1/3/10, AK on KQQ facing a donk and turn shove from overcaller
Game is 1/3 with a $10 button straddle (action starts UTG). 9 handed. Time rake.
Villain is a retired rec. Loose and stationy. Have seen him bluff sometimes, but primarily using small sizing. Villain is effective stack with $755. Villain does a fair amount of call-call pre. This could be anything from AK to offsuit broadways to suited gappers.
Pro in UTG+2 raises to $30, villain in LJ calls, a weaker reg in HJ calls, hero 3bets to $145 with AhKs in CO, folds to villain who calls, weak reg calls also.
Flop $469 KdQsQc villain donks for $125, HJ folds, hero calls.
Turn $719 KdQsQcAs, villain is all in for $485. Hero?
12 Replies
no idea what he has but id give him the rest of the money
Preflop and flop is standard.
Turn is an awkward spot.
I don't think we beat any value, at best we chop against AK (and it would be a very weird line from V).
At the same time, which bluffs could V have? JT just got there ott.
Not sure I am capable of making it in game, but I think folding is the right play, unless we are playing against a maniac.
I might min-click his flop donk. See what he does. If he 3B's, fold. If he just calls, he's probably checking turn, and we can barrel small. If he donks again on turn, or x/r's, that would be very weird, and I'd fold.
As played, I probably just fold turn.
$1/$3/$10 straddle with 75bb?
And there's 10.5bb in the pot when it gets to you? Raising to 14.5bb seems bad, unless your range is much wider than I'd assume.
Flop: AK seems like the bottom of your value range, and V can have a bunch of Qx ... so raising seems bad/hopium. Raising AA at least you are unblocking Kx, but I wouldn't recommend that either.
Turn: AK again seems like the worst value hand you can have, but it's only 60% pot or something so folding also sucks. Line screams QJ/QT, but I guess you can still get lucky, and you also block KsJs/KsTs which are his best worse hands. So you have to have a read they are going insane often enough (lol, unless they think that H is abusing 3bets).
I would just fold the turn, otherwise we're calling hoping and praying it's a chop. This is a big 3bet pot in a 1/3 game, and he limp/called 145 pre; ppl don't usually start bluffing in these situations IME.
Weird but I can't see doing anything else but calling down.
I see demons everywhere so this is probably just me, but what does he have that's not AA, KK, AK, AQ here? In real time idk if I can fold, but reviewing it here where I'm in a vacuum I'm not sure this is a call. It's a 1/3 game and he's put in $145 pre-flop, and his donk bet on the flop tells me he's trying to play for stacks.
I glossed over the pre-flop action.
Hero's just-under 5x 3B more or less seems standard. But if V in LJ is "loose and stationy", I could see 3B'ing larger, maybe 5.5x-6x.
I want to raise V's donk-lead on the flop. I don't buy that he's donking here with a super-nutted hand. His small donk sizing is less than 1/3 pot, with just over pot left behind. He's giving himself a good price to try to turn a stronger hand.
Think about it - is he really doing this with KQ, or QJ? Why would he donk-lead for such a small amount with KQ? Is he going to call a raise with QJ? His donk-lead here is most likely JT.
Donk leads are usually weak top pairs or draws looking to set their own price (a cheap one, usually) to chase. This would be a weird spot to donk lead with top pair. Combine that with hero's description of V: " Have seen him bluff sometimes, but primarily using small sizing."
JT makes more sense than KQ, KX, or some QX.
Hero tank folds. Villain shows Jc9c. I figured he could have a lot of QXs, QXo, and JTs/JTo. Every bluff I had seen villain make before was for really small size in relation to the pot. I have a history where I have bluffed villain and he has called me, so I think he wanted to play back at me.
Another bit of info, hero also plays bigger stakes where he will buy in for 5k and rebuy for 5k. But even at lower stakes, I hadn't seen him make a move like that.
Hero tank folds. Villain shows Jc9c. I figured he could have a lot of QXs, QXo, and JTs/JTo. Every bluff I had seen villain make before was for really small size in relation to the pot. I have a history where I have bluffed villain and he has called me, so I think he wanted to play back at me.
Another bit of info, hero also plays bigger stakes where he will buy in for 5k and rebuy for 5k. But even at lower stakes, I hadn't seen him make a move like that.
Hero tank folds. Villain shows Jc9c. I figured he could have a lot of QXs, QXo, and JTs/JTo. Every bluff I had seen villain make before was for really small size in relation to the pot. I have a history where I have bluffed villain and he has called me, so I think he wanted to play back at me.
Another bit of info, hero also plays bigger stakes where he will buy in for 5k and rebuy for 5k. But even at lower stakes, I hadn't seen him make a move like that.
Geezus. I was at least expecting him to have an OESD on the flop. Jamming turn with J9 is a bit maniacal.