"You win, you win..."

"You win, you win..."

Not a HH but a general question on how you would handle someone who does this. I have a V in my room who is fairly good at the game, winning anyway. He bluffs at way too high a frequency and semi-bluffs a lot too, plays his draws fast and so on.

Almost every time he bets river and gets called, if he's not nutted (TPGK+) he'll say "you win you win" and wait for the other player to showdown and then either muck (usually) or if the guy hero'd him with say TT on a 9-8-5-5-A runout and V had JJ he'll show and say "oh guess not" or something to this effect.

If you pause and wait for him to show he gets angry or annoyed and acts like you're being a jerk to him.

What would you do?

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19 April 2024 at 07:00 AM

10 Replies

When he says "you win"" wait and tell him to show or muck. If the piece of crap gets angry laugh at him.

There's no point in being spiteful like trying to angle this guy back, because he's an angler himself and won't fall for it. Don't pause/wait for him to show. When it's his turn to show/muck, tell him directly so, and that you won't show/muck until he does one of those himself. If he continues to not show or tries to hassle you over it, get a floor involved.

IMO this is a prime person to slowroll as well

I put my cards face down and place a $1 tip on top for the dealer but hold my cards under my hand as if waiting for the dealer to push me the pot.
if anyone says you gotta show , simply state no i don't he folded.

by Thamel18 k

There's no point in being spiteful

IMO this is a prime person to slowroll as well


First step is to figure out what the house rules are in your casino.

So next time he says "you win, you win" at showdown you look at the dealer and tell him "he verbally conceded the pot to me. Please muck his cards and push me the pot". Lets see how the dealer reacts.

If the verbal concession isn't binding, it's up to you how confrontational you like to be. There's the option to look at the player directly and tell him "show or muck" or you do it via the dealer. If the dealer just sits and waits you can always politely ask for them to enforce showdown procedure. If the place allows for phone use during the hand, starting to use your phone is the universal sign of not being interested in any form of conversation. Just look at your phone, the TV or the dealer instead of the other player.

One more suggestion: Wait to do it until the game isn't very good/friendly/lively anyway because that might kill the overall mood quickly.

Against pleasant players / fish, I'd fastroll.

Against dicks / winners, I'd very pleasantly say / with a smile something along the lines of "good to hear, but please show or muck, I'm too embarrassed to show my hand too!".


I think every room has at least one guy like that. Reading OP made me think of one specific guy in my room who does exactly what OP's described, but also takes it to another level.

He'll say something like "straight's good", and if you say "I don't have a straight," he'll still wait until you show your hand before he rolls his over. Also does a lot of trash-talking, like, if someone calls his bluff with a straight on a board with three flush cards, he'll say, "you know a flush beats a straight, right", meanwhile ignoring the fact he was blasting off with 2P.

Always criticizing opponents' plays, especially when they look him or anyone else up light. I really want to smash his face into the table. Like, dude, don't tap the glass. We got 5-6 fish here, and you're scolding them for calling your asinine bluff. WTF is wrong with you?

Eff those guys. Bless GG's heart for being pleasant with them. I'm not as nice. I'll sit there stone faced, like I don't even hear them, or roll my eyes and twirl my finger at them ("roll it over").

I'll also be merciless when it comes to calling clock when they tank, and I'll be effusive in my compliments to the winner when they lose a big pot. "Wow! What a great call there! Really well-played hand! How did you know he was completely full of **** after he potted it three times?"

by Stupidbanana k

Not a HH but a general question on how you would handle someone who does this. I have a V in my room who is fairly good at the game, winning anyway. He bluffs at way too high a frequency and semi-bluffs a lot too, plays his draws fast and so on.

Almost every time he bets river and gets called, if he's not nutted (TPGK+) he'll say "you win you win" and wait for the other player to showdown and then either muck (usually) or if the guy hero'd him with say TT on a 9-8-5-5-A runout and V had JJ he'll

You're very much playing a game where you can people to be angry and emotional and not feel like they have the upper hand on you. Make them show or muck. If they feel disrespected, then tell them that you're disrespecting them. It's a competition. Don't let someone angle you. Angle them.

I love this. I would definitely give it back to this guy.

If he did this to me I would just get him back the next time and make them show the hand when he tries to muck it. Normally people dont do that because its rude, but if he wants to play that I will just request to see his hand at showdown instead of letting him muck. If for some reason the room wont allow it, I will just wait him out. If he says I'm good ill just wait for him to muck or show down and sit there as long as it takes.

I had a situation a while ago in a really big pot where I made a large river bet and this guy said "Its yours", but he kept holding onto his cards. I said "OK", and he sat there holding onto his cards, trying to get me to muck. He held and held and held. Everybody looking at him, dealer says, "sir your cards?", he says, "yep" and keeps holding them, after another awkward amount of time, "hes good", and keeps holding. Finally dealer says, sir are you folding? He says yep and holds them again, then finally slowly pushes them in and laughs at me. I said mustve been a hell of a fold. I love when people do this kind of stuff actually it cracks me up.

lol, no reason to do anything. I’m happy to sit there silently while it’s his decision / action
