*** 2024 HSNL March Madness Squares Pool ***

*** 2024 HSNL March Madness Squares Pool ***

This website will always contain the latest information -> 2024 March Madness Squares

What is this?

A March Madness Squares Pool is a completely random, neutral EV sweat for every game of the NCAA Tournament. That's 63 independent sweats for the price of one, so yeah it's pretty much the greatest thing ever. See previous pools to get a feel:

Still confused? No worries, just ship your escrow and enjoy the ride. You'll catch on after the first couple games and I'll be posting the winners of each game as we go.

I'd highly recommend sending early to avoid any transfer limits we'll hit as we get closer to the tourney.

There is only one pool this year. We're not reserving squares, it's first-come, first-served, tho non-regs and knuckleheads may get bumped for regs at any time before we scramble the squares.

If we don't sell out I'll modify rules to include ghost squares payouts in later rounds of the tournament.

Let us goggogogo...


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14 February 2024 at 11:36 PM

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