[ZERO] An HU Friend Game, I have 10000 chips vs Villian 700 chips, I lost

[ZERO] An HU Friend Game, I have 10000 chips vs Villian 700 chips, I lost

I'm the player "可爱喵喵". From the hand 173, we are heads up.

Although I know that players in HU are very loose, I don't know how to handle the continually miss condition. Finally, I'm beaten...

I'm so frustrated. However, I don't know where I made mistakes.

Could someone figure out the main mistakes for me? Very thanks!

(We don't play cash. However, I'm very eager to win...)

Information: From the past observation, the Villian is good at bluffing. Also, he always limps at normal 6max table.

22 July 2024 at 02:46 PM

4 Replies

Also, the Villian(tree) always wins in the friend game. Maybe my observation is wrong.

This is for live. HU online with less than 10bb is far from the topic of conversation.

Run better.

Don't raise to 3bb HU when V has less than 10bb, 2bb or everything is more than enough.
Esp. don't raise 2.5x and then x/f flops often.

You were folding your button a lot. AIUI you want to be playing about 66% of your BTN range HU.

It's not a big sample, but you weren't betting much post flop and he was betting a lot and you were folding. Eg. hands 192 and 194, and I'd assume flop is a raise in 196 and flop is a bet in 198.
Very suspicious of 199 and 201. Like I'd assume he's just bluffing a lot when you check a lot.

Thanks for your advice!

"This is for live. HU online with less than 10bb is far from the topic of conversation."

Sorry for that. I will be more careful viewing topic name before entering the topic (:

He needs 3 double ups to get even with you. just push all in (ATC) until he busts, or doubles 3 times, and then play poker.
