5/10 overpair vs a jam
5/10 e950
LJ limp
H BTN KcKs 40
BB calls
LJ call
3 ways
(125) flop Qs9h4c
X X, H 40
both call
(245) turn 7d
BB 75, LJ fold, H 300, BB jams 870, H ?
BB is an older asian guy, haven't seen him do anything crazy. But the last interesting hand I saw him play, he 3b AK in the blinds and checked AKx three ways, presumably trying to XR.
9 Replies
Fold as played. He’s not doing this with Qx and there are no credible semibluffs.
He probably has 77 and overcall peeled your small flop bet. He also could have flopped a set with 99/44 and weirdly slowplayed it OTF. Hard to see him cold call a 3-bet with any suited 2 pair hands here but who knows.
It’s a pretty narrow range to fold to but it just doesn’t make sense that he would overplay a worse value hand or play JT in this manner with a turn donk.
FWIW I would have sized up my flop bet for sure targeting Qx hands. I would also just call the turn donk.
Not a big fan of turn raise, especially the sizing, call or raise small 2.5x is fine
Interesting spot.
If the flop checked through and V donked the turn, I might think he was hoping to check-raise flop and is now just trying to build a pot. Since you bet less than 1/3 pot on flop, I'd have expected him to x/r then, if he flopped a big hand.
The 7d on turn would seem like a brick. When you bet flop small, he could call with 77 that turned a set. If he's thinking you might check-back or bet small again, I could see him wanting to donk out, but if he wants to build a pot and protect his hand, I'd think he'd bet bigger, not less than 1/3 pot.
With no flush draws possible, and no straights possible, his bluffs would seem to be straight draws, like T8, 86, or JT, but I wouldn't expect anyone to play those hands this way, especially not the old Asian dude, unless he's tilted.
Could he call pre from the BB with 97s that turned 2P? Does he play some QX this way?
Not sure how I'd respond to his small donk on the turn, with KK. I wouldn't want to give his straight draws a cheap river card. I don't hate the raise, but I might go smaller, like $225 (3x). That would seem large enough to dissuade him from 3B'ing his draws, and small enough that we can save ourselves some money if he 3B's and we have to fold.
I dunno man. When he donks small and then 3B jams, that's insanely strong. This feels like 2P+ trying to get value from an over-pair, not an 8-out draw with just one card to come. Think we have to fold.
Ouch. As always, I really dislike the small bet on the flop. It puts you in no man's land on the turn -- and then I think your turn raise was too big. Vs. this player, I think you have to fold -- looks like a set, but who knows?
Fold as played. If a BD FD turned, perhaps there might be a couple of semi-bluffs in his range ... T8s/65s.
Flop - I'd go larger 3-way, 1/3 PSB HU.
Turn - what was the purpose of raising? Call.
Just call the turn, I'm never raising that much if I had to fold to a jam.
You said you're 950 eff so you only have 570 left, about a psb. Call and hope and pray he turned a draw or went crazy with AQ. I think it's too late to fold at this point btjm.
I would go bigger on flop w overpair, like 80 or 90, targeting Qx and JT.
Turn I would just call.
As played I dont think this guy is going to have any bluffs here so I would make the fold. Unless you think he is capable of massively overvalueing a Qx hand.
Turn isn't a donk spot so that means he is imbalanced. You need to figure out in which way is he is imbalanced.
1. He puts too much value into small turn donk
2. He puts too many draws into small turn donk
3. He puts too many pairs into small turn donk
The problem with raising turn is you don't know what to do vs a jam------->that means you should just call turn.
It is possible he is over valuing a hand like AQ here if he doesn't understand relative value and only absolute value. You have to call 570 to win 1900 so you need to be good 30% of the time.
Him being in the BB incentivizes more preflop calls so he will have hands like Q9s/97s. I don't think 77 calls flop so his value range will be Q9s/97s/99/44. A lot of those hands will XR flop but if he is a slow player he will do it less often, then he might be scared you X back turn so he donks so as not to lose value.
Since there is no flush draw on board his super strong hands won't be scared of many rivers so I'm not going to read into his donk sizing as much as I normally would.
I'd fold as a default.
+1 more on the call turn train. The board is a badugi and only JT is credible as a semi bluff, with a price to 6 outs that is losing money for him. Then you can call a likely small river bet or decide how to navigate a bigger bet