I haz a boat
Same villain from the I haz aces hand. All the same rules apply and the sign from black has been hitting quite often. This time I haz sixes. Approx 500-550 deep. 2/5 blinds and I raise to 15 on the button HU w 66 he calls. Flop 9 7 3 two tone
Check. 10. Call.
Turn 6 off suit. no flush available. Villain leads 30. I raise to 99 problems but a bitch ain’t one he calls after 5-10 seconds thought.
River 3 no flush available he checks quick I bet 210 pretty quick he’s all in (slightly less than min raise more)
You happy now guys? I didn’t include all the juicy details I normally do because you’re all too lazy to read them and think anyways.
10 Replies
Pretty gross spot. Almost feels like a fold.
looks like the easiest call in the world to me. 100bb deep vs rec, you're getting 4:1 in a spot you usually have a straight with a boat and theoretically beat some weirdly played lower boats. am just not interested in soulreading a fold where he'd have to not 3b pre and not xr flop to then lead turn with a handful of combos that beat you.
I didn't fold.
looks like the easiest call in the world to me. 100bb deep vs rec, you're getting 4:1 in a spot you usually have a straight with a boat and theoretically beat some weirdly played lower boats. am just not interested in soulreading a fold where he'd have to not 3b pre and not xr flop to then lead turn with a handful of combos that beat you.
The thing that makes it a little trickier is that recs won't 3bet 99, 77 and even TT OOP from the blinds. So it's like what does he have that calls the turn raise and check min raises all in?
I can see calling because there can be random button clicking factor and weird hands like 93/73 etc but it's not super exciting imo.
This wouldn't be a thread if you won, but it's about 180-ish more to win a total pot of 1050 or so? And it's only 100-110 bb? Hard to fold an underboat here. And "it's good for the game" when you don't.
Not folding.
I’m never folding here.
V can easily be value-owning himself with 97, T8, 45s not to mention random spazzes. At these odds, folding the best hand would be a way bigger mistake than paying off his bigger boat or quads.
You happy now guys? I didn’t include all the juicy details I normally do because you’re all too lazy to read them and think anyways.
There's a grand canyon sized gap between the novel you wrote the first time and _some_ thoughts you might have on:
If he 3bets 99 pre. and/or calls 93s/63s/etc.
Does he just call 99/77 on the flop?
What kind of range do you think he donks turn with?
Then the min. click shove river ... is it always very good full houses, any full house or if he just called turn with T8 does he shove the river with it now?
With no other information I sigh and call because it's not much into a lot, so we don't need to win that often.
If he doesn't shove T8 on the river though I wouldn't be shocked if it's a fold.
He doesn’t 3 bet much to be honest. He’s probably more likely to 3 bet 33 (that’s his favorite hand) than 99 lol but maybe I’m wrong.
so here's the thing. if you take a look at the hand in gto wizard calling the river vs the check raise in basically the same parameter is worth ~151 bb vs 0 for folding. this is a ton and one of the largest ev differences i think you'll see at 100 bb stacks without having the absolute nuts. most of the nodes in nl that people stress about are worth less than a bb in ev between the decisions. you would need incredibly hyper specific reads to within some absurd confidence interval that you're not going to find by posting vague descriptions and hand histories on an online forum. you'd probably need a literal rounders level live tell to deviate this much. its just way too much chance of incinerating a huge amount of ev if you're wrong.
interestingly it doesn't cbet your hand really ever although i think randoms will struggle very much to punish it, even more so if you somehow think he is just calling the flop with hands that could have us beat on the river. one other thing is it just jams your hand otr a good amount instead of potting
@spyu the hand is headsup.
Idk how this isn’t a Cbet at least sometimes.
77 good. He thought I was gonna slow roll 99 of 33 tho lol