5/5 Looking for max value with turned boat in limped pot

5/5 Looking for max value with turned boat in limped pot

€5/5 game, with a lot of action tonight, but not in this particular hand.

UTG straddles to 10, UTG limps (unknown rec, 500 stack), another limp in LP (loose fish, 600), Hero (2k) is in the SB with 5c5d and completes the straddle, BB (covers) completes, straddle (covers) checks.

Flop (50) AcAh3h, everyone checks.

Turn (50) AcAh3h 5s, Hero bets 30, only UTG+1 calls (is anyone check/raising? I don't see much value in it myself after the flop checks round).

River (110) AcAh3h 5s 6h, Hero…?

So, what would your sizing be here (presuming you'd bet; I don't think check/raising would be the way to go here, but if anyone disagrees, feel free to chime in)?

11 August 2024 at 01:25 AM

13 Replies

You villain is UTG+1, which you describe as unknown. So you can't say much about what he is limping other then it leans away from trash. The heart draw came in on the river and some straights are possible. I would target good hands and bet €75. Weak hands are giving up but a pot sized bet is probably too much. You want to get some calls from AX/wheels straights and low flushes that don't like the situation but won't give up easily either.
On the turn the bet is obvious. While there is a reasonable chance somebody bets you can't run that risk and end up with a trivial pot on the river. You just made a big hand and need to start building the pot.
Check/raise on the river is more interesting but against an unknown opponent too risky. The board is dangerous and a lot of good hands might check behind.

prefer c/r both turn and river, if betting prefer overbets.

I would bet 35 or 40 here. I am not interested in betting so much that a flush won’t raise.

$45 OTR. I think well played.

The most likely hand he has is flushes. Bet big. I’d bet pot. If he raises I would fold.

This is pretty awesome. Five responses so far and all of them are different:

-3/4 pot
-c/r (or overbet)
-1/3 pot
-half pot

This is interesting.

im overbetting the turn to like $100 i dont think flush draws fold anyway, and no way Ax folds. And then you can 2x or 3x pot the river. (Or jam if its the guys wjo are 500-600 deep)

When V has a capped range you wanna be overbetting. You get folds a lot but thats fine. You need to get called way less often to be more profitable.

I will say this needs to be an approach as a whole to these spots, if you only overbet with huge hands, people can correctly overfold. You can overbet with gutshots and flush draws as well.

Putting aside the theory argument, what makes you think ranges are capped? We know nothing about the guy who checked flop and called turn. Fish love slowplaying hands that don’t “need protection” and they love slowplaying flopped trips. Why would we remove A5 and A3 from his range?

Obviously I’m not super scared of running into those hands but I don’t think we can call Villain “capped” here.

by CallMeVernon k

Putting aside the theory argument, what makes you think ranges are capped? We know nothing about the guy who checked flop and called turn. Fish love slowplaying hands that don’t “need protection” and they love slowplaying flopped trips. Why would we remove A5 and A3 from his range?

Obviously I’m not super scared of running into those hands but I don’t think we can call Villain “capped” here.

Fair enough. I still think its capped enough.

Capped in practice doesnt mean literally 0% nuts, and V is capped not only because youd expect action sometimes, but also because their massive limping range makes A3 A5 a smaller % of their range.

I also think the type of V checking flop and calling turn with A3 is doing the exact same thing with any other Ax and wont be able to get away from it. Especially since $100 is a small bet at a 5/5/T game in absolute value, i doubt they even fold mid PP

Definitely targeting a mid PP with River sizing.

I don't know what's calling, other than AX or better, so I probably just go big, like 1.5x pot, and pray he doesn't make a nitty fold.

We know nothing about V. Until he proves otherwise, I'd assume he could be a rec-fish who limps in with every combo of AX, and every pocket pair, and every suited connector, and he isn't likely to get away from top trips or a flush. I wouldn't expect him to show up with 74 or 42 for a straight, but it wouldn't shock me if he was holding on with some weird PP's, like 77-JJ.

It's not totally insane to think V might have limped in with the intention of limp-raising, and didn't get the chance. So he's holding KK or AK, and gets this flop, and doesn't know what to do. Can't make himself fold KK, can't force himself to raise AK.

When we bet 60% pot on turn, and get called, he's got something, or thinks we have nothing. Doesn't seem like he's in a folding mood, so I think we can go big, to target all his stuff that doesn't want to fold, and thinks we're over-playing worse value or bluffing.

i think an overbet is the best way to get an ace to hero fold lol. dislike turn line, would rather xr since i think people will nearly always bet an ace but won't raise with one at nearly the same frequency. also if u do decide to bet the turn id pot for that same reason
