$2/3 KTcc in SB line check
$2/3 Friday night
H SB $1,400 40’s WG playing between TAG and TP depending on spots / V’s in hand.
V1 BB $3,500 30’s HG. Reg, knows H. V1 is generally a LAG but also will vary his play based on spot. A decent player.
V2 BTN $2,000 50’s Indian guy. Seems aggro and sticky pre but slows down and tightens up post.
3 or 4 limps to H which has only been happening once or twice an hour. H limps KTcc. Plays better MW and deep, even OOP better than HU in a bloated pot. V1 makes it $20 (standard size). EP rando and V2 call. H calls closing the action.
Flop ($77)
Obviously a really good flop for H. H checks, V1 goes $50 - V1 is going to cbet here a lot, even MW, EP rando folds, V2 calls, H calls.
Turn ($227)
AsQc9c Ac
That’s pretty good. H checks, V1 goes $125, V2 folds, H just calls?
River ($477)
AsQc9c Ac 3h
H? V1 can have basically all the A’s from quads to A2o. Could have QQ, 99, broadway and a fair amount of air. V1 is also capable of raising H’s river bet as a bluff.
What’s H’s move on the river? B/f, b/c, c/f, c/c, c/f?
13 Replies
In theory, we could have some boats here, too. I'd probably bet around 40% pot and fold to a raise.
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I would bet/fold 325 on this river to target AK/AJ
I wonder if donking turn is an even better way to get value from Ax. Can b/f turn and b/f river if called.
I check raise flop. Villain raised his option then bet into three people, he's almost always strong here and won't get away from a hand we are probably an equity favorite against. Donking turn seems good too. River's gotta be bet/fold regardless. Not enough bluffs missed to check call
I might check/raise this great flop vs. these players. As played, b/f $250, although I hate to fold. Can't image he's raising w/ worse, though.
What would we be repping with a x/r on flop after we limp-call pre?
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I think c/r flop on this board at this depth is pretty bad.
I would check, since donking out will either be a FH or at min. the NF. Let the lag continue betting, and it will suck to get CRAI on.
any two pair and FD's. It would however be horrible if the LAG decides to turn his hand into a bluff and folds us out when we do it.
This isn't the hand, the board, the stack depth, or the V's I would want to check-raise the flop here. We have no pair, just a draw to the 2nd nut flush and an ISSD. We only have 1 out to the pure nuts.
V1 could have all the sets, 2P, top pair, an OESD, and top pair with the nut flush draw. Even if V1 is bluffing, as described, V2 probably isn't calling V1's c-bet with total air, and our hand blocks the most obvious Jx and Tx draws. V2 probably would have raised top 2 or a set, so he's probably just got 1P, or at most, bottom 2P.
The strongest hands we can credibly rep on the flop are A9 and Q9, and MAYBE 99. Otherwise, we're just repping a draw. When V2 caps his range, re-opening the betting by check-raising is a gift to V1.
So we check-raise to...$200-$250 (?), repping 2P or bottom set at best. After V2 flat calls, capping his range, V1 can 3B to $500-$600 over our x/r a lot, knowing V2 will almost always be folding, and we can't really 4B unless it's a 4B jam.
Why would we want to bloat the pot OOP and take the betting lead before we make our hand, at the risk of getting 3B off our equity and torching $200-$250, when we can just check-call and see a turn for $50, getting over 3:1, with huge implied odds?
Results: H checks, V1 checks back w/ AJo. Really didn’t want to b/f or b/c so I checked and obviously left value on the table.
Well if you b/f'd, you woulda left a lot more $$ on the table, but since he checked back who knows if he's even calling if you lead out since you'd be saying you have at least a flush anyway.
I would check call river, he has a lot of big hands in range and might value bet trips anyways.
With a big draw and 4 nut outs I would check raise sometimes vs someone who I know is over cbetting. We also get to squeeze out the btn.