1/2 oesd 5 ways with two to act behind
Utg1 and co around 500eff utg2 300eff
1/2 blinds
Co seems like splashy wide reg, utg1 is a fish who just seems to click buttons and Utg2 unknown
Utg1 r6, utg2 call, co call, SB call, Hero BB 43cc call
3h6h5s pot 30, x, x, co b15, SB f, hero???
I'm primarily an online player at 100bb with two to act behind we just have an easy snap fold, especially as we don't have to defend much and have all sets and much better oesd with 78 and 64 suited. Is this still just a fold?
13 Replies
If he has a fold button, raise to $60. If he doesn't have a fold button, call and bink the turn.
If you aren't sure which, fold pre.
I say fold, the 7 isnt a good out, only the 2 and it'll be a 1 liner so we probably cant get paid and one of our 2s, the heart, is no good either.
Raise or fold.
I prefer raise.
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Preflop is OK. You could fold or 3! OOP.
You have too much with pair and OESD to fold the flop. I would just call though, because multiway someone could have hit it a lot harder.
I'd just fold preflop in SB/BB as these situations will come up often hitting a weak piece otf and being lost what to do oop. Sometimes I'd win, but more often loose/give up in these spots. AP, i'd call otf, not sure on your stack size, and see the turn. probably giving up on bigger bets. if others call, your heart oesd outs may not be clean also
Fold preflop.
Fold on the flop. One card straight draws have less implied odds when you hit, and even worse reverse implied odds.
3betting 5 people from the blinds with 4 high is not good advice, what on earth are you people talking about?!?
One card straight draw is not that good, but you have a pair and can improve to trips, two-pair, etc., which also may not be good. I don't see how you can fold the flop.
I think people saying fold pre are not considering where we make most of our EV in poker, playing Vs fish, our hand will be plus EV Vs very strong players; now the EV will go way up with a fish in the hand.
People saying call just seem to be thinking again about our hand and not our EV; we really don't have to worry about balance here and can just play this spot like it's in a vacuum and this combo just seems terrible to call when we can get squeezed behind.
On the idea of raising; I love this idea Vs strong regs; however this is live 1/2. CO's bet sizing is far too large; anyone who has studied mw solves knows better sizing go down due to the split in equity distribution.
So if we know everyone is making mistakes; why would we raise a polarised range here? We can surely just raise a linear range and absolutely print ev; especially with the rec behind who is going to struggle to fold any overpaid facing between, raise.
Seemed kind of close; with how deep we are but still believe this is just a fold
Most of your EV at a 1/2 table doesn’t come from playing 43 soooted for a raise, out of position, from the blinds.
It comes from generally playing better cards than your opponents, betting for value when you’re ahead, and in position.
Just trust me on this.
We get 6,5:1 on a call pre and have to surf on our phone for the next 5 minutes if we fold.
Risk of the other two players c/r the flop is marginal compared to at least the fish calling. FWIW, there's a decent chance we actually have the best hand here if the splashy wide reg IP bets the flop after everyone checked to him. Obviously would help to know if he was more of a one and done type or if we think he's going to continue barreling with his over cards and FDs.
at 1/2 you arent folding out better with a flop CR. fwiw.
pf standard vs a 3x open. vs bigger opens would be a fold.
Most of your EV at a 1/2 table doesn’t come from playing 43 soooted for a raise, out of position, from the blinds.
It comes from generally playing better cards than your opponents, betting for value when you’re ahead, and in position.
Just trust me on this.
Lol I never said it did; I know where the bulk of our EV comes from haha. But if we have to wait for the hand to play out regardless; even if something is only generating a small amount of EV we should take the spot as long as we are well rolled and have good enough mental game
We get 6,5:1 on a call pre and have to surf on our phone for the next 5 minutes if we fold.
Risk of the other two players c/r the flop is marginal compared to at least the fish calling. FWIW, there's a decent chance we actually have the best hand here if the splashy wide reg IP bets the flop after everyone checked to him. Obviously would help to know if he was more of a one and done type or if we think he's going to continue barreling with his over cards and FDs.
Didn't have That strong reads on him unfortunately