We 3-bet bluff with J9o but get caught and flop second pair—now what?
Blinds $1-$2, game is $2-$100 spread-limit (max you can raise is $100 over the previous bet). I cover everyone.
HAND: $4 straddle is on. I have Jh9s in BB. UTG ($200)raises to $12 and Button ($200) calls. I don’t believe much in physical tells but trusted this one enough to think UTG was weak and I 3-bet to $45. Straddle folds, UTG indeed folds quickly, but the Buttin ruins my fun by calling. ****!
FLOP: AdJd5c (pot: $100, heads-up).
A) check
B) bet small
C) bet big ?
PF should be bigger, right? oop + 2 other people + this is the closest betting round in this structure to a NL game, so why not exert max pressure?
Ap, this should fit our perceived range better than V, though they will have a bunch of suited aces here. Plus any significant bet V calls (or makes, if we check), they're going to call all the way down, so why not bet large to deter them from calling? It's 50 straddles deep, we don't have a lot of choices here.
If they've an Ace, they're probably not folding. Or do you have a read that this V will fold one? If so, bet large. Or we can bet/fold small if we think this V will wake up and let us know they've an ace.
The best time to bet like you have AK is when you don't have AK. Make whatever bet you'd normally bet here and see what happens.
Continue your bluff and bet like you had AK.
The board is not that wet. There is a possible diamond draw but what hands call preflop that don't have an ace? KdQd is the only likely one.
If you get called hope the turn helps you somehow. Stack sizes mean that if villain calls flop they are most likely not folding, so your bluff is a once and done thing.
Didn’t you go on a huge downswing and bust your entire roll because you kept spazzing out preflop?
fold pre
absolutely no reason to get yourself in a disgustingly bad spot in order to try to pick up $26
you don't even have a good 3! bluff hand either
all pots will be played out of position and with low spr where you have a hand which is going to be middling just like it is right now where you are in a super awkward spot because you beat all bluffs but lose to all obvious value
would much rather make this play with 65s than J9s
as played you gotta play it exactly like you would if you had AK, if he calls just shut it down and switch to check/fold or check/call depending on the sizing and ensuing board texture
it feels like you're trying to impress an invisible person who is observing and critiquing your play and trying to get points for that sick read where you 3! bluffed rags and got it through - that person has a name, it's Ego, Ego likes watching trainwrecks, don't try to placate him - you're there to win money not score style points
starting to feel like OP is a troll.
Blinds $1-$2, game is $2-$100 spread-limit (max you can raise is $100 over the previous bet). I cover everyone.
HAND: $4 straddle is on. I have Jh9s in BB. UTG ($200)raises to $12 and Button ($200) calls. I don’t believe much in physical tells but trusted this one enough to think UTG was weak and I 3-bet to $45. Straddle folds, UTG indeed folds quickly, but the Buttin ruins my fun by calling. ****!
FLOP: AdJd5c (pot: $100, heads-up)
UPDATE: We bet $70. He makes a call.
TURN: AdJd5c 6c (pot: $240, heads-up).
We check. He goes all-in for his last $80.
Call or fold?
Fold. Even at 4:1. He either has a an Ace or a better Jack. I have you at ~15-18% vs his range, and that's still less than 20. Unless you need to advertise with the J9o.
He can't realistically expect you to fold a 1/3 pot turn bet, so do it anyway.
3! bluff with good suited cards. At this stakes, there is no point in doing it at all OOP.
Unless you know villain can make bad bluffs this is where you make the disciplined fold. It's very unlikely you have the best hand. If you hand was a bit better you would make a sigh/call knowing the occasional worse jack or bluff justify calling. Villain can easily think they are bluffing with a bad AX or with KK and still have you beat.
You're playing at low stakes, you don't actually need a 3 bet bluffing range to be succesful, but hey if you want to have one, have something like A5s in there. J9o is trash to call and trash to 3b.
As played, now we're here, you play it like you would AK, though stacks are awkward. I probably bet closer to 50 on the flop.
HAND: $4 straddle is on. I have Jh9s in BB. UTG ($200)raises to $12 and Button ($200) calls. I don’t believe much in physical tells but trusted this one enough to think UTG was weak and I 3-bet to $45. Straddle folds, UTG indeed folds quickly, but the Buttin ruins my fun by calling. ****!
