AKo between a rock and a LAG place
1/3 NLHE 9 handed.
Table has a mix of nits, loose passives and one LAG that just sat down.
V1 - Lag kid. Plays pretty good. Plays up and plays in some big home games. Has played WSOP. I would guess he does very well at 1/3 and he for sure takes the game seriously. I don't have many hours with him as he usually gets off my table but one thing I've noticed is he overvalues hands post flop, especially at this level where betting ranges for large sizing mean big hands. He'll take AK on a board like K-Q-9-9-T and go three streets with it. 400$ UTG.
V2 - Rock. 10/8/2. Plays a tight preflop range and loves to make a hero fold. Winning player as he gets paid off by the loose passives when his AK beats their KJo on a K-brick-brick. Covers. BTN.
H - Has 500$ and has been folding a bit lately, put in earphones as the table talk died and should have a tighter image to V1 (but he hasn't played with me much), V2 knows my game and thinks I'm overly aggressive and bluff too much. He's seen me 3-bet hands like A2s, KJo, 88, but V1 doesn't know this about me.
V1 opens 15 UTG, H 3-bets to 40 (misclicked off 45) UTG+1 with A♣ K♠, folds to V2 who cold calls, V1 jams 400... Hero?
V2 would not flat AA, a reasonable range assignment for V2 is like [AA (low freq.), 99-KK, AKo/s, AQs, AJs, KQs]
I can't really range V1 since I don't have enough hours with him... he is capable though.
12 Replies
Do you get V2 remaining 100 if flop comes Axx and he has AJs? What about if it's Kxx and he has QQ? (This assumes he calls again which is far from certain)
Does V1 know V2 tendancies? LAG he may be, but he's not often doing this with a pair smaller than KK and unlikely to bluff with much worse than AQ. A lot of the time you're calling to chop with V1 only to find that you're both behind V2. Sometimes you're crushed. Sometimes you'll be up against a weaker Ace and QQ or worse but you still need to hit. It's early vs early vs nit...AK isn't as good as it normally would be
Just stick it in, they both could have worse and V2 loves to make hero folds. We dominate V1s bluffs which is nice.
Yeesh. Maybe he's reading something into your mis-click, and thinks you and V2 are weak, so he's playing his entire range as a 4B jam.
I'd think he wouldn't want to fold everyone out too soon if he had AA/KK, but maybe he's leveling to where he wants us to think his jam looks bluffy. And maybe he just doesn't feel like playing a low SPR pot OOP with a big pair.
Or maybe he just wants to see all five cards with AK.
He really isn't deep enough to 4B to any size that's large enough to create any fold equity, but also small enough to not be pot committed, so he could be jamming wider than just AA/KK/AK.
Dead card theory says AK goes up in value here because others are calling or raising with more Ax/Kx, and folding more lower cards, making AK a slight favorite over lower PP's, instead of being a slight underdog.
I dunno. This one is close enough that I don't think you can make a horrible mistake no matter what you do. I personally hate coin flip situations pre when we're deep enough to play post flop, so I lean towards folding against the population. Even against this V, I don't mind letting it go and finding a better spot.
I've shoved AK into AA or KK more than most ... so I don't mind just shipping it 😀.
On the other hand V1 is probably much more likely to rip AKo than AQs given his likely view of you so I guess you aren't doing great vs. him and V2 could easily just call any pairs that cold called the 3bet because V1 is laggy and his view of you is aggro.
But, meh, V1 could just be being an idiot assuming you'll fold a lot and then V2 will actually fold QQ.
Gross spot, imo. The more V1 is aware that V2 could be tarping (or simply passively playing QQ) the more this is pretty scary, especially at non-short stack depths. I'm fine with a fold here.
Alright I have to ask, what is tarping?
I would fold. It is hard to overfold to 4-bets at low stakes.
Is this the LAG who just sat down? If so, I just shove it in. I probably do that regardless.
I tank for awhile and realize LAG knows Rock is a rock and also would view me as quite tight and straightforward probably so I decide someone has KK or AA and fold. Rock tank folds. LAG says he had JJ, Rock texts me under the table (we're friends) and says he had JJ.
Yeesh. Maybe he's reading something into your mis-click, and thinks you and V2 are weak, so he's playing his entire range as a 4B jam.
I'd think he wouldn't want to fold everyone out too soon if he had AA/KK, but maybe he's leveling to where he wants us to think his jam looks bluffy. And maybe he just doesn't feel like playing a low SPR pot OOP with a big pair.
Or maybe he just wants to see all five cards with AK.
He really isn't deep enough to 4B to any size that's large enough to create any fold
Given the UTG raise and a caller dead card theory does not make you a favorite here as weak Ax and Kx fold to the UTG open and both players ae biased to have your cards.