Officer Banana calls his canine unit on unruly V
1/3 NLHE 8 handed.
Table - tight passive except for V. All new faces to me. Lots of seniors with hearing aids but surprisingly deep for such a game. Most stacks are around 400$. Every hand going limp limp limp check or limp limp limp bet 10 fold fold fold... H is on the transfer list. This hand is the first time I've seen BB or MP put more than 20$ into a pot.
V - Fur coat wearing late 20s guy with sunglasses. Waiting for 5/10 to open. Seems confident. Says he plays Vegas and is low-key belittling our game. I only sat down 3 or 4 orbits ago so it's only been maybe 45 minutes with him but he's opening for large sizing (20$) and just opening a lot of hands, small sample size, nothing went to showdown. Seems like he wants to 'mix-it-up' with these fish. HJ. Covers.
H - Handsome gentleman has not played a hand yet. Was transferred from another table. 650$. BTN.
MP limps 3, LJ limps 3, V bets 20, folds to H who sees K♣ 9♣ and raises to 65, SB folds, BB (bones creaking) calls from a stack of about 200, MP calls, LJ folds, V thinks for a few seconds and calls. 4-ways IP.
Flop 260 - Q♣ J♦ T♣
BB checks, MP checks, V asks 'how much you got brah?' to the nonagenarian big blind to which the answer is 127, V leads 127, H calls (?), BB dinosaur then folds angrily but accidentally exposes the A♦, dealer tells V its not nice to do that - ask someones stack size and say 'that much', MP folds.
Turn 514 (458 back) - 3♣
Now the table is arguing a bit and V says 'whatever I'm all-in' and shovels his chips forward. Hero?
20 Replies
Bad beat, nh.
Exactly how handsome is the gentleman hero? Scale of 1 to 10?
As for the hand - I think I would have raised flop to build the pot, rather than give Fur-coat Freddy a cheap chance to out-draw us. Now that he's shoved, I don't know how we can fold the 2nd nuts with a redraw to the straight flush.
BB exposing the Ad wouldn't seem to change much in our ranging of V. He can have AJcc, a lot of AKo/s, some AXcc, some other K9 combos, some worse straights like 98s, some 2P, some sets, and maybe some pure air if he's a guy who just likes swinging his d1ck around, daring people to try and slap it.
Is this a real question? Instacall of course. We have the 2nd nuts. If he has the nuts thats just poker, it happens sometimes.
lol, what?
Just wondering if this is ever a hero fold. Also wondering about the flat call OTF.
H calls. River is a 3♥ and H craps his pants. V shows A♣ Q♥, BB angry says he had AA.
pf is bad are you clicking buttons? i mean what you're doing by 3 betting with your stack size is that you want to play for stacks with tp with k9. you really want that?
flop smooth call is bad
folding turn with the 2nd nuts for less than pot would be horrible
This may be one of the most unnecessary hands ever posted.
I like pre actually, although it's probably not ideal because of his big sizing.
Just wondering if this is ever a hero fold. Also wondering about the flat call OTF.
H calls. River is a 3♥ and H craps his pants. V shows A♣ Q♥, BB angry says he had AA.
We might find a fold when V is an uber-nit who never jams without the absolute nuts. Otherwise, it's almost never a hero fold.
ok thx doc
I would not be 3betting this hand after 2 limps and an iso. The iso range over 2 limpers is going to be pretty strong and we arent very deep, then you get multiple callers anyway. These hands are only profitable to 3bet when you have enough fold equity. This is not the case here. Obviously we run like a god and smash the flop here though.
Not a hand I iso with, and once I see this flop vs. this player, I gii.
LOL at the guy w/ AA. Saved himself a bundle.
Pre is a total train wreck
The limp open is bad
The raise size is too much
The 3b is wtf
And the flat with aces is insane
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To people saying we're not deep enough... we're 650 eff with V and the limpers have folded every hand before this. As in they have folded to a 10$ open.
I call pre but that's just me.
This guy has like zero FE to a 3bet, so we're bloating the pot against a guy who WANTS to play in bigger pots!
If we flat pre I bet the other two also insta call too (we start the domino effect) which is fine for our hand, our position and our stack.
The river needs to be called since he's not described as a tight OMC nit or anything.
You said stacks were around 400. But also you have a guy isoing a couple limpers so he is stronger than a regular rfi anyway
Not necessarily. Depends on the limpers' tendencies. At low stakes, a lot of players don't adjust their raising range at all, regardless of limpers. We can't assume the iso is stronger than any other RFI, especially if V is an action player.
The guy's most likely not strong he's gonna be wider than the average player there according to his description which is why I prefer flatting him pre (I would raise most other people except very narrow ppl obv) vs someone who likes to play bigger pots (if I was un suited I would rather 3bet since if he 4bets us I can throw it away whereas that would suck for KQs). If we 3bet pre he's either folding thinking our range is strong or calling forcing us to play a big pot with him who might not fold too easily post flop when we have king high and I never 3bet to get his 20 bucks that's not a very profitable lay of money, it's better to do it against people who we know would go into fof mode so we make more money when they float flops and turns using small bets which will narrow their ranges down to weak holdings then 1.5 to 2x it otr to win a much nicer pot than rising 80 tryna win 20). We can even get creative if we flat pre by raising his flop bet and taking it down that way too.
Pre is horrible. Villain is a whale if he plays AQo like this.
i think the hand is wp to be honest. am confused why its a thread. 3b pre seems reasonable to me and i suspect calling is (much) worse given open size / limpers / rake, flop i think you just want to let him spew especially with club redraw (can call off on almost / possibly any turn), turn were ecstatic to call.
@banana, it feels like you end up second guessing / overthinking a ton whenever you think the villain in these threads is good or plays higher. in almost all of them, results have mostly shown these guys to be making large mistakes. would imagine someone actually beating midstakes is not going to play 1/3 or brag about playing / beating higher at the table. thats usually what fish / insecure people do