Vegas and the fuggin Mirage
1/2 NL @ MGM Springfield. Villain Hijack is a 65+ year old looking guy. Maybe played with him once weeks/months ago briefly. This hand I'm pretty sure he's nursing his 1st or 2nd beer (from my observation) but he doesn't seem wasted or anything near that. Probably working on a little nice beer buzz tho if I had to guess. He seems rather solid postflop capable of folding top pair when it seems clear he's beat...pretty sure I've seen him fold a KT or KJ type of hand faceup in the past (maybe at this table...maybe that one other session we played in past....idk) on K high flop facing heavy multiway action...but he's also a bit loose/passive preflop doing more limping than he probably should cuz ya'know drinkin them beers will do that to the best of us. I start the hand with about 800 and I believe he's got me slightly covered with about 1k.
I pretty recently (1 or 2 hands ago) 3 bet large...I believe I had AK or KK or QQ and everybody folded preflop. Maybe could influence people's decision in this hand, idk. Nobody seems to pay much attention at 1-2 NL anyways so I wouldn't put too much weight in that fact, but figure it's worth mentioning as I've seen people blow up and give wild action to someone who makes two or three 3bets within a few hands.
I believe some rando open limps EP/MP....villain limps LJ...pretty sure it wasn't an open limp on his part TBH but not 100% sure. I know it's pretty relevant cuz can make a kinda huge difference in this spot but sorry I'm not 100% sure.
Some kinda agro reggy lookin youngish guy opens button or cutoff to 16. He's got a pretty heavy stack 550-600ish if I recall correctly.
I got the rockets in the BB and re-raise to 69 verbally quickly lol (maybe I even added a funny slurping noise or big lick comment or something silly along those lines...u know, to rep 69off to try'n get some action here) cuz I don't want to let pocketpairs get good implied odds to set mine cuz it's typically tough to fold a hand like AA from OOP in 3 bet overbet pot after a typical cbet especially if board is drawy and esp if the pot ends up going multiway for 69 each...lots of 1-2 games go multiway in 3 bet pots cuz lol it's 1-2 and people don't drive to the casino to fold preflop.
If there was an EP/MP limp fairly sure that guy folded and now this villain guy hems and haws a bit looks like he's gonna fold, I believe I do one of my classic wacky twitches that I used to do a lot 15-20 years ago when I read Barry Greenstein's book and he suggested doing that when you got a monster and people look like they gonna fold cuz maybe they'll read it as weakness and playback. Not that this **** matters but I like adding all the stupid details in my posts clearly cuz lol. Now the villain raises to $212 and the button reg guy folds.
He's put in damn near 1/3 of his stack at this point. He's repping a total monster and I'd imagine most people who who put in roughly 1/3 their stack don't do that just to fold (tho I have seen it). Anyways this hand is silly but made me think of something DGAF Billy once said about live poker and how sometimes you gotta do the cheeky click-it-back type bet in these rare weird wacky spots when you're nutted and opponent seems second-nutted but capable of finding a fold to a jam but will certainly give action and eventually stack off to the wacky 5bet (or 6bet or 7 bet) followed by 15-20% bet on next street lol.
What's the play here?
a) Cheeky click it back to 355?
a.2) Super cheeky semi angle move of putting out 285 and then when everybody gets confused and dealer counts it out to the dollar and rules it as >50% (by $1 or $0.50) of 1/2 a raise and rules it as a raise make a huge big stink and call the floor etc. saying you just meant to call and put on your best Oscar winning performance pretending to be upset and that you made an honest mistake and you'll never come back and play at this casino if they rule this as a raise when it was clearly a mistake LOL
b) Ship it on his face?
c) Something in between like $420 or $500? ...planning to ship every flop.
d) Just flat call and bomb flop?
d.2) Just flat call and make a extra cheeky non-bomb flop bet of like something between $2-$150 just to put the opponent in one of the wackiest poker spots of his life?
e) Flat call and check to him on any flop expecting him to rip it?
HU for rolls? Lmk
Ok so stfu and gtfo the thread if you don’t like my style
No money heads-up, everyone's solid
I’m a Donk. Especially heads up. take my money.
What do you think of this?
Ziig is an end boss.
I raised to $505 and he hemmed and hawed and folded QQ faceup after a minute. I regret not doing option 1.a