FLOP: AdJd5c (pot: $100, heads-up)
UPDATE: We bet $70. He makes a call.
TURN: AdJd5c 6c (pot: $240, heads-up).
We check. He goes all-in for his last $80.
Call or fold?
UPDATE: I actually thought this wasn’t very close and was a clear call—that a bigger portion of V’s double-flat preflop range would be “two random suited cards” vs “Ace-something.” So that even when he shoves the Turn with basically no fold equity, I still think I’m going to see flush draws enough to make this a mandatory call (plus, of course, my 5 outs when I’m behind.)
V tables
one of the worst hands I can see, AcQc, for top pair and a backdoor flush draw, killing two of my outs. But the River is a beautiful 9h and I put a bad beat on him to take in the po
I think my big mistake here is on the Flop—a $70 bet makes no sense at all, it’s way too large, yet will almost never fold out better (only the KJ/QJ/JTs hands might, and there are only 6 total) and can only get called by worse if he has a Diamond draw. AND it’s so big that when he DOES call, I’m committed to calling any Turn that’s not a Diamond. I SHOULD have just bet like $25-$30—just to fold out his 33s and K9hh hands. And if he calls and then decides to bluff the Turn with QT or a flush draw or something—that’s fine, I just let him win. The mistake was betting the flop so large that I’m both
A) condensing his range into very strong hands of draws,
B) while simultaneously bloating the pot so much that I need to call with my bluff-catcher.
yeah totally weird he had a good hand there where he'd call a big raise preflop twice and then call for most his stack on the flop with, unlucky, most of the time he'll have 6 high there obviously
UPDATE: We bet $70. He makes a call.
TURN: AdJd5c 6c (pot: $240, heads-up).
We check. He goes all-in for his last $80.
Call or fold?
The bet is too large for this SPR, you have no problem getting stacks in on turn, so there's no need for a big bet. Moreover, with your specific hand, you are not trying to make Axs fold, you are trying to deny equity from hands like Kx and Qx or get value from some underpair. Again, the big bet accomplishes none of those things.
Moreover, you need reads on the Button as well. I would expect that based on his button call, he wouldn't have big Aces or overpairs, but baby Aces, Scs and mid-low pairs.
The biggest problem is celebrating that you won the hand. You got all the money in bad. The second biggest problem is 3betting pf. There's a lot of lessons in this hand and it doesn't appear you're focused on the big ones.
It is fine to 3! light in 1/2. However, you usually want suited cards, maybe J9s or A3s or almost any hand which is good enough for a call. You build the pot, you can often take it postflop, and it makes your value 3!s less face up.
The other big mistake here was the flop sizing. They will be concerned you have AA/AK. You can bet smallish so you are not pot committed. If you get called, just give up unimproved.
The biggest problem is celebrating that you won the hand. You got all the money in bad. The second biggest problem is 3betting pf. There's a lot of lessons in this hand and it doesn't appear you're focused on the big ones.
The fact that you think I’m “celebrating” this hand calls into question your competence at basic reading comprehension.
Should've bet 100 dark after he calls pre lol
Blinds $1-$2, game is $2-$100 spread-limit (max you can raise is $100 over the previous bet). I cover everyone.
HAND: $4 straddle is on. I have Jh9s in BB. UTG ($200)raises to $12 and Button ($200) calls. I don’t believe much in physical tells but trusted this one enough to think UTG was weak and I 3-bet to $45. Straddle folds, UTG indeed folds quickly, but the Buttin ruins my fun by calling. ****!
FLOP: AdJd5c (pot: $100, heads-up).
A) check
B) bet small
C) bet big ?
Bet flop big. This ace high two Broadway board smashes our range, but if we have AX, we don't love the FDFD.
Barrel turn on a brick. Give up on a diamond or another Broadway card.
If he calls flop and turn, give up.
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Just read the reveal.
Jesus, I couldn't maintain my sanity playing in this game structure.
V's line seems terrible to me. He could have 3B pre. He could have 4B pre and jammed flop. He should have jammed over your flop bet.
You played shenanigans and won, Davo.
Now cut the $h1t and just play poker. No one likes shenanigans.
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