5/5 76s in multiway fd+oesd

5/5 76s in multiway fd+oesd


~$500 effective

MP - Competent winning player

V1 - Old Asian fun player. Loves to talk a lot at the table. Not a good player for sure.

V2 - Typical OMC

V1 limps, MP raises to $25, Hero calls with 76, SB(V2) calls, BB folds, V1 calls

Flop($105) 8 5 2

V2 x, V1 x, MP x, , Hero bets $60, V2(SB) raises to $250, V1 calls, MP folds, Hero - ???

One reg told me that I must fold here all day because of the risk of being dominated by other draws. vs A3 and set I'm dead.

My question is more about the basic concept of playing hands like OESD + FD with a dominant FD against two opponents when both go all-in.

24 May 2024 at 10:53 AM

12 Replies

What position are you? What position is V1?

I just 3b pre or fold and if I’m here I’m not betting so big flop. Cry fold flop. Your bet was too big and V raised huge.

Pre is fine. Nothing wrong w/ calling a bet in position (looks as if you are BTN?) with this hand. Flop is fine, too, including size -- just over half pot is a good size. Checks around, so nobody should have much. SB is an OMC, so probably has a slow-played AA/KK -- possibly a set. V1 is a fun Asian player and flatted, so could have anything, including 67. If he had nut hearts or a set, I'm pretty sure you'd know it on the flop.

For 100bb, I shove all day. It is so unlikely you are against two dominating hands.

BTW, what is your image?

I am usually not as nitty preflop as others are in this forum, but I might be leaning towards folding preflop. MP is described as a competent winning player, so that reduces the EV of our flatting a SC here towards -EV territory. We also might get 3bet squeezed off our SC. That's why I was asking about positions.

Maybe we can debate the EV of flatting if we are the BTN specifically. But a SC in HJ or CO in this setup versus a competent winning player MP raiser should just be dumped preflop.

As far as 3betting a SC here, it depends on what we think MP's ISO range is here. I would lean towards it being a fairly strong range. It also depends on MP's tendencies. For example, does MP overfold to 3bets?

Without more info, I think that I am leaning towards folding this SC preflop.

Pre is close and really depends on the rake structure of the game.

As played, not folding this for 100bb and i cant really think of a turn im folding to once i call the 250$ bet. So in conclusion rip it.

PRE - at this stack depth, I probably fold 76s to a 5x open, unless we're on the BTN and expect the blinds to just flat call.

FLOP - the pot is already bloated. V1 or V2 might be going for a check-raise here, and we don't want to get blown off our equity. Think I just check it back, to keep the pot small, and allow us to either improve on the turn, or at least call a small bet.

I don't like betting here when we're not the PFR. If we want to bet, we can go pretty small, less than 1/3 pot. We could go as low as $25.

As played, if V2 really is an OMC, this seems like a close spot. I wouldn't give an OMC very many better flush draws here. I'd mostly be giving him over-pairs that slow-played pre and don't like this flop, or maybe some sets, though that's not too many combos on this flop, unless he's flatting pre with every pocket pair.

No idea what V1 has, but if he's a bad player, he could be in here with one pair, or 76 of another suit, or 54hh, or KQo for all we know.

I'd think we'd have at least 8 clean straight outs, if not 15 straight and flush outs. Even if we only have 8 outs, we'll get there around 1/3 of the time, and we have the potential to triple up if we get stacks in with both V's.

Calling seems bad. I think we have to jam or fold. There's $665 in the pot when it gets back to us, and we have $415 left behind? I think I just stick it in and hope they both call.

Give V2 a set because that's almost certainly what he has.

V1's range is something you'd know better than anyone here. Your correct action will depend on how heavily he's weighted to draws that dominate you, but with the size of the pot already I think it's going to be tough to fold for what's left. Play around with some ranges for him and work out the equities yourself.

Another option to consider is simply shoving for 4x pot or whatever when the flop checks to you.

by Darth Sagebrush k

Give V2 a set because that's almost certainly what he has...

H is 40/60 vs the sets from V2. Assuming V2 calls our shove, we need 33. V1 comes along too, we need ~29. Sounds like a call, even considering below.

We're going to be hating life if V1---who has already called the check-raise---has something like Axhh. Spike your 6-outer then, easy game.

Preflop is terrible. 5x raise from competent winning player is a fold.

Otf im checking, low flush draw is so much weaker 5 ways, and semibluffing in general is way weaker.

Preflop seems like loose passive live play. I would not flat much with 76s period. I don't think a solver would recommend calling with it much, and it is worse in a likely multiway live pot. The hand plays better as the raiser or 3-bettor, as you have deception and can bluff or give up easily when you miss and have 7-high. I wouldn't play it much as the aggressor either though.

The flop shows why this hand is weak preflop. You only have 6 outs against a higher flush draw and a big hand, not 8 as someone said. Still you are like 22% against a better flush draw and a set. You easily have odds to gii, as you can be as much as 50% 3-ways.

Yes preflop is a clear fold, cold calling a 2.5x open is very different from calling a 5x iso.

As played I would bet small or just check back the flop, V1 and V2 are both uncapped so big bets aren't really a thing here.

Facing a raise, it really depends on how wide V1 is calling. The more 1p hands he has, the more likely i'd be to call.

Don't really like jamming when we have close to 0 fold equity vs V2, better to call so that we can get away on some (eg paired) turns imo. If the turn bricks out we can just call again, it's not that different from jamming flop if you think about it.

depends a bit on our position, and what seat mp is in exactly, but pre is really bad. a ton of players can still three bet, or they can call in position which is also going to suck. we are also only 100 bb deep these hands play better deeper. its a big open, and MP isn't a player we want to get involved with unnecessarily. he probably has a strong hand, which means we will often see a flop c-bet from him, and thus have terrible relative position if the pot is multiway.

on the flop I'm thinking the loose player is going to have a ton of flush draws in his range. what else wants to cold call a bet and a raise? he could have a strong made hand too. maybe an overpair?A8?

A set is definitely possible for the OMC, but i thnk maybe something like QQ is also possible. Maybe like A3hh.

As usual it's all player dependent. Hard to know what to do without watching these guys play 100+ hands of poker imo.
