1/3 match the stack: AA on the Btn 4! Pot v SB
$1/$3 NLH match the stack
Villain is mid 20s who seems competent. This is the second time he has 3! Me when I opened from the Btn and he was in the sb.
$1,400 effective
Preflop; Mp limp. Folds to me on the Btn with black AA, I Raise to 20. Sb 3! To 65. Folds to me. I 4! To 175. Sb calls.
(Pot: $350) Flop KT9r
Sb Check. I bet 110. Sb Call.
(Pot: $570) Turn 8x.
Sb leads for 110. I call.
(Pot: $790) River 7x
Sb bets 225. Hero???
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