2/5 Flopped trips OOP; triple barrel and raised on river
2/5 Villlain is unknown, seems a bit fishy based on mannerisms, is young asian guy. First hand I sat down he flopped a set of sevens IP as preflop raiser on a T73 flop, c-bet and got called, checked back a turn 3 pairing the board, then bet river when checked to and shoved all-in another 350 or so over a checkraise.
Villain has around $600, hero covers.
Hero EP raises AdKs to $15, only villain (directly to my left) calls.
Flop (30): KdKc9s
Hero bets 15, V calls
Turn (60): 3d
Hero bets 45, V calls
River (150): Jd
Hero bets 125, V raises to 250
Anyone finding a fold? Hard to see him raising here with worse, expecting to see KJ or 99 a lot. Should have hardly any flushes in his range, though the minraise reads a bit like a flush that's wary of a full house.
13 Replies
I feel like we are always losing here unless V is one of those inexperienced dolts that only sees their own cards, think they “trapped” you with a worse K and they are raising for delusional value.
Call. He likely doesn't give you a K and turned his TT-JJ into a bluff expecting you to fold out QQ, AQ and middling pairs. Slim chance he's overvaluing KQ/KT. If he out-flopped you or rivered you, gg nh and on to the next hand. I'm not check-calling here, as that is terrible, but I'm also not bet-folding here for the min-click.
Oh yuck. Based on description I'm not sure we can put this guy as a terrible player, it's a weak read of "fish" but the hand described is played reasonably.
There are few flushes (98dd, T9dd, maybe QTdd at a push) but KJ is a huge risk, JJ can be there, 99 can be there. If it's "just" trips it's most likely another AK for a chop.
Look, calling a minraise with top trips can rarely be bad, but what are the bluffs? What's he sticking around with on the turn that doesn't get there? Is he really calling turn with QQ or TT only to suddenly turn it into a bluff on the river?
If he has KQ and thinks you are weak then he should just call, no?
With flushes, straights and boats on the board you'd need a pretty confident read that your opponent was terrible here to start thinking they're going to raise KQ for value and I just can't find bluffs. This looks like it's probably the logical hand for the situation (KJ), or slightly less likely 99/JJ/one of the flushes. From the stress-free environment of my armchair I can find a fold here.
The Jd is perhaps the best diamond that could could come on the river for H. It blocks so many of the FD/combos V could have been calling with preflop, flop and turn: QdJd, JdTd, Jd9d.
V 3b preflop a lot of his JJ. I think he raises 99 on turn some of the time. If he called down the whole way with a small FD, I think we will get our money back later.
I cannot find a fold getting 4-1 on river call of xr. If V has QdTd, KJo or 99 it's a cooler. I don't see the point of raising because we aren't targeting much and a V jam would be inconvenient.
I think this is definitely a fold esp at 2/5. Keep in mind your range is uncapped so you can have all the nut hands here, and frankly he can as well. I don't think he's playing a worse king this way, so to call you're praying he turns something like TT/88 into a bluff on a board that you should have a fairly strong hand by the river. JJ got there, backdoor diamonds, KJ, 99. Readless i'd fold.
K9hh is another logical hand we lose to.
The turn card is important. All the flop floats with backdoor equity, like ATcc and 87ss, should now just fold. There really shouldn't be any bluffs that aren't a pair (things like A3ss, JTcc and 88); but even those you really have to squint hard to see them.
Not sure how "fishy" he is, given that first hand you saw. Seems like his play was pretty standard.
Turn - I think I'd be over-betting, like 1.5x pot. We're only behind K9hh and 99. V could have a lot of KQo and KThh we could target for value, plus maybe some QJ and QT, and maybe some non-believing TT that didn't 3B pre, and A9dd.
River - against a true fish, I might just block-bet around half pot or slightly less, and fold to a raise, hoping to get called by a worse Kx. Against this V, I'd probably just check-call a reasonably sized (2/3 pot or less) bet. He seems good enough to know we're not going to be checking a boat here, so he could stab at it with some worse Kx or QJ.
He might have gotten there with A9dd, QTdd, or KJhh, assuming he didn't have it on the flop with K9hh. I'm not giving him JJ when he just flat-calls pre. Maybe he just flats pre with 99.
As played, it's just a call.
He probably has you, but can't fold getting 4.2-1.
Really bad play if he minclicked like that with a boat.
Hmm, seems like 50/50 those calling and those trying to find a fold.
Although the first hand I saw him play may have been reasonable, it's still a line a fishy player might take as though by accident. I'm by no means convinced he's a decent player. Certainly not enough to believe he's turning weak pairs into a bluff -- even if he is a decent player that's giving way too much credit. Also, and to the contrary, I don't think decent players are bluff raising this river vs a total unknown who taken my line -- bluffing an unknown in general is often inadvisable, and in this spot, like this, is insane
In the hand I tanked and finally folded, though, so I never saw what he had, and he left the table shortly thereafter :/
Nice fold. All this talk of pot odds, blockers and combos is meaningless when 99% of 2/5 players are just never taking this line without a monster. He should know you have AK in your range and is not expecting you to fold it. No way he is turning TT into a bluff with a river min raise.
I would call. I feel like if he had a boat he would jam the river rather than minraise.
Him playing KQ or even KT like this isn't out of the question.
I don't think he hardly ever has a flush given you have Ad, Kd is on the board so he would've had to float flop on K paired board with an at best Q high bdfd which seems sort of unlikely but I'll give him one combo of QdTd.
Hmm, seems like 50/50 those calling and those trying to find a fold.
Although the first hand I saw him play may have been reasonable, it's still a line a fishy player might take as though by accident. I'm by no means convinced he's a decent player. Certainly not enough to believe he's turning weak pairs into a bluff -- even if he is a decent player that's giving way too much credit. Also, and to the contrary, I don't think decent players are bluff raising this river vs a total unknown who taken
If he's truly a bad / fishy player, he might not have been "bluffing", as far as he knew. He might have been raising for value with a worse Kx. And thus, it's just a call, getting >4:1 odds.
If he's actually a good player, he might be good enough to find some bluffs here, so it's just a call, getting >4:1 odds.
If he's somewhere in between, he might be giving you a range that includes AA, QQ, and TT, or he might be putting you on AK, and thinks you might fold, because he can rep straights and flushes, so it's just a call, getting >4:1 odds.
Yes, min-clicks are almost always thick value, but here, you only have to be right less than 20% time, and he could have some worse hands that bet for value or as a bluff.