2-5 with ~$600 and AKo in SB, and a bunch of action in front
This is one of the first hands hero played at a main table, but has played with V's previously and/or at the previous must move table.
V1 Not knowledge from before today but he had been somewhat active but mostly open limping at the must move and not normal any2 ranges, but seen him limp TT and AQo.
V2 Was also at the previous table, seemed to be playing tight and raising. Had 3bet a couple of times, but would guess he is observant enough to see people open limp.
V3 Have played with him before, and at most 2-5 tables he mostly limps tight-ish and raises big preflop (like open for 25 in the CO) with QQ+/AK. Is also not calling 15-20 opens wide.
Everyone covers hero by a lot.
On to the hand:
V1 LO: opens to 20
V2 CO: raises to 65
V3 BTN: calls 65
12 Replies
Note that CO didn't think much, if at all, and BTN did think a bit while moving his chips around and then called with two greens.
Also to add on their stack sizes ... they are all 1500+ deep against each other.
Fold. You're in the worst position and a player who usually limps has raised, followed by a tight player who has presumably seen his limp range and 3 bet. Not super worried about the button, he may have like 99-JJ or AQ, but the first two are scary.
If you 4 bet what are you hoping happens? They all fold? You'll be risking at least $175 to gain less than that if they all fold. If they 5 bet you're dead, and if they call you're in no man's land 70% of the time.
In a tournament I might go with it but in cash I wait for a better spot.
There is no solution for BTN over calling because he never should - so I just put him as a fold as he is technically just dead money.
This is a pretty no brainer 4b for 120bb deep but I would make it 30 - 35bb
If BTN 4b like he should - than you can sometimes fold AKo
Against V1 who is open limping TT and AQo, AK is in trouble against his raising range in the SB. Even if you flop a King, he's not going to pay you off with the bottom of his range. Therefore, you're going to win the minimum and potentially lose a lot. That's a hand you don't want to call a 3bet with. Easy fold.
Never cold calling here, it is between 4 betting and folding. And this time it is a fold. Already at equilibrium this is a hand that would fold at a frequency. You have an UTG range that is possibly JJ+ and AK based on history and pretty tight ranges from the other villains as well.
Fold ...
Facing a raiser who open limps TT/AQ, then a 3B, then a cold call from a player who isn't calling single raises with a wide range.
Seems mostly agreed. Results:
Hero thought for a bit about all the options, decided call was worst and then decided raise wasn't going to be great although maybe people fold a lot more to a shove because they are all so deep vs. each other ... but hero shrugged and folded.
Initial raiser called, so three ways to:
Pot: ~200
check (initial raiser)
Bet ~1/2 pot (by 3bettor)
fold (cold caller)
fold (initial raiser)
Good flop for me and it feels like I'm hoping I'm chopping if he's value betting.
So much dead money, good blockers, get folds from QQ or worse. All in.
This is one of the first hands hero played at a main table, but has played with V's previously and/or at the previous must move table.
V1 Not knowledge from before today but he had been somewhat active but mostly open limping at the must move and not normal any2 ranges, but seen him limp TT and AQo.
V2 Was also at the previous table, seemed to be playing tight and raising. Had 3bet a couple of times, but would guess he is observant enough to see people open limp.
V3 Have played with him before, and
I guess it can't be terrible to fold and find a better spot with a better hand.
Then again, it doesn't seem terrible to want to 4B to around $250 here, depending on our stack depth. If we're short enough to jam or call off a jam (under $350-ish), or deep enough to 4B-fold to a 5B jam (over $850-ish), I think I'd prefer a raise. Otherwise, between $400 and $800 stack depth I don't mind the fold.
I don't think seeing V1 limp TT/AQo is enough of a sample to know what he does with JJ+/AK. V2 sounds capable of 3B-folding, and doesn't sound all that strong when he auto-3B's over V1. V3 doesn't sound too strong when he tank-calls after playing with his chips.
If we 4B, I would want to use a sizing that won't be called multi-way. My quick formula here was 2.5x V2's bet size, plus 1x for V3, plus another $20 for V1. Risking $250 to win the $150 in the pot seems like a reasonable gamble, while not laying great pot odds to our opponents, and could work well if our short stack reduces their implied odds.
Fold looks fine since v2 and v3 are both viewed as tight. Otherwise would rip it.
FWIW, folding AK offsuit pre here can be fine.
BUT...it's really important to take better notes.
V1 was seen limping TT and AQ offsuit.
If we know more specific details about what positions/situations that V1 was in when he was seen limping TT and AQ offsuit, it would help a lot in this close decision between cold 4bet or folding AKo.