1/2: KK facing PSB OTR from unknown

1/2: KK facing PSB OTR from unknown

$500 eff, 6-handed, V is an unknown 🐠 from out of town

Hero $15 UTG K❤️K️, UTG1 and BTN call

Flop ($45): 7️7️5❤️
Hero $20, call, call

Turn ($105): 4
Hero x, UTG1 x, BTN $45, Hero calls, UTG1 folds

River ($195): Q
Hero x, BTN $175, Hero folds

Was this a reasonable line?

19 August 2024 at 07:44 AM

11 Replies

What does “unknown fish” mean? I realize our reads are limited but how did we conclude he’s a fish?

I think it’s probably well played but if we know he bluffs when checked to a lot or plays TT really weirdly then we can find a call. But his line suggests he has us beat. Only a few reasonable bluffs for him to have, so fold looks good.

Agree that he isn't pushing this with something you beat often enough to call. Whatever you do though, don't tell him what you had.

Preflop: $15 is a big raise for 1/2, but if people will give you action on a raise that big you might as well go for it.

Flop: Bet $30. Calling such a big preflop raise likely means your opponents are too loose. A loose player won't fold any hands for $30 that he'd call with for $20, so get the extra value.

Turn: As played, good.

River: Put out a small bet of $50ish and fold if he raises. A small bet likes this gets value out of hands like 88 and costs you less when your opponent has a 7 or a boat. Don't worry about unknown 1/2 players jambing the river on a bluff.

Just my opinion...

Yeah I would fold. if the Q has come ott, or if there was a FD, id probably find a call, but theres absolutely zero value you beat, and near zero natural bluffs for him to have. 86 gets there, i mean, what, 65/64 for pair +oesd he turns into a bluff? Or he turns a random PP into a bluff?

Heck, on the turn i could see an overplayed 88-JJ, but not when Q hits river and he fires big.

Beyond the fact that fish can spaz out with any hand at any time, I feel like the runout and the betting line combine to eliminate anything less than trips.

I cannot find a fold here getting 2-1. V can have 66, 65, 88, 33 and all kinds of spaz that he would play the same way.

H's river check looks weak and V blasts off with strong range advantage. I think he'd make a value bet with 7x.

I'm not sure why we think he's a fish since he's floated with the range advantage and put us in the blender on the river reasonably high up in our range.

I don't really understand this line. If we're ahead on the flop, we're probably ahead on the turn and river. Why are we checking back turn on a brick, and folding river? What is V repping here?

I'd prefer to check flop from OOP, and make a delayed c-bet on the turn if the flop checks through. I don't see the point in c-betting the flop, checking a brick turn, and folding a meaningless river.

If he has trips or better, I think I'm just paying him off with KK.

Check flop or quarter pot flop.

River is close. I think I lean slightly towards fold because of the large river bet, but it is conceivable he could be spazzing or just have floated flop withAQ, tabbed turn, and now he, "got there."

His river sizing kind of says 7x or better to me though. I think most players wouldn't go this size with Qx.

are we sure he's a fish? Because if he isn't, he might rightly realise that he has a nut advantage on this board outside of a rivered QQ. And he might view your turn passivity as someone who wants to get to showdown cheaply with what he sees as a vulnerable hand and decides to bluff you off the river

I'm bet/folding turn and bet/folding river here. As played, I sigh call getting 2 to 1 but aim to play the turn better next time

Absolutely calling river as played. Nearly instacalling. I kinda like river check to induce.

I’d keep betting turn.

y'all really fold a lot vs. unknowns. i thought one of the reasons we downbet the flop is induce peels, which means we should not be overfolding river.

the small $20 bet induces Qx to call, and plenty of people will put you on 88-JJ here and think Qx is the nuts.

anyways i bet like $10 on the flop, $30-40 on turn, $60 or so on river, and b/f the turn and river.
