98cc flops combo draw in 3-bet pot (SPREAD LIMIT)

98cc flops combo draw in 3-bet pot (SPREAD LIMIT)

Blinds are $1-$2, but game is $2-$100 spread-limit, meaning the most you can bet is $100 (and the most you can raise is $100 over the previous bet). THIS WILL BE IMPORTANT HERE.

I open 98cc UTG to $8. UTG2 3-bets to $30. Small Blind cold calls. I call. Villain (UTG2) has $400 and I cover.

FLOP: Kc7c6s (pot: $90, 3-handed). SB checks, I check, Villain bets $45, SB folds.

Are you raising or calling?

05 January 2024 at 02:32 AM

15 Replies

Raise will be higher EV. The pot will be big enough that you can check/call any turn card either way. Your draw is good enough that unless villain showed you that he has a set it's more profitable for you to build the pot.

c/r to put pressure on pp's below K and whiffed high card cbets. Yeah, you've got >50% equity vs those hands but would rather take the pot without having to hit.
Even if v has AK you're in good shape but don't feel compelled to barrel off.

Fold to the 3bet pre. You also aren't even supposed to have 77 or 66 so what's your value range? Do you raise AK? You definitely shouldn't be raising KK here.

Having said that, it's low limit, so I doubt anyone is thinking of these things, so the question is what's your opponent tendencies? What's his 3b range like? is he cbetting air? Does he have a fold button?

Easy max-raise on flop for me.

I call. A guy we have no reads on just 3bet an UTG open from UTG+2. I would think we have zero FE here, and he has all the biggest PP's in his range.

I also agree with OvertlySexual to just let it go pre to the 3bet and cold caller. If a couple more people called I would entertain a call then, but not 3 ways OOP vs an early 3bet and a sb cold caller, btjm.

Yeah, I would call. At 1/2 and with positions, he is probably not light, and usually has JJ+, AK, which seem good on this board. If he has like AA/KK/AK, you should be able to extract if you hit, particularly if it is a straight and particularly a T. Use the fact that you know his likely hands and he has no idea what you have.

Surprised to see that many raise recommendations. Catch up then raise. Easy game.

Call. His range is pretty defined with a UTG+1 3bet, and a strong cbet on the flop. You don't have as much fold equity as you think, and instead you would just bloat a pot while you are likely breakeven (or behind). Look to hit your draw on the turn and then re-evaluate if you miss. He may slow down and check through turn (would be a bad play on his side, but calling flop may ensure you see 2 more cards), and if he fires max on turn you can do a quick pot-odds calc and make a determination based on the board/pot.

Second folding to the 3bet preflop. As I have said in other threads of yours, the value of playing aggressively early in the hand with speculative hands like this is blunted by the fact that it’s spread limit. Spots where you’d want to be overbetting later in the hand in no limit, or taking a free card so you can pile money in later in no limit, you can’t do in this format. It’s so much worse it may actually turn your hand into a fold the first time in some lineups. I say this as someone who used to play in your area (possibly even in the same game you play now).

You guys only raise value and never any semibluffs at all?

Fold pre, fold to the 3b, as played call. If you whiff turn fold to further betting unless it’s something outrageously small.

Because I'm OOP I would just call this down and fold river if the two streets brick out. If you miss the turn you will have odds to call anther bet. If I was IP I would be more likely to play this hand more aggressively.

by sauhund k

You guys only raise value and never any semibluffs at all?

This hand plays WAY different spread limit versus no limit

It's spread limit, and the $100 bet has some clout at this point. QQ, JJ, TT might fold unless hero has a ruined table image.
The only hand we "fear" is KK and he won't have the club flush redraw, so hero has 40% equity. (Ok, AQcc has us in bad shape 66/34). We are a slight equity favorite even if villain has AK/AA with a club. Many more combos of hands other than KK and AQcc.
If he calls we can check/call the turn, the max bet is $100.
(Agree with those saying fold preflop btw.)

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RESULT: I just called. 3-bet ranges live are so narrow I didn’t think I had much fold equity at all, and if he reraises me I just have to stick it all in behind.

BUT it wound up not mattering.

Turn was the 3c, i donk lead for $100 (because I think this is getting checked back almost 100% of the time), and he folds.
