Thoughts on this strange one
Late night 1/3 around 5am. I Admit hero is a little tilted as things are not goin my way at what should be a very beatable table. Hero had his AA cracked by a drunks whales Q8. Most the table is too loose and a bit passive. Drunk whale is doing all kinds of stupid stuff. Raising and playing hands blind etc running hot. Whale is BB over 1k. Hero is BTN $300. Hero has the table covered except for the whale.
V1 UTG raises to $15. V2 MP calls. Hero calls with Qc10c. Whale announces raise but only puts out $15. Dealer takes it as a call and scoops the pot in. V1 says that the whale announced raise so he must raise. Dealer agrees and tells him he must raise something. Whale decides to make it $30. V1 calls, V2 calls but is very unhappy that the dealer made hi raise. Says it should have been just a call. Hero calls. Pot is now $120
Flop ( 120 ) 8c 6c 4h.
Checks to V2 who angrily ships all in for $90. Hero?
19 Replies
Shrug/call. V's range is huge. Some 2p, some sets, some combo-draws, prolly Ac4c, maybe even a couple combos of 57s, and lots of 77/99/TT. No point in isolating when drawing, and probably getting better odds with each caller.
Shrug/call. V's range is huge. Some 2p, some sets, some combo-draws, prolly Ac4c, maybe even a couple combos of 57s, and lots of 77/99/TT. No point in isolating when drawing, and probably getting better odds with each caller.
Why would you call this very large bet with a weak draw and no implied odds, if you think villain usually has a strong hand? You say V's range is huge, but hero is way behind all the possibilities you mention except for 77,99, and combo-draws.
Because pot odds? We don't need to be ahead. We just need to be getting the right price. We have like 43% equity against that range and are only being asked to contribute 30% of the pot. This is not a "very large bet." It is 3/4 pot.
Because pot odds? We don't need to be ahead. We just need to be getting the right price. We have like 43% equity against that range and are only being asked to contribute 30% of the pot. This is not a "very large bet." It is 3/4 pot.
Where are you getting the 43%? You didn't give that in your answer. That seems very high for the range you provided.
Poker stove. It's not that high, considering how much of his range is combo draws, all of which all of our outs are clean against, and pair+gutshot, for which most of our outs are clean. Even if you just figure it as a standard 9-out FD, we have 35%, which is plenty.
Not sure about the local rules, but if someone in my local card rooms announces raise, but doesn't specify the amount or put in enough chips, they're going to be forced to min-raise, no more or less.
As for the hand, yeah, I don't love it, but with two overs, the 3rd nut flush draw, and a backdoor straight draw, I think we need to at least call it off.
These multi-way flat call or re-jam decisions can be tough. I'm not sure if it's better to be heads up or multi-way here, but my gut tells me we don't want anyone with a higher flush draw joining the party, so I might re-jam.
Open to @Garick or anyone else explaining why we should prefer others overcall.
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Not raising as we cover all but whale, and thus no one is likely to fold the better draw. Plus we want worse draws and weak made hands to come along. Also, with the possible exception of whale, bluffing into dry side-pots is pretty rare, so the rest of the hand should be pretty easy to play.
Late night 1/3 around 5am. I Admit hero is a little tilted as things are not goin my way at what should be a very beatable table. Hero had his AA cracked by a drunks whales Q8. Most the table is too loose and a bit passive. Drunk whale is doing all kinds of stupid stuff. Raising and playing hands blind etc running hot. Whale is BB over 1k. Hero is BTN $300. Hero has the table covered except for the whale.
V1 UTG raises to $15. V2 MP calls. Hero calls with Qc10c. Whale announces raise
Cracked as in the guy went all in q8 preflop?
In terms of the hand, this is an ideal squeeze spot. You know that at least one person in isn't that strong and is pissed off.
Not raising as we cover all but whale, and thus no one is likely to fold the better draw. Plus we want worse draws and weak made hands to come along. Also, with the possible exception of whale, bluffing into dry side-pots is pretty rare, so the rest of the hand should be pretty easy to play.
Like I said, these multi-way pots with one guy going all-in seem to be a challenge for me. So, not sure if I'm looking at this the right way. I'm thinking about some hands Bart Hanson has reviewed, where he's suggested hero should raise to get heads-up with 1P, 2P and sets, but fold out better draws. Otherwise, hero's equity is basically zero.
The pot is $210 after V2 jams. If hero re-jams for $270 more, the pot will be $480, laying the next player a little less than 1.8 to 1. Are you saying that's not enough to deter anyone with a better draw from calling?
But remember, we cover, so shove will be less than that (how much is unclear) effective for everyone but the whale, and the whale certainly isn't folding better draws at that price.
Your point has merit, but given the way pre went down, I don't think there are that many combos of better FDs out there. It was too calm for AcKc and too stormy for many combos of Ac2c-9c or Kc2c-9c. We're really only worried about AcJc and KcJc, and a few combos of bad AcXc hands. And a shove likely doesn't get rid of the better FDs that have 2 overs. It might get rid of some AcXc, but that's targeting pretty slim, and many of those are also GS or BDSD, which likely won't fold, so we're targeting even slimmer.
Meanwhile, there's a lot of combo-draws that we'd like to stay in, as they improve our POs and give us some IOs when we both hit. Plus we'd like 2p and hands like Ac8x to stay, even though we don't have much IOs against them, just for their contribution to the pot.
I don't hate an iso, but I'd be much more likely to advocate for it if we held a low combo draw ourselves. 7c9c, shove all day.
The only benefit of shoving is to deny pot odds for worse hands. Better hands and draws should be calling whether you shove or not.
I don't think either action would be much different EV wise. So which action you take comes down to how much variance you are willing accept - a shove will have lower variance & smaller pot, a flat will have (potential for) higher variance and larger pot.
Call is better than raise imo. It might dirty a few of our outs but not many, and we get a bigger overlay. And we will have a dry side that wonÂ’t get bluffed a lot.
But remember, we cover, so shove will be less than that (how much is unclear) effective for everyone but the whale, and the whale certainly isn't folding better draws at that price.
Your point has merit, but given the way pre went down, I don't think there are that many combos of better FDs out there. It was too calm for AkKc and too stormy for many combos of Ac2c-9c or Kc2c-9c. We're really only worried about AcJc and KcJc, and a few combos of bad AcXc hands. And a shove likely doersn't get r
Ah-hah. That is key. The shorter-stacked the other V's are, the less likely they are to fold better draws.
What's "GS" by the way?
Since I moved up to 2/5 from 1/3, I've become more "big pot leery", if that's a thing (if it wasn't, it is now - I just made it up!). It was all good fun screwing around with QTs and a $300 stack at 1/3. I'm not about dusting off $700-$800 with QTs at 2/5.
I'm curious about something... do you guys think that preflop is a winning call? The initial raise is only for 5% of stacks, but our hand is easily dominated. If the BB calls the SPR will be 4.75, which will make for very awkward territory unless we smash the flop.
This question assumes that the BB isn't a whale. I can get behind playing more speculative hands with bad players behind.
What's "GS" by the way?
Gutshot. Inside straight draw. Ac7c or Ac5c.
Ok now the best part of this hand
hero calls. All others fold. V shows 2s3s. Runout is off suit A 5. He wins with a running straight.
LOL. Nice reminder to us all that low stakes Vs do the stupidest stuff, especially when tilted. I claimed his range was wide, but I had no idea it was that wide.