Flopped top set multiway

Flopped top set multiway

2/5 NLHE 9 handed, everyone in this hand and at the table is deep, very splashy table with only 3 regulars.

Hero - middle aged European, not used to playing for this much so I am pretty nervous (I'm a weekend warrior).

V - Middle aged Chinese Rec player, calls down very light, overplays medium strength hands, very high VPIP and PFR, I have seen him bluffing but it was into his Chinese "friend".

Villain in UTG raise to 12.5, BTN (reg), SB (fish) and Hero calls in BB with 55.

Flop (50€ðŸ˜‰ - 2h 3c 5c

SB checks and I bet 75, V calls and it folds around.

Turn (200€ðŸ˜‰ - 2h3c5c Jd

I bet 320, Villain thinks for 20 seconds and calls.

River ( 840€ ) - of suit 9

I shove for around 1600 effective hoping to get calls from undersets and random two pairs that had flush draw, maybe some QQ-AA.

Will post results later,
I had a friend at the table who viewed this hand has an easy check OTR.

) 1 View 1
05 August 2024 at 09:52 AM

9 Replies

I dont hate a donk bet 4 ways but the flop overbet donk is very weird. Looks like thr exact hand you have as the exact player you are. Big hand that scared money is trying to protect against draws. Id go 35 or so, or id check raise, either is fine. Check call is ok too but id say inferior.

Turn jeez, double overbet seems so strong. Usually when an overcard peels ott you bet like 75% pot but that theory side of things sorta goes out the window 4 ways. Im fine with continuing to blast, although id be more inclined to run this line with A4/46/4x draw/fd than 55. Id probably go 75% pot here (both with my preferred line of betting 35 otf and with your line), but i hate this overbet way less than the last one.

River, honestly at this point if he has QQ+, the man tanked turn and now hes caught hook line and sinker, so im fine with this jam. He may have tanked while deciding whether to raise you with JJ, but whatever, im way way more fine with the river overbet than the flop or turn overbet, but if just be way more likely to show up with A4/46 as my made hands than 55 on this line (not that id personally ever be running this line).

I would weight toward Jxcc, having called the turn bet of 1.1xpot. I believe you'd still get raised by 22 33 on the turn.

I like a bet of about 610 otr, targeting that Jxcc

I also like the flop donk and turn bet but not the amounts. The overbets scream made hand. They undermine your ability to bluff future hands with smaller bets. You’ve got to be concerned that V has A4 or JJ after he called both overbets. I am just doubtful V calls your 2x pot river bet with QQ-AA often enough to justify the shove. I agree raise the river to 600.

Not trying to be that guy, but how is raising €12.50 a thing?

PRE - Given the description of V, I could see sometimes 3B'ing with 55 here. But flatting seems like the standard play, I guess.

FLOP - definitely donking here, though probably just pot, or less, like 2/3 pot, not an over-bet.

TURN - unless he's got JJ, the turn is a brick. We're losing to A4, 64, and JJ. Not too much else to worry about, so I probably over-bet 1.3x-1.5x pot, if we bet smaller on the flop.

Since we over-bet the flop, I might slow down and check here, hoping V does something really stupid and bets, preferably big. If we want to bet, I'd probably just bet 2/3 pot, not over-bet.

At this point I'm starting to get concerned that our over-betting flop and turn is likely to weight his range towards super-thick value. Hard to see how many worse hands he can have when he's calling these huge bets.

RIVER - I agree with your friend. When we bet huge on flop and turn, and get called, I think we need to slow down, and give V a chance to bet worse for value or bluff.

The thing about your over-bets on flop and turn is that they don't put any pressure on your opponent to raise with his stronger hands, or call with marginal hands. It wouldn't shock me if V called with Ac4c, 6c4c, or JcJx.

Unless your V is just absolutely terrible, I'm not sure how many worse hands he can have that will call the river. Jamming to get called by 6 combos of 33/22 or 1 combo of Jc9c is pretty optimistic. I think I would mostly be folding those hands if I was your V, and only calling with top set or a straight.

If you bet 1/3 pot on flop, 2/3 pot on turn, and full pot on river, I could see V calling with top pair good kicker, all his 2P, and all his worse sets. If you bet pot on flop, 1/2 pot on turn, and checked river, I could see V bluffing, or betting worse for value.



Villain folded and showed 34 with Flush draw. (so I guess flop suits were wrong)

by xicoas k



Villain folded and showed 34 with Flush draw. (so I guess flop suits were wrong)

I'm curious to see other people comments on this but I don't think V played that well his hand, did he?

V shouldn't be opening 43s from UTG, and should probably fold the turn when hero puts in the second over-bet. This guy plays like he's allergic to money. Make sure to get his number and ask him to text you before he goes to the card room.

Villain is a mega whale, 80% VPIP and spews a lot postflop, he appeared yesterday and there was no table in 2/5 so we opened 5/10 just to play with him and his friend, his friend is not so bad and they were speaking chinese in the middle of the hands which is collusion..

by xicoas k

Villain is a mega whale, 80% VPIP and spews a lot postflop, he appeared yesterday and there was no table in 2/5 so we opened 5/10 just to play with him and his friend, his friend is not so bad and they were speaking chinese in the middle of the hands which is collusion..

In that case, keep betting big into him with your value, but be prepared to fold when his obvious draws come in.

Ask him and his friend to speak English at the table. If they keep reverting to Chinese, ask the floor to step in.

In the hand here, I still think it would have been best to check to him on the river, to let him bluff or bet worse for value. He might not have bluffed, but we'll never know.

I would consider setting up some future plays by showing him a missed draw when we check to him and he checks back. If he keeps checking back rather than bluffing when we give him rope, or especially if he checks back with weak value, then we can start betting more thinly, and bluffing him more frequently.
