Wheel Ace turns equity vs unknown hillbilly
1/3 NLHE 8 handed
V - never seen him before this session. He's been up and has about 600$ now from his 300$ BI. He clearly doesnt understand the game but his sizings are decent and he bets when he has it and folds when he doesnt (pre anyway). Opening too many hands for it to always be premium and sure enough had KJo for an open UTG at one point. 600$ LJ.
H has winning image and covers from SB but has been card dead.
HH - H 3bets hillbilly IP deep with 78cc, HU IP to A83r one c, x x, turn 7d, V bets, H just calls, river 8 for FH, V checks, H polarizes for 1.5x pot, V calls with JJ saying it felt like a bluff.
UTG straddles, V opens 20, folds to H who sees A♣ 4♣ and makes it 80, V thinks and looks unsure of what to do and then calls. HU OOP.
Flop 160 - Q♥ T♠ 8♣
H cbets 50, V calls
Turn 260 - A♠
H checks, V bets 100 with 370 back...
7 Replies
Jam turn. Or at least call turn.
... He clearly doesnt understand the game but his sizings are decent and he bets when he has it and folds when he doesnt (pre anyway). Opening too many hands for it to always be premium and sure enough had KJo for an open UTG at one point. 600$ LJ.
HH - H 3bets hillbilly IP deep with 78cc, HU IP to A83r one c, x x, turn 7d, V bets, H just calls, river 8 for FH, V checks, H polarizes for 1.5x pot, V calls with JJ saying it felt like a bluff...
The way you describe V, it sounds like he might understand the game better than you think.
Check flop. This board doesn't exactly smash our 3B'ing range.
Call turn, unless you can find a nitty / exploitable fold. V has all the 2P+ and we most likely don't. Our hand is just a bluff catcher, and not a great one.
Check-evaluate most rivers, unless we improve to 2P or trips, in which cases maybe we block bet. Otherwise, I'm probably folding if he barrels for around 1/2 pot or more.
Preflop is too polar with these positions especially with the size of these raises at these stacks.
Flop is good. This flop should smash your range IF you’re constructing it right.
Turn is a x/f, and it’s not exploitative. You’re always picking and choosing Ax combos on A-high boards in 3bps, and with 3 BWs on the board it’s very easy find better combos to continue with, even against a 40% pot bet.
Another HH w/ V.
H opens KJhh utg1 while card dead for 10, V 3! to 30 from HJ, H calls OOP (early in session, V is unknown), Flop 60$ - Jc 9c 3c, H checks, V bets half for 30$, H folds. Decided to call pre oop because we were about 700$ eff.
Think I played it terribly, H check-calls turn, river 4♦, H leads AI for value thinking he was behind a bigger A, V tank folds KK
Yeah, it was fairly obvious that Villain wasn't strong in this hand history. Which is why I primarily recommended check/shoving turn on a wet board.
At least you didn't fold turn. That would have been a disaster.
I don't really understand why you were ranging Villain on bigger Ax than yourself. AJ is possible, but I didn't really expect to see other big Ax here much based on the hand history.
I think you played it fine. Doubtful V would have put more money in on the river after you check-call turn on the ace.
What else could you do on the river? You jammed $370 into $460 on a brick. It's 80% pot, but he didn't have enough behind for you to take a sizing that would look like you can bet-fold. Maybe you could bet $200, but that just makes it look like you have no bluffs.
Maybe you could block-bet something small, just to get called by some worse AX. You're not putting him on KK, obviously. But if your block-bet induces a spaz-jam, and you fold, it's a disaster.
I think with a sneaky 2P, if we want to bet for value, we should just jam and pray we fade the snap call.
Interesting to note his KK double-blocks Broadway here (KJ). It unblocks all the QJ/JT we might have when we check turn. It also blocks combos of AK. If he doesn't have the Ks, then he's also unblocking our busted BDFD's, that couldn't have an ace in them. If he had KK with no spade, he might have talked himself into a call.
Nice hand.