NL1/2: TP low kicker facing jam on threeway turn
8Max Table
Hero: Probably (and correctly) perceived as inexperienced with live poker; quite new at the table
Villain, UTG1: capable of aggressive play, bluffing; villain pbbly below 30
SB: Hero hide Ks3s stack 200
UTG1: stack 200
BU: Villain stack 200
A round of most players limping including hero and villain
BB: raise 10
UTG1: call 10
Villain: call 10
Hero: call 10
others fold
since villain limp-called, I put him on a weak range including offsuit broadways with low kicker plus suited trash and some low pairs
* FLOP * Kc2d6h pot 48
Hero: check
BB: check
UTG1: bet 40
Villain: call 40
Hero: call 40
BB: fold
since villain called with me behind, I put in on some sort of made hand like at least a weak pair or better; he'd raise two-pair or better in many cases
I believe villain probably puts me on a similar range with top pair low kicker at best
* TURN * Kc2d6h9c pot 168
Hero: check
UTG1: check
Villain: raise all-in 150
Hero: ???
7 Replies
Grunch from title alone: fold. OK off to read post.
Post grunch edit: Fold to the raise pre. You are in the worst position with a bad hand. I don't hate the overlimp with a suited K and only paying half price, but calling the raise is bad.
AP: Fold flop. UTG might be just stabbing (though doing so 4 ways is iffy), but V def has a real hand to call 4/5-pot with two players left to act. If he's doing that with anything TP-nut worst kicker can beat, he's awful indeed.
AP: Fold turn, AINEC. Live players are not ever taking this line with second pair or less, and literally every TP beats you.
Fold pre. Fold flop. Fold turn.
If you are inexperienced, i know this is a wild recommendation, but IMO, NEVER calling is probably more profitable than the calls newer players make. I dont even just mean fold. 3 betting K3s pre is better than calling. Shipping the flop is not really worse than calling.
You dont need to do it to this exteme, but the way thought process should work is
step 1) “CAN i raise?” If so, probably raise
Step 2) “CAN i fold?” If so, fold
Step 3) ONLY if you CANT reasonable raise and CANT reasonably fold, then call.
Preflop the call out of the SB should be avoided. It's marginal given the stupid good odds but as an inexperienced player you want to avoid those marginal spots. When raised just fold. Yes your last to act but the pot is now bloated and your odds worse.
On the flop fold, somebody betting into that many people on such a dry board probably has top pair or better. Plus the pot is now too bloated to mess around. Your hand isn't good enough to play for stack and isn't likely to improve, get out before your committed.
The situation is actually a bit better on the turn. After 2 checks villain can be bluffing or betting a draw. Still an easy fold. You don't beat any value and lose to some bluffs with weak top pair hands, plus there is a risk UTG has a big hand and checked hoping villain would bet.
Fold pre. Fold flop. Fold turn.
If we play a hand like Ks3s - any suited combo of 1 high card and 1 low card - we're basically just hoping to smash the flop in a huge way. Flopping top pair with the worst possible kicker isn't anywhere near close enough.
If the flop was X33, or KKX, where X is a 2 through 7, or we see KcXsXs (where the X's are low-middling cards), yeah, we can think about playing a big pot. But otherwise, those high-low suited combos are pure trash and should be avoided until you get more experience.
Thank you guys for the input. I agree that folding in all spots would have been better play. Villain is generally not likely to call with a hand worse than mine against the big lead and two players to act behind. So my equity against the opponents ranges will be poor.
In play, I did fold on the turn and villain revealed J6o.
Wow. That is truly awful. Mark this guy in red in your player book. If this is at all normal, he's a massive spew box.
I would fold pre, and I would fold the turn. Folding the turn is basically why I would fold pre. Unless you hit 2p+, you're never going to be comfortable with this hand postflop. You will often be beat, and when not beat, you can easily be bluffed off your hand. So just don't play it. Don't get tricked into thinking you should call because of pot odds. It is hard to win multiway pots, so even with great odds we need to be tight when entering them, especially when out of position.