defending bb vs wide hj rfi and tight sb flat
i was in this session with this tight passive player to my immediate right. Hes not too passive because he can get over aggro with QQ+.
Anyway i keep finding myself in these wierd squeeze spots where a player with wide ranges open and this guy flat JJ-77, big suited Ace, and big suited kings. I would have 99, AQ, KJ and it feels awkward squeezing cause dude got such a tight range.
Should i just squeeze here, get dude with wide range out and have this passive dude to myself and oop?
1 Reply
Squeezing is fine but you need to figure out how to exploit SB post flop. If he is flatting kings out of the SB he isn't real tight.
Consider adjusting your squeezing range. Don't use the KTs type hands, instead use 87s. That way when you flop one pair you can be fairly sure SB didn't. Just don't get carried away because he will have more higher pocket pairs when you do this.
If his range is strong then don't over value your moderate hands post flop. If you squeeze with KJ and SB still has KQ and AJ in his range then hitting top pair isn't a big hand, it's a moderate value hand. Try to take advantage of your position and check hands down.
If he is fit or fold then c-bet almost all the time and then get careful if he sticks around. If he is more sticky then c-bet less and pot control more.
Find out if he will take a stab at pots just because you didn't bet or if his bets are value. In the first case you will have to call more to pick off his bluffs in the second you can fold unless you have strong value.