1-2 55d on 7d53d in a limped straddle pot 12x SPR
V1 BTN ... has straddled BTN each time he had it, the two guys on his direct right are massive any2 stations so he's been raising sometimes pre. but 50/50 on winning post and hasn't tried to make any real bluffs (but that would be insane).
V2 seems to be limping and raising in normal pots ... I think also in BTN straddle pots, but less data.
V3 massive station, like can't fold top pair to save his life. On V1's direct right.
V4 Would normally be the biggest station at the table, but is on V3's right.
V5 Seems pretty solid, at least relatively, has somewhat publicly commented on how much better V3 is than the last time they played in a home game (and V3 agreed he used to be a huge donator).
We are all roughly 375 effective.
V1 BTN straddles.
SB folds
V2 in BB just calls the 5
H has 55 (with the 5d) and thinks about raising but it's just never getting through so limps.
V5 limps
V4 limps
V3 limps
V1 checks
Pot: 31
Flop: 7d53d
V2 checks
H bets 20
folds to V1 who quickly makes it 45
V2 calls quickly
H ?
Obviously V1 has like bottom 90% of hands or something, so all the two pairs and probably all combos of 64. There's a good chance he _doesn't_ have 77 though, and V2 is also unlikely to check/call 77 I think. Lots of bad turns etc. So...
H makes it 145
V1 snap shoves
V2 goes into the tank
H also thinking
...I guess this is a mandatory call if V2 calls? But what about if V2 folds, do we just sigh and call it off anyway? 64 seems much more likely for V1 now, but at least some combo draws are possible although having the 5d blocks a bunch of them.
9 Replies
So you lose to 16 maybe 19 combos. If the straights you have bdfd v 12 of them as well as boat outs. Didn't check exactly the pot odds but you need to be beating like 8 to ten combos? 3 sets. 3 top two. Then can he have 57 or 54? Can he have 86dd, 98dd 6dxd 4dxd etc? Sounds like we have enough combos we beat to call? Not sure it's great play to shove all these draws rather than playing some poker on the turn. But if he can do it it's surely a call. Actually, given u can improve against the straights it's probably a call against a range of just straights and bottom set even if other guy folds , as you have pot odds of like 2 to 1 and you must be about 45pc against this range?
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I would raise more with 6 players and V2 calling to around 225 and as played I would call. Flush draws and two pair are still possible here.
Calling. He has so many combo draws and 2 pair to go crazy with and even if he has the straight we still have outs.
Snappity snap call. You might have to bink, but I can never fold here.
So you lose to 16 maybe 19 combos. If the straights you have bdfd v 12 of them as well as boat outs. Didn't check exactly the pot odds but you need to be beating like 8 to ten combos? 3 sets. 3 top two. Then can he have 57 or 54? Can he have 86dd, 98dd 6dxd 4dxd etc? Sounds like we have enough combos we beat to call? Not sure it's great play to shove all these draws rather than playing some poker on the turn. But if he can do it it's surely a call. Actually, given u can improve against the strai
V1 checked back BTN after straddling so he has every combo of 73o, 75o, 53o. He has every combo of 64 too, but I think there are just way too many value combos that we beat here to ever consider anything other than calling.
V1 checked back BTN after straddling so he has every combo of 73o, 75o, 53o. He has every combo of 64 too, but I think there are just way too many value combos that we beat here to ever consider anything other than calling.
Yeah he has them but maybe he doesn't have them after he jammed. But I was more saying that pretty much in the worst case it's still a call so we don't even have to wonder about these other combos.
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I thought for a bit, because I thought it was much more likely V1 had 64 now ... like I'd probably call the 6 combos of 64o with a single diamond and be shoving the other 10, then 3 combos. of 77 and some dd hands with a 6 or 5. But I don't think most players do that and just ship all 64 and then mostly call with other hands.
Probably one of the worst decisions/plays in the moment, due to carelessness and recovering from a cold, but was rewarded:
Thought V2 had folded and so said things to get a live read off V1, ended up shrugging and calling it off, then find out V2 hasn't folded and he was on the fence but now decides it's an easy call because I obviously don't have it.
V1 has 6x4d
V2 has Kd6d
Turn is Ad;
River is 5 and we scoop with quads
V1 snap left the game
V2 played just as bad and won his 375 back fairly quickly (maybe tilted).
it was still a good call, win or lose, imho
You want the draw to call there now that you're behind anyway. And after they both call and no one blocks your outs you probably have your odds?
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