3-bet 7s, facing heat on a brick turn
Blinds $1-$2, game is $2-$100 spread-limit, where the most you can bet is $100 (and the max raise is $100 over the previous bet).
I start the hand with $250 and both V’s cover me.
Two hand histories against V (a 50-year-old who plays about once a week). He’s in the Big Blind for both:
1. I open KQo to $12 after a limper, BB and a limper call. Flop AK4r. Both check, I bet $10, BB raises to $30, I call. Turn 7x. Check check. River 2x. He bets $40, I fold.
2. I open Q8cc in MP to $10. Both blinds call. Flop Ad7h4c. Both check, I bet $10, SB folds, BB raises to $25, i fold.
HAND: V opens in UTG1 to $6 (low for this table). Two callers. I 3-bet 7d7c on the Buttin to $25. V calls and one of the others calls.
FLOP: 5d4h3c (pot: $75, 3-handed). They both check. I bet $50. They both call.
TURN: 5d4h3c 8s (pot: $225, 3-handed).
Villain leads for $100. V2 folds.
QUESTION 1: What do we think of the flop bet and sizing?
QUESTION 2: What do we do bow—Fold, Call, or Raise? We have $180 left, facing this $100 bet.
10 Replies
7s are not a good choice to 3!.
This is a wet flop favoring the callers. I would not cbet it in position.
On the flop hero should almost always check. As the preflop 3 bettor you should bet this sometimes even 3 way to the flop but here stack sizes constrains you. With SPR of 3 any bet is risking ending up pot committed and your hand isn't that good. For the same reason you have to give up on the turn. You hand simply isn't good enough to play for your stack and you don't have many outs.
Pre: I don't get the 3-bet unless you literally have no button calling range. If you do have a button calling range, what is in it? 7s seems like a perfectly good flat pre.
Flop: I don't mind the c-bet in position, but check is fine too,
Turn: There's a great piece by Ed Miller on using Bayesian Priors in I think Playing the Player. The bottom line is your 2-hand history is nowhere near enough to peg him as somewhat deviant from the norm of a regular 1/2 player. Going back to Ed Miller. One of his rules is that big bets/raises especially on turn and river are nearly always big hands. Fold.
To be clear, 77 is normally a call here to an EP open, but I had decided I was 3-betting 100% of my range here, in response to the “tiny open and two calls and we are on the Button” dynamic. That I happened to have a good hand was a happy accident.
HAND: V opens in UTG1 to $6 (low for this table). Two callers. I 3-bet 7d7c on the Buttin to $25. V calls and one of the others calls.
FLOP: 5d4h3c (pot: $75, 3-handed). They both check. I bet $50. They both call.
TURN: 5d4h3c 8s (pot: $225, 3-handed).
Villain leads for $100. V2 folds.
RESULT: I call.
RIVER: 5d4h3c 8s 8d (pot: $425, heads-up). He puts me all-in for my last $80, I obviously call, he tables
6d4d and My Hand Is Good
It’s one of those weird spots where I get confused by blockers. Is it really Good that 77 blocks the Nuts, or really Bad that 77 blocks his 75s bluffing hands? Is 77 a better or worse call-down hand than (eg) 99?
I don't like 3!ing 77 there or all of range. Only 3! strong hands and decent bluffing hands regardless of the situation. I don't like 3!ing junk hands at all. 1/2 players aren't going to fold on later streets because you 3!.
When he leads the turn, this seems like push or fold. I do not like calling and leaving 80 behind, maybe letting him draw.
To be clear, 77 is normally a call here to an EP open, but I had decided I was 3-betting 100% of my range here, in response to the “tiny open and two calls and we are on the Button” dynamic. That I happened to have a good hand was a happy accident.
You’re overdoing it. You should decide you’re 3b with all your vpips. Doing it with J2o and 94s is just too wide. Sure you’re gonna win pre a lot, but you’re also going to end up firing airballs.
Dont like the HHs especially HH1. In the actual hand why are you betting so big? Is two random overs calling? KJs? I'd bet small or check, probably check given your stack size. You have 225 so even with the limit the money goes in easy.
Actually, with the 77 hand, I don't mind the large cbet as played. Stacks are shallow enough that I wouldn't mind gii with the gutshot and overpair. This is a wet board. Not only do low cards hit it, but an ace has a straight draw and any pp is an overpair, set, or oesd. Possible also to check back, but I would either check back the flop or bet about the sizing you did with the idea of usually gii.
You’re overdoing it. You should decide you’re 3b with all your vpips. Doing it with J2o and 94s is just too wide. Sure you’re gonna win pre a lot, but you’re also going to end up firing airballs.
Actually, you are almost never going to win pre 3!ing to 25 over a raise to 6 and a call. You might win post representing AK or JJ+ on some boards. Then you have a hand to play that might him. Bad to 3! junk, and 77 is almost the perfect hand to flat call with,