1/2 NL MGM Springfield
Villain is middle age never played w him before don’t have much read he just sat down very recently. I’ve been nitting it up basically. He’s got somewhere around 325/350 to start the hand.
9 handed. Some rando 20s/young 30s seems to potentially loose passive preflop imo from very very limited experience with him of 20-30 minutes (seen him call 3 bets with 67s in Mp bink nut straight and bet me off overpaid on turn one hand) UTG/UTG+1 EP opens fairly large to $15. He’s got 200 ish to start the hand slightly less I think. Villain calls in early/mid position. Another caller in LP and I’m on the button with 22 and chose to call. I’ll often ditch this pre with shallow stacks in this spot without the two calls sandwiched between but I figured that increase my pot odds a bit so I elect to call and gamble. Who knows maybe everybody is sharing high cards and we end up checking down and my pair wins and I don’t have to hit a set.
One of the blinds I believe calls as well so 5 to flop of
Blind checks. Utg bets 25 so I figure he’s probably got an overpair which is great. Villain calls. I honestly don’t remember if the other MP calls or not but I look at UTG stack and count it out to basically exact dollar and raise whatever the exact amount is that would allow UTG to 3 bet all in and re open the betting when it gets back to me so I can restuff in villain if he somehow comes for the ride. My raise was roughly 92 bucks or something strange around there.
Blind folds. UTG tanks a minute says I don’t think you have it and ships. Now villain snap shoves all in on top. Wtf.
It’s about 225-250 more for me to call at this point. I’m pretty confused and can’t see any real semi bluffs possible from anybody here. Very unlikely anybody has two pair. Do people still overplay a slowplayed big pair in this spot? I mean I guess it’s 1/2 and I’ve seen some weird stuff at these stakes.
I’m thinking out loud saying stuff like damn I have a monster; I’m not sure if I’m good enough to fold this hand and originally I wanted action but now this isn’t exactly what I was hoping for type of stuff and villain just kind of shrugs giving impression he doesn’t care whether I call or fold.
The guy in the middle has to beat UTG who as you say probably has an overpair, and there are no high-equity bluffs (I mean the best out there is 43s with a backdoor). Like you say there should be very few two pair. Could the guy do this with TT?
I mean it seems tight folding a set on the flop getting nearly 3/1 but the backjam is very very strong...
Yeah any non drooler has to realize it’s pretty nuts do with this without absolute monster as he’s gotta beat UTGs TT+ and probably like 90% sure getting looked up by me cuz wtf would I squeeze fold with in this spot?
I’ve seen people do wacky stuff w slowplayed KK/AA many times but given the speed of how quick he snap jammed after UTG ripped made it really seem extra strong as if he had his mind made up before action got back around to him. Fingers crossed I guess it’s possible he made a wacky loose call pre with suited trash and hit a two pair shrug
bumping one last time before I post showdown results.
I called
Sorry, don't know if I saw this or not, but the HH is very difficult to read, so I probably passed it over.
Sigh call.
Here want better cliffs?
UTG (200) open 15. MP villain (350) calls. Rando LP calls. Hero call on button 22. Maybe a SB or BB calls. Maybe not. Maybe GFY.
952 r
Utg 25. Villain call. Rando does idk idc. Hero 99. UTG jam. Villain snap jam. Hero?
pre is probably terrible but id imagine i would call too bc life is short.
whats the question here? you have a set at spr 5 and dont even know the right hh. its going to be the same as your other post where you shouldn't fold, and you lost the hand via overset and "knew" you should have made a great laydown. i cant imagine that trying to find folds in these spots is how to effectively increase winrate. :(
really tough when your posts are not well laid out and reek of sarcasm and then the questions are like extremely basic omg i got stacked with a great hand would you find a super exploitative fold (something like a 100bb deviation vs solver strat likely) vs someone you've never played against with minimal information presented
How terrible is it to call 7.5 bb on button in live poker getting almost 4:1 immediate odds with quack quack?
Yeah life is short sigh
at high rake its probably losing a good amount tbh but cannot imagine playing live poker and folding pre
Calling with deuces multiway prints.
two people with different opinions....who would have thought?
I'm calling here a lot easier than that one where you had a bluff catcher full house.
This is almost a bluff catcher too. What realistically over 4 bet shoves multi way on dry board?
We called to hit a set, we hit a set and now you want to fold?
You are getting 3-1immediate and 7-1 to hit a set. The average amount you win when you hit is way bigger than the preflop pot. Yes, you sometimes lose with a set. You play AK/AQ and make TPTK/TPGK etc. multiway. With a pp, you make a stronger hand that you can gii with.
You don't have a bluff catcher at all to the 2 shoves. Neither player is bluffing.
Well technically we want to hit a set AND get paid big by worse hand (two pair…over pair…etc). Most good players can get away from an over-pair for 100BB and likelihood of someone else hitting two pair AND us hitting set are very very slim. It’s not 2006 anymore sigh and can’t get people to put their whole stack in with one pair as easily as we could decades ago. So I definitely can get behind the fold preflop suggestion. Life is just too damn short to fold a pair preflop tho lol.
