1/3 KQo

1/3 KQo

I am the effective stack with 400. There is a straddle to 6 UTG and he is the villain. He seems like a Laggy good young player.

It's folded to the HJ who calls, folded to me in the BB and I raise to 30 with KsQc. UTG acts a bit surprised and calls. The HJ folds. I have been card dead so UTG probably thinks I have a big hand. He's never seen me before.

Th8d5c....(65) I bet 40, The UTG thinks for about 20 seconds and calls.

Th8d5c2h..(145) Am I supposed to continue representing a strong hand given my tight image and bet again?

29 May 2024 at 03:44 PM

6 Replies

If UTG has a fold button, I bet. If not, I check and give up (unless I see a free river and hit one of my cards).

I would bet less otf since I would expect most ppl to call on that flop (when you look at flops, try to say to yourself "how many bullets am I gonna need to fire with this flop" and that flop is certainly gonna be more than one bullet. Not that's I'm c/f'ing or anything but plan accordingly such as not to bloat the pot otf too much. I would bet 30 there).

Like Javanewt says, these spots come down mostly to our reads on the villain. One thing I like to do (especially when I'm not in hands) is watch how they play vs other players. Do they call a cbet then fold to a turn bet? Or do they mostly fold to cbets? If they do, then I would think he's not folding to a turn bet but if he's a floater who thinks everyone's cbet is FOS I would def bet again.

by Javanewt k

If UTG has a fold button, I bet. If not, I check and give up (unless I see a free river and hit one of my cards).

I think the default at these stakes should be they don't have a fold button unless we've seen evidence otherwise.

Preflop is likely considered standard but... me, I hate playing OOP. If HJ is an ABC face up player, them I'm cool with it, but if he isn't then I just limp to keep the pot small.

Even though this board shouldn't hit us, I'm fine with a cbet to hopefully fold out Ax (although I rarely cbet more than 1/2 PSB nowadays).

And I give up on the turn. No equity and no scare cards to rep, I think it is fine to throw in the towel here.


i think its ok to just check this flop.

pre is marginal because you are OOP. i probably just check.

I would give up on the flop. This is one of the worst flops to represent anything on. You also have one of the worst hand you can have for this flop. You often have an overpair or ace. You could have a set, and could have various straight draws.
