88 sizing vs 2 players 3b pot.
Hero $400
Villain 1 $400
Villain 2 $500
This is one of my first hands played, so I don't know too much.
Villain 1 looks like he is clueless
Villain 2 looks to be one of those Euro guys - so he probably has some clue.
Hero gets black 88 and goes $10 UTG
1 rando caller
Villain 1 calls
Villain 2 3b $55 from BB
I ended up calling which I suppose is fine sometimes and I don't expect to get back 4b all that often here in these games.
rando folds - Villain 1 calls
Villian 2 checks
I check
Villain 1 checks.
Turn J
Villain 2 checks
I go $75 - which is small but should deny equity to overs like AQ+ as they will need 20% equity to call and they don't have it.
I had a sort of dilemma here but i'm checking almost every river except an 8 if I get called. I can't imagine 99+ checking 2x so I think my bet is good but not sure of the sizing.
8 Replies
I would fold to the 3b pre, even if we have the best hand we’re going to get into spots that are hemorrhaging money.
Your turn bet is a little bigger than needed and I don’t agree you’re almost always ahead. If he’s tricky at all he can easily have aces or quads knowing that any pair will probably stab turn.
I would fold to the 3b pre, even if we have the best hand we’re going to get into spots that are hemorrhaging money.
Your turn bet is a little bigger than needed and I don’t agree you’re almost always ahead. If he’s tricky at all he can easily have aces or quads knowing that any pair will probably stab turn.
That would be pretty ridiculous to check flop and turn with AA or KK with 2x pot size left. You are giving pocket pairs just a free turn card to rekt you. If you aren't betting this flop with AA or KK OOP than what flop are you betting?
Only hand I could see checking 2x is TT or 99 - and the very rare JJ as 66 and 44 would never 3b here.
GTO does fold the 88 here pre as I would expect it to, but that assumes you will get back 4b. If that will rarely happen I don't mind the call to set mine, but probably still would be best to fold pre.
So if I choose the call - based on GTO the worst hand I can have here is A4s which rarely calls (30% of the time) or QQ as KK and AA 4b half the time, and call the other half. Even JJ folds here. I guess it likes 77 sometimes for what ever reason.
I'd probably fold to the 3bet preflop, assuming we are behind a "normal" 3bet range from BB.
As played pre, flop and turn look fine.
That would be pretty ridiculous to check flop and turn with AA or KK with 2x pot size left. You are giving pocket pairs just a free turn card to rekt you. If you aren't betting this flop with AA or KK OOP than what flop are you betting?
I think we should sometimes check and sometimes bet AA. Same with JJ though I’m more inclined to check top set.
If I did check AA on the flop I would keep checking in this way ahead way behind spot.
I'd probably fold to the 3bet preflop, assuming we are behind a "normal" 3bet range from BB.
As played pre, flop and turn look fine.
right, I assume we are - I was looking to set mine as my risk of getting 4b was very low in these 1/3 games, but once he checks 2 streets i'm gonna take a stab.
I would fold to the 3b pre, even if we have the best hand we’re going to get into spots that are hemorrhaging money.
Your turn bet is a little bigger than needed and I don’t agree you’re almost always ahead. If he’s tricky at all he can easily have aces or quads knowing that any pair will probably stab turn.
This. There are just way better spots to make money than this one. In the end in the log run your winrate doesn't come from Euro players anyways. Just fold and move on.
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I fold to the 3bet pre every time unless it's a known maniac. Turn is fine.
i think you need 12:1 implied odds to call pre, you dont have it