22 is obv the worst PP and always feel I gotta tread lightly with it since I always remember the times I put it in with one out versus overset and forget the times I win the pot versus something worse cuz that’s how most poker minds seem to work. Remember the beats and forget the wins. Set to set obv unlikely in general but 22 is the most likely hand to be on wrong side of set to set. Also plenty of other ways to lose with set of twos and gotta watch board texture when big money going in. Not like we’re gonna be happy to just throw 100+ BB in on if boards looking like 2♣3♣4♣5♣ etc. on button is best place to be to try to evaluate where you’re at post flop and over limping or even isoing a fishy limp (or two) with 22 on button is semi standard depending how bad they play but I’ve seen myself muck hands like 22/33/44 etc facing a big enough open when stacks are shallow enough plenty of times especially if I’m from the blinds and it’s heads up and opener seems like the type to play well post flop
You are getting 3-1immediate and 7-1 to hit a set. The average amount you win when you hit is way bigger than the preflop pot. Yes, you sometimes lose with a set. You play AK/AQ and make TPTK/TPGK etc. multiway. With a pp, you make a stronger hand that you can gii with.
You don't have a bluff catcher at all to the 2 shoves. Neither player is bluffing.
I agree neither player is bluffing especially the one stuck in the middle over shoving his extra scraps into dry side pot. The question is can both of these guys ever show up with worse than 222 here? Overpairs? Hint
utg has overpair
but does the guy sandwiched between raise/3B who elects to ship the rest in sure looks strong would someone play a trapping KK/AA like this or a wacky two pair that made lose call preflop?
So what happened? Did the other player have a set?
This is a fist pump snap call. They could both have overpairs, any 9 that they think is the nuts.
If you ever folded here that would be really bad
160 bigs with possibly the dryest board ever and 'only' bottom set, lol.
I'd be irked too. I guess it's only 65 or so straddles, so it's fine? Or call 55, fold 22 with this precise action? Calling pf too, and I like your plan for the hand.
Still calling, it's 1-2, people do all sorts of wacky crap here, you are getting 3-ish to 1, and you have UTG pretty much dead.
Pre. you just talk about stack sizes, but there's way more than that involved ... esp. when it goes five ways.
The next problem is you can't raise 22 on this flop for the same reason you think about folding ... there's nothing in your range apart from sets and random air bluffs or weirdly overplayed A9/TT-QQ and it's difficult to punt that bad five ways.
So now we need UTG to be terrible enough that he can't find the fold button (this is 1-2 at MGM though, so fair) or we don't get anywhere near the 150 ROI we need (and he only bet 1/3 pot, so that doesn't bode well).
After it goes: V1 shorty cbet, V2 real stack call, H raises 22/55/99, V1 tank ship it, V2 snap ship it; For you to be good V2 has to be bad/insane, and this is bottom of your range... but hey it's a set and you called 7.5bb pre. to hit one in 8 times so can't fold now.
Is final call bad? Yeh, probably, but I doubt it's the worst play H did.
Ps. As to the HH:
* Make it obvious hero's position, cards and relative stack sizes
* Make it obvious how many players see the flop, what the flop is and what the pot size is (and remaining stacks).
at high rake its probably losing a good amount tbh but cannot imagine playing live poker and folding pre
I kind of understand the sentiment, but it's a pretty big leak and it's not _that_ difficult to fix.
Do you also open 22 UTG nine handed, because it's live and life is short? My guess is not and you are a lot more disciplined in that spot.
The guy in the middle has to beat UTG who as you say probably has an overpair, and there are no high-equity bluffs (I mean the best out there is 43s with a backdoor). Like you say there should be very few two pair. Could the guy do this with TT?
I mean it seems tight folding a set on the flop getting nearly 3/1 but the backjam is very very strong...
I've been thinking a lot about this hand over the last few days and while it's easy to say after the reveal, I don't think folding would be bad here. V would have to be very bad to do this without a set because UTG is all in and has pretty much announced an overpair; to call, you have to assume that (1) V slowplays AA preflop, then slowplays it on the flop and backjams when they can easily be losing...or does it with TT not thinking about UTG's biggger overpairs; (2) they have 95 or 52 preflop and also make this backjam play; or (3) they have a soul read that UTG doesn't have an overpair and they can bluff you off your hand; or (4) they don't realise the implication of UTG being all in and somehow have a bluff (which would have to be a really weak draw like JTs or 76s unless he's there with 43s preflop). All seem vanishingly unlikely, or at least you're making a read that V is wild or just really bad, and he's just sat down at the table. For me this is an obvious snap call with 55, but I just can't see any logical hands at all for V that we beat. Look, getting 3/1 there's always a non-zero chance that V is really bad, but it's basically the "cos low stakes" justification for a call.
I kind of understand the sentiment, but it's a pretty big leak and it's not _that_ difficult to fix.
Do you also open 22 UTG nine handed, because it's live and life is short? My guess is not and you are a lot more disciplined in that spot.
Playing 22 5-handed is a big leak??? 22 would be a very profitable call 5-handed in limit holdem.
Playing 22 when it is likely to go HU preflop is a leak.