Massive overplay or reasonable protectionism w/ JJ?
1/3 NLHE 8 handed.
Table - Just sat down and there's some unknown faces and a few familiar ones. Only one competent player - V.
V - Plays bigger games but boxes above his weight class imo. He's a decent player but not overly good. I don't have a ton of hours with him to observe but I've seen him call to wide pre and cbet too wide post, especially OOP vs fish. I think he gets over-confident when he comes down to 1/3 and widens his range to include stuff he wouldn't dream of playing at 2/5. At 2/5 he's a bit tighter. I don't know many specific tendencies other than these..he's TAG for sure, or aims to be. About 20/15/2 (I think I got that right? plays 20%, first in 15% and 3-betting 2%, limping the other 3%). He does limp call sometimes and moreso at 1/3. He's also more trappy as opposed to straightforward. I would actually say his checking range is more polar while his betting range is more showdown-to-light value. 450$ SB.
H - Just sat down with 400 and not sure how V sees me. He's seen me 3-bet hands like K7s and 99 pre before so he knows I can make a move or get creative. 400$ CO.
Second hand dealt, HJ loose passive limps, H sees J♦ J♠ and opens to 15, BTN loose passive calls, V calls SB, BB folds, HJ calls. 4 ways 3rd to act. HJ and BTN both cover.
Flop 60 - 8♦ 7♣ 4♥
V checks, HJ donks 45, Hero raises to 175, BTN folds, V calls, HJ folds, HU.
Turn 455 (210 back) - T♥
V jams...