2/5, $25 bomb pot, deep

2/5, $25 bomb pot, deep

I havne't posted a hand in a while but I ran into a good one the other night.

At this casino we normally do a $25 bomb pot when a new dealer is pushed. Everything else is the same. Single board NLHE.

I've been on a heater since I sat down. I've won 4-5 big pots by making hands and getting paid. There is a room-wide high hand jackpot every 30 minutes and I won the last one with quad kings. I got it all in pre against the player to my left. Villain just moved to the table from another table with a big stack. I have about $2300 and he covers by a few hundred. He hasn't seen all the hands I've won but he surely has noticed that he and I have about half the chips on the table between us. He hasn't played very many hands, if any at all.

I'm dealt Q-8o in early position. 7 players are in the pot so there is $175 out there.

Flop: ($175) Q-7-8 rainbow. I lead out for $100. Villain raises on the button to $400. It folds to me and I call.

Turn: ($975) 2d. This puts a second diamond on the board. I check pretty quickly and villain absolutely SNAP shoves for $1900 effective.

I go into the tank and try to get him to talk. I ask him if he would do this with A-7dd. I ask him if he has a set. No response at all. I ask him if he will show if I fold and he says he absolutely will not.

Hero... ???

26 July 2024 at 02:25 AM

19 Replies

Probably a bluff im calling

by billylean k

Probably a bluff im calling

What bluffs does he have here? Just a random airball?

You beat value so def call. I like a c/r better from ep in a bomb pot on flop tho, and if you do lead out I'd prob bet much smaller.

You beat Q7.

bluffs usually take a moment to compute, snaps are usually impulse. BP's are just bingo poker and I dont feel a random top 2 pair hand qualifies as a cooler. I just let it go and assume he flopped a set. Also you should be checking 100% of of hands otf precisely for these reasons, even AA or top set.

What are the suits? Does two pair with a diamond draw exist? Maybe he has t9dd? You lose to 5 combos so we need to find something you beat. Even then the combo draws have equity so yeah it comes down to whether he does this with worse value ie q7?

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Two pair with a diamond draw is possible. We do not know from description if it is Q8, Q7, or 87.

I'd be surprised if people are raising off much in bomb pots with just a backdoor draw - I wouldn't think the diamonds are particularly relevant here. If there's a draw it's most likely T9 or 65.

With only 5 combinations you lose to and an inconsequential turn card I go with this - if he has a set so be it - there are 4 combinations of Q8 for a chop and 12 combinations of Q7/87 which you beat. It's a pretty big shove for 2/5 (bomb pot or no) but even if you give the 2p hands a hefty discount (and assume few to no bluffs) you still have odds to call.

I should add that I'm no bomb pot expert...there's probably a very high bias towards the nuts...even so you are very high up

i think its a call. also flop strat seems poor - questionable if u want leads from the early positions and unlikely 60% pot is a good size if so

only thing that makes me consider folding is him saying hes not going to show and how deep u r but ultimately hand is too good and at least have to somewhat downweight him taking this line with better. you're just going to see random torches at games people arent familiar with. is pretty dumb line by him w anything given he has position and spr but would think weighted towards the "thinner" parts of his value range (2p, tp?, overpairs?) and either random semi bluff or something that picked up equity and doesnt want to b/f

I love bomb pots!

I fold.

I love bomb pots but all the rooms I play in have dbl brd which plays a lot different.

That said, the insta shove is far more often an attempt to look stronger than reality, especially if it is done enthusiastically and, as in this case, at a point where Hero isn't obviously pot committed.

V was dealt anything between ATC and AA. The way H played flop and turn could be a TP with a good but not great kicker. It doesn't look like a Top2. V was either always on a bluff steal attempt or he thinks he has TPGK beat, probably the latter. V could have been on a SD and now he has a SD and FD. That would be instashove worthy.

I'm calling.

There are 5 combos of sets and 6 combos of both Q7 and 87.

We’d have to be REALLY sure this isn’t an overplay to want to fold here.

How many players is he rasing into - were there any folds, is it all 6????

If it is 6, unless he;s a complete maniac or has no idea, I'd heavily discount a bluff, and even a a semi bluff.

I think his range on the flop is basically all sets, and all 2ps. With the turn shove, I'd weight it slightly to sets. Fold.

Highly doubt a straight draw is raising with the field behind and you being able to shove him off his hand. This is 2p and sets. Either fold flop or call all in on turn. Call flop fold turn makes no sense when he’s basically always jamming.

I would call it off fwiw.

I was originally going to advise fold, but I looked up the equity vs {77-88, Q7} and we have 60% equity. I could easily see somebody overplaying Q7 here and maybe a lower two pair. Much more confident in that read than his range only being sets. We can't fold given our huge edge in one of the more pessimistic scenarios (and no reads).

Probably comes down to basic profiling & any physical tells

Snap shoving kinda makes me wanna cawl tho


V probably isn't raising over a big flop bet with many, if any bluffs. Single board bomb pots tend to play pretty straightforward.

The snap shove on a brick turn isn't a sign of weakness. It's a sign that he knows he's got the best hand, knows we have a strong hand, and he doesn't need to see any more cards to make his decision.

by Koko the munkey k

What bluffs does he have here? Just a random airball?

Something random i think

by billylean k

Something random i think

It would have to be completely random because nothing got there, he's repping zilch if his goal was to bluff. Some people are FOMO driven and want to get it in with draws in case it hits but this dude raised the flop so I think we can discount that. It looks more like a "i hate bad beats" kind of bet that just wants to win the pot now.
