($180) more. Any 9x with diamonds, two pair, combo draws like QdTd, etc.
He's made this donk turn play a few times, now you actually have a hand to fight back with.

I just overlimp in preflop.

SPR is about ~5 on a drawy board. On less drawy boards, I would aim to play for stacks over 3 streets. But on this drawy a board I think I would attempt to play for them in just 2 streets. So I'd go at least $80 to setup a turn jam.

As played I just shove the turn. There's a zillion hand killing / action killing river cards, so let's do this now while we're committed.


I would raise smaller, 12-15, preflop to try to keep everyone in. Could also limp behind.

by deuceblocker k

I would raise smaller, 12-15, preflop to try to keep everyone in. Could also limp behind.

Well we're hardley ever gonna flop a set so if we narrow it down to heads up, we can still win without flopping a set where we can't if we raised very small. Also we can still lose if we flop a set so I still wouldn't really want everyone in the hand even if I knew a duece was coming out.

by Playbig2000 k

Well we're hardley ever gonna flop a set so if we narrow it down to heads up, we can still win without flopping a set where we can't if we raised very small. Also we can still lose if we flop a set so I still wouldn't really want everyone in the hand even if I knew a duece was coming out.

After 2 limpers and with loose blinds, it is very unlikely we're going to narrow the field to HU, so then we're mostly just playing multiway with 4th pair on the flop with little steal equity (or alternatively wagering far too much preflop in an attempt to steal far too little).


by gobbledygeek k

After 2 limpers and with loose blinds, it is very unlikely we're going to narrow the field to HU, so then we're mostly just playing multiway with 4th pair on the flop with little steal equity (or alternatively wagering far too much preflop in an attempt to steal far too little).


Our goal when we raise in general should be to get it heads up or 3 ways max. If we're raising to get everyone to call, we may as well just limp in. Also, I never raise to steel the limps (btjm) I raise to get a caller then steal away a bigger pot later otf or better yet ott 😉

Easy shove

Get at least 45 on flop

by Playbig2000 k

Our goal when we raise in general should be to get it heads up or 3 ways max. If we're raising to get everyone to call, we may as well just limp in. Also, I never raise to steel the limps (btjm) I raise to get a caller then steal away a bigger pot later otf or better yet ott 😉

If you have 87s, then get it HU or 3-way and you can cbet and barrel representing AK or JJ+ on some boards, which are usually ones you miss, depending on the action, and your draws.

22 doesn't play well that way. You have few draws or ways to improve, and you don't know if worst pair is good. It plays better like 5-way when you are getting good immediate odds for a set. You are unlikely to fold out the hands you are worried about, higher pps that could make set over set. Getting it HU with 22 would be a disaster.

As others said, flop bigger, easy shove on turn.

FLOP - against these two V's, with this flop texture, I'm betting at least 2/3 pot, $45, possibly $50, and I might go full pot if I feel like either of these guys haven't been showing my bets/raises enough respect, and showing up with some BS hands that would connect with this board.

TURN - Seriously, eff this BB and his donk over-bet. Rip it in his face.

Don't show if he mucks. If he asks what you had, tell him, "your balls in a vice."

Yeah, people keep posting these hands with 1/3 pot cbets. I know the solvers often recommend that sizing. Just terrible multiway on this board live.

If it is set over set, you have 1 out. Otherwise, you are a big favorite over all sorts of 2-pair, combo draws, pair and draw, etc. You are representing JJ+ as the preflop raiser. Extremely easy shove on the turn. It is unlikely he folds.

Thanks all. Going too small on the flop is a consistent theme for me - maybe a holdover from my online days


Hero shoves turn, V calls with 67o for the turned straight. River bricks

by FiveHighFlush k

Thanks all. Going too small on the flop is a consistent theme for me - maybe a holdover from my online days


Hero shoves turn, V calls with 67o for the turned straight. River bricks

I feel like I play against these same two V's, every session, and I effing hate them.

If it helps...

1. As you most likely realize, live plays differently than online. More fish, looser / softer games. Even if theory says this is a spot to bet small, whatever size theory says we should take, it's generally going to work out better at low live-stakes to bet bigger.

2. My observation of the MAAG (and older AG) population is that they tend to fall into two camps - super-splashy-super-sticky, or super-nitty. Your description of these two V's makes me think they're the former (splashy) type. You can't bluff them, but you absolutely have to charge them through the nose when you have thick value and the board is draw-heavy.

Case in point, this clown got there with 76o, and didn't even have the goddam common courtesy to go for a check-raise. He just donk-led into you with the nuts. What an a$$-hat. He was probably scared of the flush draws getting there.

If you didn't flop bottom set, and / or if you were deeper, it would be an easy fold, and he would have lost value with his stupid play. If you'd bet bigger on the flop, and if he didn't turn the nuts, he'd just be donating. He got insanely lucky here.

Others have said it best. You played it OK - questionable raise PF, questionable sizing on the flop, but as played it's just a cooler. On that board against players like you described, you're trying to get it in 100% of the time with bottom set. You're ahead of a bunch of combo draws and I've seen people go broke here, donk betting with two pair "protecting" their hands against the draws.
