2nd pear when V can have anything + I need to improve barreling
1/3 NLHE 9 handed 500 eff.
V - Big papa. LAG. Plays full time at different casinos. Will drive over 100 miles if one of his buddies texts him that there's a whale at
H - should have tight or weak tight image to V. Been folding for an hour without a hand. He would notice this. HJ. Covers.
UTG fish straddles, folds to H who opens J♣ J♥ to 20, only V calls. HU OOP.
Flop 40 - Q♥ 8♥ 4♦
H cbets 20, V calls
Turn 80 - 2♦
H barrels 40, V calls
River 160 (420 back) - 6♣
10 Replies
What range of hands do you put him on here? What percent of them are you ahead of? If so, does he have draws here he's ahead of?
Do you get any physical tells from him?
If you bet, what calls you that you beat. What happens if he re-reaises? If you check, what is he raising you with?
Id discount hin doing this with a gutshot unless he had that as part of a flush. He likely has a flush draw or some kind of queen. A queen will likely check back if he thinks you have a better queen. The flush draw will bet. I'd check here to try to induce him to bluff with his missed draws since you say he's prone to do that.
Turn bet kinda thin but could be reasonable.
River is not close tho. How can you do anything other than check?
Against someone who’s ready to blast off I am happy to let them do it with second pair. Start off with a flop check. Cbet is fine though but you need to check turn.
turn bet is bad
Let's just say he's not the kind of guy to let himself get value-owned. If he had Q9s here for instance he wouldn't just call down IP. He would raise me as a sort of semi-bluff/risk owning himself. If I call or 3-bet he would safely know to fold. I only have about 10 hours live with him so I don't know his preflop range solid but he's VERY player-aware. He can muck QQ pre vs a fish that's suddenly drooling to gii type of thing. He would tighten up vs me. Earlier in the session I opened KK over two limps and he called IP with AXs. He can float flop 100% here with A-high, K-high, to try and take it away from me later.
His range post-flop is like:
AXhh, KXhh, 67s, 56s, 88, 44, KQo/s, QJs, QTs, Q9s, AQo/s (low freq), 99-JJ (JJ or TT low freq), 77-55, A8dd.
The problem I feel like with checking turn OOP to this guy is he just bets chunky all day and I have to fold. I'd rather bet-fold medium sizing I thought, kind of like a block bet?
Big Papa again. God i want to play with this guy.
So vs a tricky player like this I like to take passive lines and let them blast off.
I would start with a check call on flop, check call turn, check call safe river which this is.
As played I hate the turn barrel and I'm very surprised he didnt raise.
Nothing to do but check call river. I dont know if we can really fold vs this guy with this particular hand. He just has so many misses here when there are just so many straight and flush draws.
But i think a really important thing here is you want to keep the pot small and not allow him to be in a position to bluff raise you when you probably have the best hand.
I played a tricky guy like this last night. When im out of position I do a lot of check calling vs him with medium strength hands and throw in check raises too. You really can only go bet bet with a hand like this against a drooler.
I think I'd just triple barrel. If he was calling with a worse pair, he'll probably call again, because we can have a missed draw. If he had a good Q, he'd probably raise flop or turn. A bad Q might fold to a triple barrel. I don't want to check, hoping he'll bluff with his missed draws or bet worse value, but will check back his better pairs.
If we value own ourselves and get looked up by Q-rag, so be it.
I actually like how you played this. We can't always assume V has a better hand when he calls, just because there's one over card to our PP on board. Not when V is capable of showing up with all sorts of loose-call stuff in his range, and will float wide just to pounce on any sign of weakness.
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stop cbetting range oop.
turn logic doesnt make much sense to me. "he can float but if i check and he bets i have to fold so id rather b/f" "he will never call tpnk despite being a (winning) pro and i know this because ive played 10 hours with him"
realistically when you're oop and its hu, excluding bvb, unless its a board thats broadway heavy (2+) you're much better off cbetting 0 rather than 100 vs anyone reasonable. yes there's exceptions and its not a catch all but so many of your threads are you just blindly betting 2nd pair oop into 1/ multiple people and having no idea what to do later in the hand. you're just constantly taking a hand class that has good equity in a check down / bluff catching line and forcing opponent into ranges that have good equity vs your hand while you have extremely poor visbility / realizability while neutering your checking range. you also make very large / wrong assumptions vs people you consider good imo
Ok thanks sub.
I check river and he checks back showing KQo
He happened to have KQ here. My bet is he'd have played 55, 66, 77, 99, and maybe even TT the same way. He might bluff the river with his busted draws when you check.
Ordinarily, I'd agree with the others, about starting off with a flop check OOP, but I don't love it here, with 99-JJ, on a somewhat wet board. Our hand could benefit from some protection, and we can get value from a lot of V's range, which seems like it can be pretty wide, based on our read. Any heart, board pair, or 9 through A on the turn, and we'll be forced into defense mode.
That said, if we are going to c-bet here, I think we should go bigger, and over-bet turn. If we played it that way, then, yeah, I'd check river, because we're either up against better that ain't folding, or up against worse that ain't calling, but might bluff.
AP, betting 1/2 pot on flop and turn, we're just trying to get looked up by unbelieving worse pairs, so I'd just keep betting, even if it means we value-own ourselves against KQo. He'll call with worse often enough that I'm not worried about getting looked up by QX. Occasionally he'll fold some QX and we'll end up bluffing without realizing it.