Value bet or check? Set on a 4-liner
Game is $2-$100 spread-limit. 2AM Friday morning.
UTG limps, I raise 9d9h to $12, the SB and limper call.
FLOP: Jc9c2h (pot: $36). Check check I bet $15 and SB calls, Limper folds.
TURN: Jc9c2h 8s (pot: $65). He x I bet $60 he calls.
RIVER: Jc9c2h 8s Td (pot: $185). He checks and has $70 left.
Bet or check?
8 Replies
Boards connected enough bigger flop. $25-$30
All in.
I ship assuming he shoves into us with better.
Im fine with flop sizing, id actually just jam turn. As played, yeah i guess id just ship it
Game is $2-$100 spread-limit. 2AM Friday morning.
UTG limps, I raise 9d9h to $12, the SB and limper call.
FLOP: Jc9c2h (pot: $36). Check check I bet $15 and SB calls, Limper folds.
TURN: Jc9c2h 8s (pot: $65). He x I bet $60 he calls.
RIVER: Jc9c2h 8s Td (pot: $185). He checks and has $70 left.
RESULT: I decide he A) would bet every straight and B) has enough rivered 2-pair/stubborn AJ that I should go for it, and bet his last $70.
Villain tanks and gets a swig of beer. “I
missed my flush!” He drinks again. “But I think you’re full of ****.” He drinks again. “But I’m not beating ANYTHING!” One more drink.
“Eh **** it, I call, I have a deuce.” I table my hand. “****. Why did I do that?” He’s about to muck. “Wait a second.” One more drink yo clear his head. “7…8…9…Ten…Jack…” He tables 7c2c and looks at the dealer. “Am I good here?” The dealer nods and pushes him the pot.
Villain looks at me and is legitimately apologetic “oh my God, man, I’m sorry, I honestly thought I just had a deuce, I didn’t mean to do that, I’m so sorry!” I tell him it’s all good and move on,
just move on.
Bet bigger on flop. Full pot is not out of the question.
Over bet turn. If V shows up with QT or T7, that sucks, but that's poker.
AP, just check back river. We can't get called by busted flush draws, and even top pair or 2P isn't likely to call when any Q or 7 is a straight, notwithstanding the fact V thought he was calling with bottom pair.
AP, just check back river. We can't get called by busted flush draws, and even top pair or 2P isn't likely to call when any Q or 7 is a straight, notwithstanding the fact V thought he was calling with bottom pair.
It was pretty funny. Afterwards I was like “well, I GUESS it was a good bet since he thought he had called with a worse hand???”
I don’t know. To me, when the River only completed the gutshot straight, I think that River gives him a lot of two-pair hands that will probably call. JT/9T/8T are all there (well, not too many 9Ts cuz I have two 9s, but still).
I thought for me to be losing he’d have to have called the Turn with a gutshot AND checked a straight on the River a board where a straight is super obvious. I thought it was worth a gamble. I’m lucky he only had $70 left—although, maybe not, as I almost certainly would have checked if he covered me.