JJ stack off pre? 2/5/10 sb v btn
Hi all,
2/5 with a $10 utg straddle, hero just got to this table and is a known tight reg. V is tag reg as well.
Two limps and V makes it $50 in co, sb rec calls and hero has KQss in bb and makes it $250. The sb calls (V folded) and it went to showdown and V saw we 3 bet him with KQ.
Next hand V isos btn over some limps to $50 again, hero sb with JJ makes it $175, folds to V who now jams $800 eff. Given that we just 3bet KQs and that we are 80bb eff. BTN v. SB, is there any getting away from it here?
16 Replies
Sb vs btn JJ is a pretty standard call off for 100bb and less.
Villain probably needs TT here for this to be an okay call. Why less than 4x OOP for a 3bet when we went 5x when there was one cold caller? We should be consistent with our 3bet sizing.
Against what range? Seeing SB 3bet with KQs vs. BTN open would be a complete nothing burger vs. someone that you want to snap JJ vs. their 4bet shove.
SB is supposed to be almost 100% 3betting QTs/J9s, then BTN shoves a bunch of stuff JJ is doing great against.
If OP had just said good TAG reg. at 2/5/10 it's one thing, but to emphasize he saw us 3bet KQs has me worried.
Also even without that to worry about BTN is supposed to open to 2.5bb with a huge range, people opening to 5bb probably aren't anywhere near that wide and aren't 4bet shoving "correctly" either.
Villain didn't open; they isolation-raised limpers.
Turbo snap call not even sure why you'd consider anything else
Against what range? Seeing SB 3bet with KQs vs. BTN open would be a complete nothing burger vs. someone that you want to snap JJ vs. their 4bet shove.
SB is supposed to be almost 100% 3betting QTs/J9s, then BTN shoves a bunch of stuff JJ is doing great against.
If OP had just said good TAG reg. at 2/5/10 it's one thing, but to emphasize he saw us 3bet KQs has me worried.
Also even without that to worry about BTN is supposed to open to 2.5bb with a huge range, people opening to 5bb probably aren't a
Idk exactly but my assumption is villain probably has 99/TT, AK/Aq maybe even some AJs and KQs.
But for 85bb I wouldn't think too deeply about getting JJ in pf in this config unless I have a very good read that villain is super tight like only QQ+ and not even all of the AK.
Either way hero folding JJ in this spot is probably not where you are gaining your EV from in live games.
Standard call with this dynamic, it's unfortunate that his AK got there.
I'd probably fold. We're dominated by QQ+, and flipping with AK. Just because he saw you 3B KQs in the BB doesn't mean he's blasting off with TT or worse here, when he could just call your 3B and see a flop in position.
I'd call. Perfect setup (for one of you 😉 )
Looking forward to the reveal on this one. Still thinking about it more...
3B'ing KQs over a CO 5x open behind 2 limps and a SB flat doesn't seem like the sort of play that would make another player go crazy or make him think your 3B range is super-wide. Your play seems well within the range of "normal". If I was your V, and saw you did that, I'd think "nice play", not "this guy is wild".
When the same V opens the same size in the next hand, again behind 2 limps, you put in a smallish 3.5x raise (smallish considering that you're OOP and there's dead-money from the limpers still in the hand), and then he 4B's more than 4x, when he can just flat call, closing the action, and see a flop in position - that scares the bejeezus out of me.
My reasoning goes back to the previous hand. It's not like he saw you 3B pre with something really terrible. He doesn't have to 4B here with 99/TT to protect against a super-wide range you probably don't really have. I don't want to assume he's just tilted, and putting in a huge all-in raise with air, just so he can show us the bluff.
More likely, he might WANT you to think he's tilted or getting hyper-aggro because of the last hand, and you'll be more likely to call off the rest of your stack with a hand he has absolutely crushed, or is at worst 50-50 against. I'd be very surprised if he doesn't have QQ+ or AK here.
Whenever an opponent who's mostly been folding as I've been relentlessly raising him suddenly comes back over the top, I'm more likely to think he has a strong hand, not think he's just fed up and playing back at me.
You have enough equity to call V even if V has a tight 4bet range of JJ+, AKo, AQs.
You're getting almost the right price against QQ+, AK if you factor in the dead money. If he has TT or AQs then you're +EV. I don't think he's that much wider with the 4-bet range just b/c you show down KQs in 1 hand. He just knows you're not a total nit. So some or all of TT/99/AQ could be in play here.
I would call it off with JJ+ AK.
We call, lose to AA.
As stated -- perfect setup for someone.