1/3 Slightly weird spot with J7ss
Hero has been card dead, would not usually overlimp this hand but table starting to see me as a nit/tight so decided to play.
Hero dealt J7hh on the button. IÂ’m last to act in all streets. Title says J7ss but I meant hearts.
Villain just joined table a few hands ago. Bought in for $175-200. Dealer knows V so known reg.
Limped pot (5 callers)
Flop Jc 10h 5c ($15)
V Bets 15
HJ calls 15
Hero calls 15
Turn 8s ($60)
V checks
HJ checks
Hero bets 25
V calls 25
HJ folds
River 5s ($110)
V donks 55
Hero ?
I get spidey senses and something feels weird about this line. But then at the back of my head, I remember I’m at 1/3 and that I should just play ABC poker and people tend to underbluff rivers.
And you don’t call this river bet, what hands would you prefer calling with?
Will post results in a day.
My analysis of hand:
Calling flop b/c pair + backdoor straight and flush draws and IÂ’m in position. Should be relatively easy to play.
I guess I can check but wanted to deny some equity from flush draws since I have made hand. VÂ’s check back seems weak to me. likely wouldnÂ’t check back a set on this board texture. Neither a made straight.
Confused by this donk. It feels like V is repping trips.
V could have any suited 5 (besides 55, J5, 10 5 since those would likely keep firing turn). Unlikely V would fire $15 with a non suited 5 though you never know at these stakes. So thatÂ’s maybe 10 combos.
What else would x/c turn?
10 9
10 8
8 9
Some J x
11 Replies
Check back turn. River is a tough spot. Doesn’t seem like a card people are going to try to rep. Is villain a blind? Could easily have T5 or J5 pot controlling turn. I probably fold vs abc reg.
Just my two cents, I played a hand almost exactly like this (same action, slightly different bet sizes) against a villain that had a decent hand on the flop and a very strong hand on the turn. He had bet very quickly on the river, which I took as a planned bet but it was for value rather than bluff
If you care about image enough, or think it's important enough... I don't hate the limp on the BTN. Saying that...
Fold flop.
With reads that everyone is bad enough you can call flop, check back turn.
Without reads on flop and you still hate folding, raise to 45 and pray for folds or running hearts.
Just my two cents, I played a hand almost exactly like this (same action, slightly different bet sizes) against a villain that had a decent hand on the flop and a very strong hand on the turn. He had bet very quickly on the river, which I took as a planned bet but it was for value rather than bluff
You were right about turn being strong but
V showed 10 8 off suit
Counterfeited two pair turned into a bluff???
Or at least I hope that was the intention and not for value
Why prefer raise instead of call? Is it that there are very few turns that we can continue calling with if V decides to continue betting?
Why prefer raise instead of call? Is it that there are very few turns that we can continue calling with if V decides to continue betting?
Your hand does much worse 3ways than HU, IMNSHO.
The biggest problem 3ways on is that your 7 interacts with 98, which is a significant draw call (esp. as it's limped so KQ is less likely).
So if you have J8 vs. J7 vs. 98 on JT5 ... J7 basically never wins, but if you can get either hand to fold you have a chance.
But, again, you can just fold instead.
These small river donks tend to be quite overbluffed, so with top pair it’s a really easy call.
There’s no point thinking about why he bet a hand like T8 or whether he’s doing it as value or bluff, because chances are he doesn’t know himself. All you need to do is call when you have a hand, and raise when you don’t.
These small river donks tend to be quite overbluffed, so with top pair it’s a really easy call.
There’s no point thinking about why he bet a hand like T8 or whether he’s doing it as value or bluff, because chances are he doesn’t know himself. All you need to do is call when you have a hand, and raise when you don’t.
Thanks. I did end up calling.
Showdown was weird. He flipped cards over, announced two pair. I almost mucked my hand before realizing he was counterfeited.
I said J plays and V groaned.
Also, what do you think about checking back turn vs betting it?
In theory the turn bet is probably too thin, but you can always make a case for betting this type of hand in practice. Most of the stronger Jx would probably have bet turn, and I doubt you’re getting checkraised very often either. Both of which make betting more reasonable.
spidey senses are underrated. tbh mine are almost always right, although i dont always listen to them. mental game weak imo.
anyways id prefer a turn cb to keep the pot small
Calling down with J7 here doesn't seem all that different from calling down with ace-rag in a SRP.
It was a limped pot at 1/3. Top pair is going to be good a lot when V takes this line of bet flop, check-call turn, donk-lead 1/2 pot on a fairly meaningless river card.