PAWM 1/2 Deep After Midnight Hand

PAWM 1/2 Deep After Midnight Hand

1/2 $300 Max buyin. Its 3am on Friday night/Saturday morning. Not sure if this is universal but here that means players are stupid loose preflop.

I have about $900 in front of me and moved to this table about 30 minutes ago after my table broke.

Hero Cutoff MAWG image is clean. I previously won a pot with KK flopped a set and took it down on the turn and showed my hand.
V1 MP MAWG $500 very ABC and typically loose for this game at this time of day.
V2 Main villian Hi-jack $850ish. Late 50's with stubby hands who is also a jerk and just squirrely looking and acting. He's very sticky post. Have no history from today all from recollection of playing previously.
Other V's under $200 and not relevant.

Pre: V1 limps, Hero black 77 makes it $15. Larger sizing due to how games play after midnight on weekend and stack depth. V2 calls, SB calls, BB calls, V1 calls.

Flop $70: 67J rainbow. SB checks, BB checks, V1 donks for $40.


25 February 2024 at 01:42 AM

11 Replies

V1 bet enough that both flatting and raising are OK. Because of the number of people in the hand and messy board I prefer a raise to $120. I would consider this board messy because there are so many turn cards that have a small chance of being bad. There are more ways that a turn card gives a villain two pair or a pair+draw so your not going to give up but if villain is willing to commit to pot their range has to be weighted towards the top. This sort of situation can become a guessing game this deep. Your not only guessing how strong villain's hand is but if they understand how to play this deep.

I am guessing from context that Hero calls, V2 overcalls, and the turn completes a straight.

I would always be raising in this spot. This deep, if I want to be ending this hand with a shove, I want to deny cheap cards on all streets. And if V1 is willing to call with worse, maybe we want more money going in before action gets killed by a bad turn.

quadj hit the nail. I wanted to deny equity to at least gut shots and be able to get stacks in by river.

Hero raised to $125. V2 plays with his chips with his stubby fingers for about a minute and calls. Field folds. V1 folds.

Turn: $260 67J 9 completes rainbow. Not the best, but not the worst card. Only gutshot straights made it there and I'm hoping that even sticky opponents are not going to call 125 cold with a gut shot.

Pot now $260, V2 is effective stack with a little more than $700. Its hard to get a physical read on V2 as hero is in seat 8 and he's in seat 1.


So it seems like V2 has 610 left after calling the 125? And the pot is over 300. And V2 cold-called 125 not closing the action.

I would strongly consider just jamming now. If I’m not jamming I’m betting 220 or so, leaving under 400 for the river jam.

EDIT: Right, 710, not 610. So now I might go 250 or still jam.

Also 85 got there too, not just T8. Nevertheless I am never folding this hand on the turn.

Flop - I like a small raise, $105, which shouldn't deter drawing hands from coming along.

Turn - theoretically, the V call should rep a strong range given the flop action. Then again, it's 3am @ 1/2, so ... I like a 2/3 PSB.

You said you were in CO and V is in HJ, but I'm guessing it's the reverse of that.

PRE - I might open a tad larger over the limp, but otherwise it seems fine.

FLOP - definitely raising over the donk, at least 3x.

TURN - 85 was open ended on flop, but otherwise it seems pretty safe to bet again. I like an over- bet here. With the remaining stack depth, seems like a good spot to jam.

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Yes, I was HJ he was CO.


Turn: $260 Hero bets $220. I want to setup an easy jam and if he jams I will vomit and probably call but have not 100% decided. I think maybe a little less or more would have been better to take any decision away if he jams.

V again long tanks and calls. I'm rooting for a blank and river is

River: $700. 67J9 A. About the safest card imaginable but probably not best unless V is sticking around with AJ. Hero jams for just less than $500 effective. Any considerations to checking here to induce but I feel V is probably even checking back hands as strong as AJ.

V this time only tanks for about a minute and folds, then insults the dealer.

Postscript: About an orbit later I stack same V with A2dd where he 3-bet my open and flopped a flush draw and turn and river both A. He cursed the dealer again and left.

I would raise flop so we can jam all turns against V1. When V2 joins and V1 folds we want to take the line that you did. Given nature of turn I might bet bigger turn which would make river call easier for V2.

Definitely not checking that river. I would jam just like you did. I think if we suspect that Villain has something with marginal showdown value we can bet SUPER small on the river, like 50 or 75, but this would be far from my default option.

Well played throughout. Leaves people guessing whether you just blasted away flop and turn with AK or something. I would have done very similar to you, possibly a touch larger on the flop and/or a touch smaller on the turn but either way setting things up for stacks. River I'm not sure if Jx is calling much but you've still got to pull the trigger I think and hope for the best.

Weird spot for the river decision, with main V2 flat-calling your flop raise over V1's donk. Like, what does he have that tank-calls there with V1 still in the hand, and tank-calls your pot-sized turn bet?

I'd think he must have had JX on the flop, at a minimum, and probably would have raised J9 on turn. Maybe he finds a fold with KJ, QJ, or JT on the river, but he could also have a lot of AJ that snap-calls your jam, and he might look you up with all those other JX combos he could have.

His reaction makes me wonder if he wasn't slow-playing some pocket pair pre-flop, most likely TT, or maybe even 88 - he flats pre, can't find a fold or raise on flop or turn because of course we always have AK/AQ when we raise pre, but now he's losing to any AX. So, in his mind, we were bluffing the whole way but got there on the river - curse the dealer.

But, seriously what the hell are we supposed to think? We're never putting this guy on TT or 88, so it's not like we'd think we should size down to get a crying call. Doesn't seem like there was any way for you to get much more value here.
