NL1/2: Two-Pair on Broadway Flop in Five-way Flop
I just had played a few hands on this 9-handed table. Several players appeared LAGgy. Lots of preflop callers and quite some action post flop as well but no longer history. However, I bluffed against villain all three streets a few hands before in a big pot. He called two barrels with AKo on a Q-high board but folded it on the river. He was asking about my hand and I revealed it so he and other players might have perceived me as aggressive.
LJ: Hero with K♦ J♦ stack 200
HJ: Villain stack 200
plus 7 more players
Two limpers including UTG2 before me
Hero: raise 12
Villain: call 12
Three further players including UTG2 call
* FLOP * K♠ Q♥ J♣ pot 65
UTG2: check
Hero (stack 188): ??
Villain (stack 188)
(Two more players behind)
My hand looks strong at first glance. On a second thought, however, I'd estimate that the preflop ranges of a single of my opponents flopped a straight around 6-9% or so depending on how tight they call. Plus there are sets and better two-pairs (KQ) out there, which means that each opponent is ahead with around 10-20% or so of their range. Adding that there are four opponents my hand looks not so strong anymore. Under the previous assumptions, I'd estimate that 35-60% of the time one of them is ahead. Of course all of this is assuming that my opponents are calling my big raise not too loose. If they are very loose then the chances of flopping a better hand decrease significantly.
How do you continue in this situation on the flop and turn? There are two bets left to all-in.
6 Replies
Bet 30 and fold to a raise. There are plenty of worse hands that will call and I think you’re overestimating how often you’re behind.
You do definitely have to be careful on this board w top and bottom pair, but it is still strong enough to bet, but be ready to fold if you face significant action.
I agree with previous response of half pot sizing here. You can get called by Kx, all kinds of Tx, Ax.
Scary flop but this is scary to everybody unless they have exactly AT. At the same time there are a lot of worse hands that call at least one street, lots of KX suited, various QX/JX if they have some back door straight/flush potential likely call at least once. Anything with a ten will be tempted to call and see what develops. A lot of fish will look at an ace the same way even though it really has a lot less potential to improve.
I would bet $40 and see what happens. Mostly though it's bet flop/check turn/evaluate on river. There are not a lot of run outs where hero wants to build a big pot but hero's two pair is too good to just try to check down.
Checking flop or betting small is fine. If someone has us beat, we'll hear from them soon enough. Otherwise, of flop checks through, c-bet turn. If we bet flop small, I'd keep betting until we get raised.
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Thanks guys for your thoughts. I like your suggestions of playing the hand carefully by check/call or bet-small/fold. If villain raises big into four opponents one of which already bet into four opponents himself he essentially represents the nuts that are not too unlikely in this spot.
In play I overestimated my handstrength by betting big on flop and shoving turn. Villain called both streets with the nut straight AT. I somehow assumed vaillain was engaged in some sort of rivalry with me because I bluffed him off a couple of hands earlier but that might have been a stupid assumption:-( .
ive had way worse punts so dont feel bad.
something i used to do is bet huge here to "protect" my hand. later i realized this is impossible. just bet small and if you get drawn out on, thats poker.