Hand History 1/3 NL
Got some healthy debate going on another non-poker forum about this hand, so I figured I would bring it over here. I am not the hero in this hand, this is taken from someone else.
Playing 1/3 NL, stack $400 effective
Hero holds AKo and raises to $15 from +1, MP calls, LJ 3bets to $30, SB calls the 3bet, hero...?
A. Flats
B. Raise to $60
C. Raise to $120
D. Jam all in
Appreciate any and all responses!
6 Replies
Why isn't there an E. Fold?
What's the range of the LJ? If his range is only big PP's, I wouldn't mind folding.
I'm never flatting, and any raise will commit the rest of our stack since we can't raise/fold and a min-raise doesn't accomplish anything it only sweetens up the pot so if I'm raising I would prefer to see 5 cards and just gii (assuming the LJ's range includes things like AQ and AK).
E. Fold - could certainly be an option as well, but most players would lean towards playing a premium here, whether its a flat or raise.
minimal information on the opponents from the history i gathered. SB was a new player who sat down and had hero covered is the pertinent information that was provided to me.
Lol we're not most players, we're the cream of the crop the top elites of poker this is 2p2 ; )
Like I said flatting is fine since there's another player which gives us more implied odds. As played I would check with no reads on them, since they can still have higher pairs at a minimum.
$60 is silly, with an additional player they will both be priced. Any bigger raise commits hero to the pot. So depending on what I think of LJ it's either fold or shove. Against a min raise I usually favor a fold.
Jamming is fine, but a 4bet to around 110 also works, you can fold to a jam and still have a little room for manoeuvre if called.
With no reads on LJ, I could see flatting, or 4B'ing. But if we raise, I'd want to go to at least $150, or just jam, if we think we're never folding to a 5B jam.
If we have any reads on LJ, that could push us towards a flat call, a less-than-all-in raise, or a jam.