2/5: Nut flush on paired board

2/5: Nut flush on paired board

It's Bellagio 2/5. I have around 1.1k and villain .5k. V seems competent.

I raised 15 utg with KdTd, btn 3bet to 45, I called.

Pot $90
Flop was Ad 2d 8c
I check, villain bet 30 I raised to 100. V calls

Pot $290
Turn was 3d, I got nuts but wanted to trap, I checked and villain bet 50, I raised to 100, villain called.

Pot $490
Then river was As, I knew it's probably the worst card for me, so I bet 100, which is not much, then villain shoved for 277.

In addition to last decision, what can I do better next time for this hand?

Thank you and this is my first post here

12 April 2024 at 03:02 AM

7 Replies

Forgot to mention, based on my read, villain knows what he's doing and somewhat confident when he went all in, that's a tell maybe. OTOH, was this is my top range and the call is small compared to the pot.

Welcome to the forum. In the future, please don't include results in your OP, as they bias people's advice. Wait until discussion dies down, or at least 24 hours, whichever is longer, before you post results. I edited them out.

KTs is an ambitious raise UTG at a full table. I would only do so rarely. If I did, and a competent V 3-bet, I would fold almost always.

AP, flop c/r semi-bluff isn't bad. You should have a lot of good Aces in your range, and the move should get folds from a lot of his PPs.

AP, turn is atrocious. This is a horrible card for your to trap on. You c/r flop, he should only have good hands here that can pay you off. Bet a committing size. At least $150. If you are going to c/r, make it big. Your sizing is ridiculously small. After you called his bet, the pot is $390, and you raised only $50 more, or less than 13% of the pot. That's not getting value.

AP to river, while I understand why you might make a blocking bet here, given how little he has behind, it commits you. I doubt you're often getting bluffed here after c/r twice. I won't comment on the last decision, as I saw results.

lead turn AI

If you are going to check/raise turn, you need to go much bigger -- make it at least $200. River is meh. I don't see the point of betting so small. Either put him in or check/decide.

As played, it's tough to fold.

Fold Pre first time
Fold Pre second time. You're OOP with bottom of your UTG range (at least I hope it's bottom)
Flop I like check raise; you may get hands like QQ to fold
Turn lead
River: Shove first time. We are only really worried about quad aces. Most low stakes won't have boats in their range given 3 bet pre and board run out. Block bet would not be bad if you were deeper. Here you are not. I sigh call this off now given odds, and expect to see AK (and some random nonsense) at just enough frequency to make it profitable.

PRE - opening KTs from UTG is okay, but I think we should over-fold when we get 3B from a competent V when we're OOP.

FLOP - just check-call. Don't check-raise. Reasoning below.*

TURN - I've seen people go for a double check-raise, but it's almost always a fishy play. Especially when you min-click it. We've made the 2nd nuts (we lose to 54dd) after x/r'ing flop. I'd just bet 2/3 pot. This turn action is way too fancy.

RIVER - I'd either check to induce, or I'd jam, and hope V calls with AX or some non-believing PP. As played, nothing to do but call. We're only losing to boats or better, and with the way we played this hand, V might think we're way out of line, because our line doesn't make a lot of sense.

*On this ace high two tone flop, where the ace is the same suit as the flush draw, we can have some strong top pair+ hands (some 2P or sets maybe), or the flush draw, but not both.

It would be different if we had A5hh and the flop came AsXhXh. That's a spot where we know we can never be in terrible shape if we x/r and get called, or even raised. And V can't be sure if we're x/r'ing for value or as a semi-bluff.

But here, a competent V will be able to narrow our flop x/r range to some sort of value or a semi-bluff. Assuming we're folding 22 and 4B'ing AA pre, We're not going to have many sets or 2P here. Our thickest value would be 88, A2s, or A8s, assuming we're opening UTG and calling his 3B with A2 and A8. None of those hands are going to like seeing another flush card on the turn. So we're weighted towards weaker value, like just top pair, and semi-bluffs.

If V has an ace in his hand, it narrows our range further. V can fold out a lot of his worse 1P hands, or his worse draws, and just continue with the parts of his range that do well against our x/r range. His continue range is going to be hands that can improve to beat our flushes, sets, and 2P.

When we check-raise flop, and check-raise again on turn, V knows we were either bluffing flop, or we're turning some non-flush hand into a bluff now. But our x/r sizing is weak, so it looks kinda fishy. Even if he thinks we turned the flush, he can't fold any sets or 2P when he's getting almost 9 to 1 odds to call and boat up on the river. He might also call with some strong AX holding, simply because we might give up and check river after he calls.

If V has a straight flush or boat here, he's just going to get my money. The way this was played, if I was V, I might raise river with trip aces, because I don't think our line looks all that strong, when we x/r twice and bet the same exact amount on all three streets.

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If you're tryna be sneaky and trap, min-check-raising his bet of 50 ott only folds out most hands and screams out "Flush" I would just bet the turn like 175 or as much as you think he would call.

As played I would call the river. His sets shoulda probably already raised the flop/turn if he had one.
