2-5 AA UTG Line check
Preflop: Hero Tight image (800) UTG AcAs raises to 25.
BTN/500 (uknown), SB/500 (tight) and BB/500 (loose/wild player) call.
Flop (100): 5h3d3h.
SB Checks. BB leads for $40. Hero? (calls). BTN folds. SB calls.
Turn: (220): 5h3d3h6s
SB Check. BB leads again for $80. Hero? (calls). SB calls.
River: (460): 5h3d3h6sJc
SB Checks. BB leads $20. Hero calls?. SB folds.
20 Replies
Is 25 your normal open? I think 20 is more standard. Raising bigger with big hands is a huge leak.
I think you played it well now jam river.
Raise the river.
Raise turn 3x to charge their pocket pp or draws. As played Raise river but not all in ( only nuts calls you) . Raise half pot or even less.
It’s scary with the SB over-calling twice, but I think we need to raise-fold this River, targeting some JhXh hands or stubborn 77-TT. A raise to $200 looks right. Folding if either re-ships, of course.
That said, I don’t think calling down (as you did) is a horrendous play.
raise the river and fold to a re-raise.
I don't mind calling down with 4 people in the hand, we only have a pair anyway we don't need to over play it (but not under play it either which is why I'd raise the river).
To me whether you raise river is a function of how capable you feel the other two players are of a bluff re-raise. If they never will fine; if it is within their playing style no.
Ugh. Flop donks...
In theory he should be donking with thick value. Theory says he should bet small when multi-way, but if he's betting for value and protection on this low, two-tone board, I'd expect him to bet bigger than 40% pot, so I'm not certain what to make of this. Think I flat call flop and see what happens on the turn.
Turn is a bad card for us to raise, as much as I'd want to. We can't really rep a straight when we raised pre UTG. Maybe we have some 66 here, but can't rep much else for value. Think I just call again.
Jack on the river is a good runout. Let's raise. We're the only one that can credibly rep JJ and some 66, TPTK, and over-pairs. SB is obviously weak, and BB's downbet is fishy AF. Raise to $100. Fold if he 3B's.
If he flopped trips or a boat, nice hand, good game.
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Why are you guys raising the river? What calls?
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Maybe A5.
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treat the $20 bet like a check and raise to whatever amount you would bet river if he checked. if you get 3b its an easy fold. in my experience this a weak hand that will level itself into thinking you're bluffing if you raise.
treat the $20 bet like a check and raise to whatever amount you would bet river if he checked. if you get 3b its an easy fold. in my experience this a weak hand that will level itself into thinking you're bluffing if you raise.
All of this.
V wouldn't be wrong if he thinks some opponents are going to be raising as a bluff here a lot. His bet sizing is very inducing, which is why he's making a mistake if he's taking this size with some weak value, just hoping to get to showdown.
I'd be raising here a lot, with AK/AQ/KQ without hearts, TT no heart, and maybe even 77-99 no heart. I wouldn't necessarily consider 77-TT a bluff. I think V has a lot of weak-weird $hlt that we're beating here, and those are hands that could be best, or could also fold out some weak JXhh.
Raise the turn
I'd be raising here a lot, with AK/AQ/KQ without hearts, TT no heart, and maybe even 77-99 no heart. I wouldn't necessarily consider 77-TT a bluff. I think V has a lot of weak-weird $hlt that we're beating here, and those are hands that could be best, or could also fold out some weak JXhh.
So, you expect V to call w/ 56, A6, A7 and maybe a J, but you bluff w/ AK/AQ/KQ? Interesting.
BB is described as loose/wild, not fishy/bad, and he's against two players, one being a tight UTG pre-flop raiser and the other is also a tight player. He'd have to be a complete moron to call with any of those hands. Raise/folding here would be gross, too, if he is capable of shoving as a bluff knowing OP doesn't have a 3 or 74.
If you think AA is good on the turn, why not raise then when V can call w/ a lot more draws?
So, you expect V to call w/ 56, A6, A7 and maybe a J, but you bluff w/ AK/AQ/KQ? Interesting.
BB is described as loose/wild, not fishy/bad, and he's against two players, one being a tight UTG pre-flop raiser and the other is also a tight player. He'd have to be a complete moron to call with any of those hands. Raise/folding here would be gross, too, if he is capable of shoving as a bluff knowing OP doesn't have a 3 or 74.
If you think AA is good on the turn, why not raise then when V can call w/ a
If we're betting for value, there has to be some worse hands that might call. If we're betting as a bluff, there has to be some better hands that can fold. Our range should include both value and bluffs, with variable bet sizing based on what we're hoping to accomplish, i.e, whether we want calls or folds.
We didn't get much of a description for any of the opponents. "Loose / wild" could just be bad. We're also giving OP the benefit of the doubt that the BB likewise sees the SB as tight. I'm just looking at the BB's line, and trying to figure out how we ought to respond. His line looks pretty fishy / dumb to me.
Instead of doing something "standard", the BB is donking 40% pot into two opponents on the flop, barreling for a little less than 40% on turn, and then down-betting to 4% pot on the river.
That line doesn't make any sense, so I'm willing to think the BB is pretty dumb. But I'm also looking at the SB, and wondering what he has here, that just check-calls flop and turn.
I don't like raising flop because the board doesn't favor our range, we're probably not folding out anything that donks here, the SB might be looking to x/r, and the BB's bet isn't so small that we need to raise for value and protection.
I don't like raising turn because the board still doesn't favor our range, the SB could still be looking to x/r, and the bet still isn't so small that I necessarily want to raise when we're still 3 ways with the SB still left to act. If it was heads-up, I'd raise turn.
On the river, when the SB checks, we can somewhat discount the likelihood that he has a very strong hand that would risk the action checking through. We're the only one in this pot who can rep all the over-pairs, JJ, and TPTK. Both our opponents are pretty capped here, the way this was played.
If we raise river, and either the SB or BB raises, that sucks, but it's an easy fold. But we're going to hate ourselves if we just flat call a 4% pot bet and see our opponents turn over hands that might have called a raise for value. We could pop it to $100, laying our opponents almost 6:1, and not be too concerned about being trapped and pot committed to calling off a raise.
It's hard for me to believe that the BB has a really strong hand when he takes this line. All we're really worried about is the SB slow-playing something, which seems unlikely, unless he flopped or turned a boat, and has been slow-playing it the whole way, even though it was a two-tone and straightening board.
Thanks, agree on raise/fold OTR. Results.
Hero calls. SB folds. BB shows 88. Hero wins.