1/2 @ MGM Springfield nut flush multi way facing check raise all in on paired board
1/2 game I bought in max 500. I’m relatively new to table. Pretty average line up nobody seems too scary. Lots of limping and typical 1/2 play. I’m playing very tight as usual and aggressive when I have it. Only been at this table no more than 30 minutes or so. Hand was from a year ago so bear with me on the exact details. I tend to bounce around tables here to try to get a Jesus seat next to a loose passive drunk which is pretty sure the reason I’m at this specific table.
I’m in very very late position (co or button if I recall correctly) with A♥ 6♥ and raise a LP limper to 8 preflop.
Both of the blinds call. BB is Middle age guy playing kinda loose mostly passive haven’t seen him get out of line really in the short time I’ve been there. Wearing collar button up shirt if I recall correctly idk not that it matters but visually seems like someone who isn’t a complete bum. Seemed relatively competent from the little bit of time I’ve been at same table. I don’t remember much about small blind TBH. Seemed like average loose passive 1/2 playa.
Limper calls. Four to flop 32 in middle (minus rake so probably closer to 29-30)
Flop is pretty decent
2♥ 5♥ 8♠
Checks to me I bet 23 Jordan both blinds call limper folds.
Turn is almost perfect 8♥ Approx 100 in middle at this point.
Check to me I bet 69. SB calls and BB instantly shoved all in for approx 400 total.
SB has less. Probably another 100-150 ish behind and seems relatively interested in putting the rest of his stack in as I’m eyeing him down while it’s still my action. If SB has me beat with a trapped boat and I have BB in bad shape there’s still a good size side pot to play for to break even or maybe even squeeze a tiny profit from. But biggest concern is BB having me dead. Seems kinda suicidal play if I were in his shoes to do that with less than a boat but I’m a nit and I’m sure other people are happy to ship a J hi or Q or K high flush in that spot given stack sizes.
If I call and am behind I’m dead. If I’m ahead I’m either got them dead with lower flush or drawing thin with trips.
Slowplayed set turned into boats seem possible I guess but not many combos. The two pair combos are not exactly likely given the raggedness of it but it’s 1/2 lol and I’ve seen people call all types of raises with junk cards just to see “cheap flops”. Anyways I wish I could give more detail about reads etc but I’ve been inactive on these forums for years and never wrote down the exact details of the hand at the time and kinda just going off memory. I’m sure people will berate about preflop but honestly at 1/2 with mostly droolers and I’ve had decade plus of experience doing well in cash games online and live I feel very comfortable ISOing fish with semi strong nut makable hands in position.
19 Replies
The only better hand you have in your range is 88 id think in this spot. So basically at the top of your range (I’m guessing you overlimp 55 and 22)
I think people will jam enough worse hands at 1/2 for you to call here
This is always a FH, even MJ knows that. I fold.
I'm calling he can have a worse flush. Why would a boat snap jam 3 ways?
does it make a significant difference if the board was say 9♥5♠4♥5♥ instead?
thread over. it's a call of course anything else is nitbad go play kiddy game down the street.
mods can i post the result yet? mods have been blocking me accidently giving half results in a post lately like if I write that I called the bet or folded to the bet etc they edit it out citing wait for the results 😡
ps i folded...
fold faceup maybe heavily frowned upon in 3 handed pot with action pending , so i didn't show immediately. i may have gotten the OK from the dealer to 'fold-n-hold' to show later....mods can i post the results yet??
Is there some reason why V would only chk-call with 2 pair or a set? In my room when the high hand jackpot gets high (like $1k) people will play this way with flopped sets.
Otherwise, I lean to call here. V checked, then facing a bet and a call inbetween just flats on a drawy board.
I'm not saying he can't have a FH, but his line on the flop does not look like it.
It’s a tarp
Ok thanks. I’m not gonna fully spoil it but I’ll say this much if I didn’t already say it above. I folded. On second thought I may have the whole board mixed up more than I thought. It could have been something more like
3♥3♣5♥8♥ seems more likely because if I recall correctly I was really quite concerned that either or both could have full houses that were slowplayed from the flop and chose the scaredycat way out and folded. Lot more likely someone’s boated up in paired flop than on a turn that pairs board and brings flush IMO
Plus I vaguely remember asking myself out loud “did the dealer give you crabs?”
Generally we wait at least 24 hours to post results; wait more if there's a lively discussion going. I would imagine now is an appropriate time.
I folded. SB called it off (with worse...I forget exactly if he had a flush or trips but he was behind me). BB shover tabled T♥7♥ and scooped. I gotta stop giving these 1-2 NL donks credit for monsters just cuz they make a kamikaze play that I would never do with worse than nut flush. They're mouth breathing droolers and only think about their own hand strength and are clueless to hand reading and what type of hands will call their bets/raises.
I folded. SB called it off (with worse...I forget exactly if he had a flush or trips but he was behind me). BB shover tabled T♥7♥ and scooped. I gotta stop giving these 1-2 NL donks credit for monsters just cuz they make a kamikaze play that I would never do with worse than nut flush. They're mouth breathing droolers and only think about their own hand strength and are clueless to hand reading and what type of hands will call their bets/raises.
This is why you can’t fold. Also, stop changing the flop. Just create a new thread if you want it to be 533.
You raised too small pre. At 1/2 i like to raise to $11+$2 per limper, so $13 here. Your biggest advantage oughta be in heads up pots, and these tiny bets go multiway more often.
Flop and turn are fine and obviously call, but im tilted cuz i just read thru the comments after forming my thoughts and youre changing the board in the comments. Like damn, why are you posting a year old hand you forgot the action on?
I remember the action exactly. I just don’t remember the exact board. I thought I wrote it down at the time but as I said I wasn’t posting on here over last decade so I either lost the notes I wrote it on or I just figured I would never share it with anybody and didn’t care to write exact board. I mean yeah I get it a slightly different board will play slightly differently but the fact of the matter remains the important aspects are the same on all the various boards I wrote above. By the time the turn came out it was 3 to a flush and paired board. Less than likely someone has a boat if the turn paired the board and significantly more likely someone has boat if flop was paired. I am self admittedly very nitty but I don’t know if I can find a fold as easily on the instance where turn pairs the board but nonetheless the check call and check raise all in for basically pot or slightly over pot size bet multi-way line screams strength and I got outplayed by a Donk who was supposed to value own himself and just happened to run his spaz line into a nit
The main reason a lot of posters would call is if villain had 2p or set on the flop, xr would be more likely. There are some exceptions but given size of pot, Hero is getting a very good price to call.
The exact board does matter because if 8 pairs on turn, we can discount more big hands. If board goes 8533 villain could slowplay 53 or 33 more often, though neither of these hands needs to jam either.